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struggling artist with hopes of being doujinka
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FOREVER! no really, since i was born. my dad was obsessed with speed racer.
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HELLSING. inuyasha, juvinile orion, full metal alchemist, wolf's rain, have read pretty much everything!
to be a mangaka.
well, i draw alot.
AHA! i now have a talent! i can walk on glas without getting cut! that can turn into a job, right?
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
this is sorta what i look like

yes, sorta what i look like, but i have more freckles.
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read the one below this too

yeah, i know it sux, but i used a program that came with my computer. so even though it's bad, nobody else has a hellsing-ish fanclub, so why not me? hope someone is willing to post this hidious thing on their cite.

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stuff, no clowns, my own manga, and the ramones.

today i finally got the CD i wanted. the ramones! sorry if you guys don't like em. speaking of which, does anyone know of a cite with free music on it that i can put on my cite. also, a cite with lyrics. that would be nice. i ask for too much stuff. anyways, my mom made me wash her car today. that was not fun. all by hand too!goddam. my freind rachel hasn't called me back yet. about a week and a half ago, she a had a concert and she called me before hand, and said she would call me back after the concert. well, that must be one long ass concert. yeah. i'm also not so much better. i was so hungry from throwing up, i ate too much, like twice the size of my stomach. and now i can barely move without feeling i have internal bleeding. and i'm not fat! if ur wondering. i am so bored. i finished my manga script today. i've only come up with one charactor design though. the title is ''the two curses of the third violen''. yeah, it makes sense if you read it. the basic idea is two sisters(19&18) are out to set the score with the government, equipped with violen cases loaded with weopons. this turns into a struggle of bad verses good. but which is which may be a bit of a suprise....
yeah, that's so far. and yes, i have finished the whole thing. which kinda sux, cause i can't continue it. too many people die. i say more i give it away! it's really sad though.well, i don't have anything else to say, so bibi! oh yeah, i think i might stay to this, or switch to ROD for a week and then this. i like this too much! i think i'll wait on that.
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Friday, April 8, 2005
dreams with charactors, louie IVX, and star wars

i now have some good advice for you people-never try to put pajama bottoms on while on the top step of the stairs. you'll fall and hurt yourself. trust me. and if you don't, well, that's pretty damn amazing. i am so sick of hearing about the damn star wars movie. did you know that my mom was a trekkie? amazing. annoys me somthimes, th nerve. hey, has anyone here ever heard of the band LOUIE IVX?(14) yep, that's life(and this is wallgreens). hehe, look what the media does to you. anyways, i had the freakiest dream last night. don't judge by this, this only the second time i have had a weird dream involving a charactor. my freind had a dream she was sesshomaru, which was really freaky. anyways, it was at school, in math class, and we had a substute teacher. i hadn't looked up yet, and i was drawing, which is what i always do. anyways, the teacher yells my name, i look up, and it's integra hellsing. that scared me. then she took out a lighter and tried to set me on fire. yeah, that was about it. has anyone else here have dreams with charactors in it? bibi!
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
them, fanfic, and inuyasha

okay, wel, i'll finish the story later. i only have a couple of minutes. yesterday was terrible. and now my stomach hurts. i think i have the flue. all these people are reveiwning my fanfic! yippeee! that made my day. i am so sick of them showing the omigumo episodes. i hate them, they bore me death. i feel so lost. anyways, in like two weeks, i might do a week long theme of ROD. has anyone ever heard of that? i also drew some manga yesterday. they're terrible! bleh! but, the dfinetly could be worse. yeah.i am praying i have a good day today, probably not though. sorry this was so short, bi!
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005

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ranma half and other stauff(clowns)

today i learned an important lesson:people in other countries like ranma half. i now have cultivated a list of over thirty anime gallery cites. some good, some okay, none bad! yippee! i so happy! big accomplishment. people are so cool. okay, well, here is the beggining of my creepy clown story. this one isn't too famous yet, so tell all ur freinds! i havn't, but still!
chapter 1.
there was a single mom and her daughter. i know, crappy way to start out a story. the father had died when the girl was very little. every night she would have this dream of her father dieing. he wascovered in maggots, not a normal amount though. they came from all over. and in each dream he said, ''find the sign, then you won't end up like me. you will die, but you won't end up like me.'' so on her twelth birhtday, her mother took her to the circus. it was fun, and at the end, the mother told her she could pick out whatever she wanted. one little clown(DUH DA DUH) doll, that when you put bateries in it, it walked around and laughed. so the mom bought it for her, to her much dislike, since she hated clowns. so one night the mom needed to go on a business trip. she left the daughter alone with the house. she would only be gone one day. so the daughter stayed up watching a scary movie. she would hug the doll close, because she was scared and she felt it was the sign. after the movie she went to bed. in the middle of the night she woke up to the clown laughing and walking around her room. ''what, i didn't put batteries in you...''
and that's like half the story right there. have fun with it! oudie!
PS. how do you like the backround? a keeper, or no?
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
i found this picture, and i thought i should share it with you all!

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the story ends

okay, hello everyone! tuesday, god, i hate tuesdays. well, it's like, 5:45 in the morning here. yeah. don't you hate it when your freinds call you at like 3 and are like ''dude, are you up?'' i hate that. some people do that all the time. that or call me at 12:30 while i'm watching inu. i officially hate time changes. and tacos. i can't get the taste of tacos outa my mouth. okya, the story continues! and ends, i think.
so now all three of the kids were dead. so the mother buried the third in the backyard next to her sisters. one day, before the husband had gotten home from work, she went to put flowers on the graves. as soon as she stepped outside, the three girls apeared. lucy was wet and her kneck was broken, and she was saying, ''mommy, i'm cold. i didn't want to die.'' mary was now transparent and was saying, ''mommy, my stomach feels weird, i don't want to die.'' jane was there, with her head in her hand and one of her hands gone. she said, ''mother, you are such a b-tch, why did you kill me!'' then she grabs a knife and charges at her. the mother gets into the house, grabs a bigger knife, and stands by the door waiting for the daughter to come in. somebody opens the door, and lunges, stabbing them multiple times. it was the husband. the next night, the husband came and killed the wife. and now the hole family was dead.
okay, that's a rap. now that's too bad, because i have this really cool (and scary) clown story to tell everyone. yeah. bibi!
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Monday, April 4, 2005
stuff, and the story had more death in it.

okay, woke up late this morning. sorry! i'll continue the story. i guess. well, i hope everyone had a good weekend. um, yeah. kinda in the dumps right now. oh well.
chapter 3.the third death.
okay, so mary and lucy had just died. now, it was janes sixth birthday. the mother and the father stayed extra carful about not killing her. now every year they would play a music box for their children's birthday. on the night after the party, the mother played the music box for her daughter. halfway throught the song it broke. the daughter asked her mother to fix it, but the mother just insisted on gettin another one the next. the daughter was angry and spent the whole night in her rocking chair, rocking with the wind. the next day the mother went to wake up her daughter, and she was just sitting in her rocking chair, rocking as the wind blew. this happened all day. and the next day. and the next day. until finally the mother brought an apple for her daughter. she cut it up, and tried to give it to her. but the daughter made no response. finally she tried to stuff it into her mouth. the daughter got up and grabbed the knife that the mother had used to cut the apple, and cut her mother's arm. the mother got the knife from her and cut off her hand. no blood came from the wound. ''ah, what aren't you bleeding!'' the mother asked, now backing away from her daughter. ''because after the music box broke, my two sisters came and killed me. i've been dead the whole time.'' the mother freaked out and took the knife and cut off her daughter's head. all she did after that was cried, for she had lost all her daughters now.
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