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struggling artist with hopes of being doujinka
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Anime Fan Since
FOREVER! no really, since i was born. my dad was obsessed with speed racer.
Favorite Anime
HELLSING. inuyasha, juvinile orion, full metal alchemist, wolf's rain, have read pretty much everything!
to be a mangaka.
well, i draw alot.
AHA! i now have a talent! i can walk on glas without getting cut! that can turn into a job, right?
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, May 6, 2005
yeah...i luv MXC

ok...does anyone have a good anime tutorial cite? i've seen a few, but they don't help at all. wah. not fun right now. so tired. NO VIOLEN LESSONS TOMARROW! YAY! but i'll have to practice double. damn.... an hour extra to be exact. darn..... so, what's everyone's favorite color? i feel like askin questions. and you can ask me any! and i actually visited people's cite. were is lord sessy? speaking of who, he killed me in the inuyasha game. twice. i didn't even think he could atack in the game. he can. there's only one level so far, which sux. not happy with that. i have come up with a pen name: the paper fox! teh....i might ne famous some day and you ask to borrow money.....or at least brag you know you know me...if that ever happens. gotta go! see ya later! aam i good artist? somewhat? (i have fan art in the archives)
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
not much time

ok, i just got the coolest thing on my phone, it's the inuyasha game! it's cool, and addictiong. gotta go now, so short. what's ur favorite drink?(not alcholic!)
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005

yes, on the 13 i'll do another one of those things. thankies for the support.
as a few of u know, i had a feild trip today.we went to a bunch of churches, ya know, like roman stuff and crap. i wasn't paying any attention, so can't really tell you beyond that. we went to a bunch of different sects of christianity, since it teaches tololence of somthing. and in every church, it felt like they were trying to convert you. it was insane. didn't like it all.
i think the song ''electric avenue'' should be on the next ipod commercial....what do you think should be on it?
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
mi new stupid idea

okay, now on everday that has a 3 as the last digit(3,13,23) i'm going to do a profile of lesser known manga. i'll call it the weekly lesser known manga thing. part from that, sounds good to me. anyways, sorry if this manga is really popular were u are or i say somthing wrong about it. but it's mi opinion, not urs. so deal. here it is!
Basic Plot: these college kids that go around publishing their own manga, that carries on loads of problems, and there's chick fighting too. also an undeground manga convection. pretty cool.
I Recommend To: mostly chicks, though some guys may like this. you'll defenitly enjoy it if you write ur own manga.
Artwork: is absoulutely amazing! personally, i luv it. it's what caught my attention. yet, a different style from what i'm normally used to.
How It Motivated Me: it made me want to continue my own manga, which i have been half-assing. so it really did motivate me.
interesting, huh? should i do that again? yes, no? anyways, that's all i have. part from i think i failed me violen test. and me history test. but i did mi homework! most of it anyways....
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Monday, May 2, 2005

short post again. long story. i got hellsing anime for half price. i got this manga called ''comic party'' i'm starvng and our kitchen is packed up so people can paint it. there is this really weird noise. the coffee maker is really loud. i still have to do mi homework. damn, i gotta go. see u lot later!
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Sunday, May 1, 2005

yesterday, as u all know, i went to see teh mummies. they weren't that scary, but there was this freaky music playing the whole time, and come on, it's dead people! it's only after u stare at them for a long time that they are scary. anyways, i sat in the corner and tried to rachel(fine, fine, i was freaked out to the point of near-tears. it wasn't the mummies, there was this guy following me around saying ''so u like the ramones?''(i had a ramones shirt) and it was just weird.) and it rang once and then dropped mi call. i didn't get any bars in the rest of the place either. wahhhh! freaky. the gift shop was cool though.i wanted an anubis statue, that was made in egypt, but they had run out. so i just stuck the display one into a box and bought that one. that's okay though.
apart from that, i didn't much. cept watch 'life of brian'' which was really funny, and if ur over the age of 15 u should see it. i luv monty python. and british humor. ''always look on the brightside of life....''
oh yeah.... I'M NOT IN BLOODY EGYPT!
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
more stuff

HS! it's 9!i've been visiting more cites. yay, i'm coming back. i'm watching spider man right now. it's okay. the pic is below. if you wanna see. yep. i have too much energy right now. and i keep hearing noises. i have to go the that stupid king tut place. i'm gonna come home with a curse. yeah...... i got into a fight with my all her fault though. no, literally.... i told her not to tell someone somthing and she did. course. but we ok now. i guess.
omg i have too much energy. i'm paranoid and jittery and stuff. my freind is gonna die tomarrow cuz of the ring. sad. tear. so not caring right now. nobody is pmin me lately. sad....that really sux. i guess i shall just ppm the world. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! gosh, i crazy. now to visit cites. how sad. i'm sad. the world is sad.
i was considering writing a mangascript that takes place at an all girl school. school? that's not right. anyways, if you catch me drift. should i? i think it would be interesting... i dunno. heh heh. dumb otaku people. they pic favorites and don't like me stuff. annoying. yeah, that's bout it.
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Friday, April 29, 2005
mi pic

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so boredddddddddddd
i have violen lessons today, and like no time to post. so i'll just show ya'll this:

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Thursday, April 28, 2005
not much time
okay, the reason i wasn't on at all yesterday was because i was grounded. long story.
i figured out how to set up my scanner. yay!
i'll visit every1 cite tonight.
does anyone have tips on drawing?
i have a test today.
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