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struggling artist with hopes of being doujinka
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Anime Fan Since
FOREVER! no really, since i was born. my dad was obsessed with speed racer.
Favorite Anime
HELLSING. inuyasha, juvinile orion, full metal alchemist, wolf's rain, have read pretty much everything!
to be a mangaka.
well, i draw alot.
AHA! i now have a talent! i can walk on glas without getting cut! that can turn into a job, right?
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
mainly hellsing

in case you don't know, i go home tomarrow, so i will visit all of ur cites! luv that! can't now, wahhhh! i have been getten no comments cause of that. my fault, not urs. in refference to the question, ''what is pip?'' it is ''who is pip?'' he is a charactar in the hellsing manga. am i the only one that has ever heard of him? i'm not makin this up! he's the guy with the long pony tail and eye patch and is commander. he brought(hijacked, same thing) the hellicopter to pick up alucard and police girl after fighting dandy. i havn't gotten to read the 6th volume yet, (still have half the fifth to go, and that's at home!) but here's a little gossip: i heard that alucard and integra are a couple in it!0_o, wait, how do people do that? anyways, yeah. can't help but crack up when i think about. heheheh.....
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
a miracle happened today

okay, have to be real quick bout this- still at aunt's house!
i was at the mall looking for the hellsing DVD and they didn't have an anime shop. so damn. but they had a bookstore so i went into there just for kicks. i looked at the hellsing books and low and behold, THE SIXTH BOOK OF HELLSING! NO WONDER IT STOPS AT A CLIFFHANGER! IT WASN'T DONE! A DREAM COME TRUE! and that's bout it. gotta go! bi^^
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Friday, April 15, 2005
none really

okay, like i said. i would do anything and everything to post. and that includes sneaking onto the computer. which is what i'm doing. heheh. *sweatdrop* anyways, sorry to those who i had to cut off short on messenger today. really sorry! most of today i was bored out of my mind. and then i got stuck sittin in the back ''seat'' of my aunt's car. that would be on the ground. on a pile of towls. and well, i could rest my head on the speaker phone. it was loud, but i'm used to loud music. then green day's holiday came on, and my sister was all like ''I LUV THIS SONG!!" and turned it up real loud. ouch. and now i'm here, at the computer, covered in drool from the dog. gross. whatever. has anyone here ever heard of runes? doubt it. oh well, see ya later! and has anyone ever heard of pip?
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
wicka, my bird, my aunt's house, whatever.

okay, it's like 3:26 am here....that's odd. i don't remeber it being that early. *sigh* it's sad by life truly has no point anymore. nothing happens. so maybe somthing will this weekend. i'm going to my aunt's house, and the last time i went there i got lost and had to ask this kid at a lemonade stand for directions. yeah, the kid had no idea where i was either. i got three shots the other day, and one is still sore. i don't think that's right. i mean it sortahurtz everytime i move it. i dunno, that just doesn't seen right. anyways, i have that stupid song heart of glass stuck in my head and i hear all this clanging noise. my bird bit me, such a little ass. he's sorta cute, but you can't really touch him. i'm the only one who can get him onto my finger. and then he bites. hey, did anyone here know that there is a sailor moon tarat card deck? yeah, i got bored yesterday and apart from attempting to visit everyoe's cite, i also looked up random crap. was really into that when i was younger. you'd be suprized. damn posers. at school, one of my freinds drew the sign of the beast(an upside down pentecle surrounded by a circle) on her arm and was like, ''look, it't the pentagon from wicka!'' that made me so mad. and she showed me her wicka book, it looks like one of those books that the girl scouts have. yes, i wish to learn wicka from the girl scouts. damn, you see why this annoys me?
my button i made in five minutes:

i will be making another one that's better, but this will do for now. it doesn't even have a good text. i see people have cites with buttons of their closest freinds. closest freinds, i wanna post ur buttons. so here's mine and send me the url of the buttons, if you have any. whoa, that sound, so weird.
url of pic:
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
stuff again. hehehe......yeah.

now i have nothing to talk about. bugger. oh, yeah, i now have yahoo messenger, so if you have a messenger account, it's anime_freak125. message me! i'd luv it! i don't even need to be on the net. i am so bored. hehe, my clubs(i only partically own one, denomicalchemist owns the other half) are doin so well. happy!
ATTENTION! i am lookin for some help to make a webcite. i cannot do it myself, too hard, and my freind said she would help me, but has backed out on the deal. its a kill kagome cite, that's pretty importan. here's the guidelines:
1. you can't luv kagome
2. you half to have a slite knowledge of computers.
3. no age requirements.
4. and that's it. nothing else. so i hope sombody is willing to take the job.
okay, well my mind is sorta swimming right now, so i'm gonna go. head spinning. wow. does anyone here know what gloomy sunday is? here's the part i know of it:
sundays are gloomy, my hours are slumberless.
dearest, the shadows i live with are numberless.
little white flowers willl never return you.
not were the black couch of sorrow has taken you.
angels have no thoughts of ever returning you.
would they be angry if i though of joining you?
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
bill gates

i'm late to add today, but that's okay. wahhhhhhhh! i got nothing done this morning! i fell asleep! today i have a doctors appointment, which that should be fun. i kept on hearing this weird noise last night, it sounded like a didnasaur ro somthing. scary. i don't have much time, lucky i'm even gettin this done. my eyes hurt when i open them, screen is too bright. if you want to see the quiz question, they're down below this. now, here are the reasons i hate bill gates:
1. he's rich(well duh)
2. in his house, all the pictures change around so if you sneak in, u'll bever find ur way out.
3. he's the devil, if you take his name (bill gate III) and put that into that cmputer language that makes letters numbers, and all the numbers together, it adds up to 666.
4. he works for the government.
5. he creeps the shit out of me.
6. if you have a really old computer, and you type into microsoft word, ''i hope microsoft will one day rule the world'', and then highlight it and press shift f7, it sez somthing lke ''i can drink to that!''(there are also other things you can type in, but i'm not saying! too racist)
7. he's helping the government design this chips to put into us that would tell you exactly who you are and can desrtoy you with the touch of a button.(injects stuff into you)
8. he owns a horse.
9. he's rich.
10. i need someone to hate, so i though bill gates was pretty good. so ahem, i beleive i have said this on my xanga a while back, but if he didn't get this, this is to bill gates:
there's one more thing i want to sya, but i think i will have offended everyone and i just hope my ass won't get kicked. god. well that's bill gate's fault. and this to bill gates- my computer is a peice of crap. guess what? itsa windows 95, u little ****. screw this, i'm getten macontash.
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Monday, April 11, 2005

me and denomicalchamist have started a manga writers club. if you write ur own manga, join! here are ur choice of buttons:

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contest end/yay! i can make stuff!

okay, here are the last two questions. kinda sad. though i think i found a winner. and i'll be giving second and third prizes too. hehe, they'll all suck, but whatever. i figured out how to make avatars and such, so i'll make that. if anyone needs anything in that department, just ask!
Question second to last(hehe, i forgot the numbers)(this is an easy one): name three anime/manga that envolve people coming back from the dead or somthing like that?(ahem)
next question: give me integra's(hellsing) full name.
both of those pretty easy. if you want to earn more points, check my archives my more questions. the last day to enter is the thirteenth! so the moment the clock strikes twelve, done! more or less.
i'm so happy i can make stuff though! next time, i will be posting about the one person in this world i hate(apart from family): bill gates. i have good reasons too! also, sorry this is so short. wanna join me club? just ask! bibi!
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
this an avatar i made myself! so proud!

so proud
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club thingy, movie, contest, Gb, and the ramones

okay, i am on the boderline of putting up parts of the script for my manga or not. it matters if any of you are interested in that. i dunno.
if you want to join the club, just ask. anyone can, doesn't matter if you've seen hellsing or not. well, i mean if you think alucard is cool or somthing.
okay, i am absoulutely so bored right now, and i have nothing to talk about. damn. guess what? i know almost have a hundred GB signitures. so happy. i just finished watching a blast from the past. good movie. also, in my next post, are the last two questions to my contest. and the winner gets somthing, dunno what yet. any suggestions?
by the way, why hasn't anyone heard of the ramones? that drives me insane. i have this whole little book about them. somthing about teaching british people how to rock was like their goal. i dunno.....i'm sorry people who live in the UK! that's the ramones talken, not me? wll, it is me, but yeah, ya know. i have bloody ''iko iko'' stuck in my head. damn. HOW THE HELL DO YOU PUT MIDI ON UR CITE?
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