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struggling artist with hopes of being doujinka
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FOREVER! no really, since i was born. my dad was obsessed with speed racer.
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HELLSING. inuyasha, juvinile orion, full metal alchemist, wolf's rain, have read pretty much everything!
to be a mangaka.
well, i draw alot.
AHA! i now have a talent! i can walk on glas without getting cut! that can turn into a job, right?
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Thursday, March 24, 2005

HS! this person on fanfiction just threatened to get their whole family after me...whoa.
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okay, i actidently just deleted my other post, so i have to retype it. damn. hate it when this happens. so bored. i got gravitation, and this lady in line, who ''son loves manga'' was all like ''what's that about'' you don't want to know how that ends... really.
i think i shouls alert everyone here of somthing. i am anti bill gates. yes, my goal in life is to see bill gates die, and i hate him for many reasons...
i am also going to kill the next person i run into. on a happier note, i got an A+ on my social studies test. i have a D- in the class. i posted a quiz earlier, as a post though, and it works! but i don't want the peeps to get mad at me.
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okay, i actidently just deleted my other post, so i have to retype it. damn. hate it when this happens. so bored. i got gravitation, and this lady in line, who ''son loves manga'' was all like ''what's that about'' you don't want to know how that ends... really.
i think i shouls alert everyone here of somthing. i am anti bill gates. yes, my goal in life is to see bill gates die, and i hate him for many reasons...
i am also going to kill the next person i run into. on a happier note, i got an A+ on my social studies test. i have a D- in the class. i posted a quiz earlier, as a post though, and it works! but i don't want the peeps to get mad at me.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
stupid people on fanfiction

okay, well today is my big concert. wish me luck! people are gonna judge me. so scared. my freind also said she would let be borrow another hellsing book. what time zones are everyone else in? i dunno, it just seems weird what times we all are on. i dunno. whatever. I HATE THE DAMN PEOPLE ON FANFICTION! STUPID! i also hate were people will start using random japanese words, like ''baka'', and then they will all be like ''bakas!'' and that's not even a word. oh well, bye now! its 6 in the morning were i am. have to get ready...
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Monday, March 21, 2005
crazy lady

did anyone listen to kevin and bean this mornig. to that crazy lady that talks to john lennon and gets songs from him. that's insane!
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i dunno. . .

did you know that the nickname ''big ben'' is actually the name of the bell inside the tower, and its called this because a big guy named ben made it?
question of the day(why not?): if you could have any job ever, what would it be? (vampire slayer! BANG!BANG!)
my dad lives in florida, and he wants me to go out there to visit him and his kids. well, his kids are scared of me, but love my twin sister. my sister tells them that actually i'm sent by the devil to kill my family ans stuff like that(i wear alotta black, so what?)
PS- my sister is my family's crown jewl. everyone knows who she is. straight As, prude, and fat. that's how you explain her. i look somewhat like her, so my grandmother freinds will meet genae, then they will see me poking around the house, and ask who that is. my grandmother either says ''the other one'' or ''i don't know''. yep, been like that since i was twelve. sux... but oh well, i can't imagen it any other way! its just what comes with life!
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nighty night. sleepy tight. don't let the bedbugs bite.

ah well, i will be on later today(were i am, it says it's ten, but this says its tomarrow, so whatever.) right now, off to bed! yeah, i know it's earlie, but i haven't slept a wink in the last two days. and i'm sick. so i'll go tuck myself in, and hope that tomarrow people have REVEIWED MY FREAKING FANFICTION! GOD! WHAT THE HELL DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU PEOPLE(ON FANFICTION) TO LIKE ME? JBC! nighty night!
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not quite a cook

well, i'm starving, so i decided to make macoroni n cheese. so went into the kitchen and stuck the macaroni in a pot with some water and mixed it with a giant wooden speen. then i returned to the computer, and typed for another 15 minutes. got thirsty, and walked into the kitchen...oh shit. there was the pot, boiling over with foam, with the wooden spoon sticking out. the spoon was okay, but i can't say the same for the macoroni...
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did you know that when you hit someone on the head(not that hard, but not that soft) they loose 10,000 braincells. so, doing the math, you hit a person on the head 100 times, they loose a million braincells. i did this to my freind laurel^-^. god, how do you do that? oh well, smileys ain't my thing anyways.
PS i am never , ever, EVER going to tell anyone my name on fanfic. i write like terrible stories, but all these weird people are opsessed with them. oh well. besides, i could find my self if i wanted too. its too easy. just use you're noggin!
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Sunday, March 20, 2005