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struggling artist with hopes of being doujinka
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FOREVER! no really, since i was born. my dad was obsessed with speed racer.
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HELLSING. inuyasha, juvinile orion, full metal alchemist, wolf's rain, have read pretty much everything!
to be a mangaka.
well, i draw alot.
AHA! i now have a talent! i can walk on glas without getting cut! that can turn into a job, right?
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Friday, August 5, 2005

ok, i'm hugnry "is eating corny corn muffins" i can only see out of one's kinda weird, kinda unweird, and i can't really type for some reason either...i think it's cause i think one thing, wanna type another, and i get giberish...... oh man, does ANYONE watch CSI? cause ya should! i have "stay away" by L'Arc~En~Ciel right now...i luv spelling it like that..... instead of with spaces...ya know? so much more "classy" than most...i dunno why i like it, i just do, but that makes it sound cool, huh? not really...... oh well.... i can't focuse, and it's killing me, i swear it...i miss my freinds so much it's becoming worse and worse everyday .... you learn so much from CSI...if i spent the rest of my life watching it,i would be so smart.... i sound like a dumbass saying that.... nothing is happening, so not much to talk about. i hate that, i wish somthing would happen...the most interesting thing is that a neighboring city had a blackout...that's it.....
oh man,i need a life...
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
a theme.....heh heh

Today we have a theme:
Awkward Moments.....
i'll supply two, you guys can get the rest....
1. my freind was talking to me and showing me this beautiful picture(it had been CGed and printed off the computer) she had drawn(made, whatever). my other freind came up(mind you she is cery racist) and took one look at the picture and said "you know, only horny perverted japanese men draw that sorta shit." i froze...
2. my teacher was trying to explain why she was sad about her son... and how she wished she had had a daughter... she said that daughters will call you every day...and sons totally won't. so Mr. Witt comes in to tell her somthing and she's all like, "Witt, you don't call your mother every day, right?" Mr. Witt just looked down and said "no, my mother is actually deseased" i messed up my faced.....(?)
that's it..... i have others, but that's it.... i'm watching this show about this kid that was raised my dogs.... it's quite interesting....i saw some of it a while ago, now i'm finishing it... it's sad, he can't really go with other kids....they learned this cause when they set him with one he tried to maul them...... they got him a nanny...i swear that's the answer to everything.....
(i'll visit cites tonight just been busy lately)
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005

ok...have you ever noticed i start out every post with ok? i just noticed's sorta weird, it's like the ultimate transition eyes are all teary right now cause i just woke up and the screen is so white! needless to say, those things are not the most important....i went to bed at 1 cause i had to finish reading this book cause i was so into it....that's why i hate reading...
give me like ten minutes and i'm into it....except the harry potter books, my sister is all happy about it and i just looked up how it ended....haha....head is BOOMING right now..... oh, everyone is fighting again....damn it all...
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005

ok, again, nothing happened today.....i downloaded some MP3s, ate some food, slept, fell out of my bed and nearly ran into a wall...oh yes, i met the girl, and you guys were right:she is actually REALLY nice...she's somewhat annoying, but ya know, most of the people who are like that are. sorta girlie girlish, but still a really nice person. that's it...nothing else...apart from i dunno how to unzip zip files...that could be helpful...really short today...
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Monday, August 1, 2005

man, i hate house is so damn creepys me out...actually, i don't think i have ever used that word to describe anything, "spooky".
i forced myself to work on my doujnshi yesterday...... if i work on it all week and this weekend i might have it up in a week from now...maybe, but that would be once in a blue moon...i'll have it up soon....does anyone know how i can buy webspace, how much it costs, and where do i go to research that?i was just wondering cause every other artist has their own cite that they can do whatever they want on it and stupid freewebs limits what you can do(if you're wondering, this is ALL about a colored GB).
i had somthing else to say... forget it..... i had the weirdest dream..... i need to brush my was so weird cause at like twelve last night i was trying to go to bed but all the people downstairs kept on blairing music while making a CD... god, i yelled so loud....
ok, that'sit. bibi...
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Sunday, July 31, 2005

ok....i havn't done anything but sleep, drink, and sleep....that's it...i'm going to have to literally haul ass tomarrow if i want to have my doujinshi cite up in a week, i'm also going to have to work on it during the week, if that is even possible....i feel like my head is getting slammed into a wall a million times again and again and again....i got one thing done today, i finished my doujinshi cite with everything except for the right now all i have is a four paged cite with a bunch of words, and that's makes one feel pathetic....yeah, and i'm all hyped up for no reason whatsoever....well, most likely a reason that i have no idea why, but ya get the idea...... i think....i gope......i dunno.......i have the "Andy Milonakis show" theme stuck in my head....."i got peas on my head, but don't call me a pea head. i got bees on my head, but don't call me a bee head. i got bruce lees on my head" oh god that song makes you wanna die..... it's annoying...I FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET MP3s ON MY CITE! i have no idea how well it'll work, but if it does, i'll have music WITH tell me if it works.... i'm going to first have the english version to "every heart" up since i don't think most people have heard that.....
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
thank you

thanks to everyone who answered my question....^^
this morning i am in a good, no GREAT mood, and well, that about it...i really shouldn't be since my sister is being an asshole, but i dunno...
anyways, that's really just about it, apart from the fact i got an assload of comments yesterday...oh yeah...
there's this new chick that my freind is now freinds with...... and i don't have any good news for this, well, i know this is BAD, but this is how i feel: she's a REALLY good artist, and her freind CGs her art for her, so her artwork looks great, even when it's not CG, and i heard a rumor that she is now going to my i dunno, oh i feel like a ton of more pressure just went on me, and that deals with her attitude freind told me she's reall snobby, and she's stuckup, and she likes feeling bigger than other people, so i just have a bad feeling.... on the other hand, i'm just going to have to try harder...
i forgot how to spell "to" for a second....
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Friday, July 29, 2005
it's a long story...

hello, lately mt life hasn't been the best in the world...i now spend almost no time on my computer, and my head hurts so bad that i can't focuse....i suppose, tomarrow being friday, that the weekend will clear up my head. oh boy, do i pray it to be so.... my eye is also bloodshot. and i am watching an interesting CSI episode about a murder that happened to four buddhist monks...and upstairs people are watching sex in the city.... you see my choice? this sorta stuff doen't bother me, i just ignore doesn't interest me either. . . i find CSI fasinating...and my mom just lied to me saying that i could have a peice of her gum that ended up belonging to my sister....who ofcourse hates me house is filled with so much hate, my whole life, makes me even sicker than i already am....i feel as if i am going to drop dead any second, between my knee and my eye, and my mind.... well, i suppose this is getting a little boring...
so now i have a question with NO PERVERTED MEANING: what type(design) of boxers do you think alucard wears? it's a long story, i'll explain it if someone answers the's got no hentai meaning, only gag.....^^
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Thursday, July 28, 2005

ok dudes, my freinds are driving me insane and i want to kill them..... but then i saw a picture of them and then i was really sad...and i wanted to cry....but then i read this really funny fanfic, and i'm still sad, but it's not so bad..kohta hirano uses alot of black when he draws.....i didn't work on my chibis, i'm going to right i'm not... heh, i'm still laughing from that FF. . . eee, so sad.....i can't bloody eyes feel like they're going to bleed...there's somthing moving of my freinds finally e-mailed me back....i'm thirsty....
SO HOW R YOU GUYS? i'm sick o' talking bout me bored...i have "holiday" by greenday stuck in my head...i think those people are WAY over liked....
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
the walter emporium

ok, again, nothing happened today.... i didn't even get to draw and everyone is i had to run to the store, and ofcourse it looked like i was dressed to go skiing...... and these chicks in kmart kept on pointing at me and saying stuff....they didn't think i could hear them, but they must have been really stupid CAUSE IT WAS TOTALLY NOTICABLE.... i finally turned around to say somthing and they looked so was hilarious..... my head hurts.....ouch....... i think i chipped a tooth...i'm going to get my freind to start drawing stuff and posting it on a webcite, so that's other freind still isn't talking to me......have any of you guys ever heard the english version of every heart? they have the lyrics wrong, and it's annoying.....if you want the MP3, just pm me and i can give it to ya.......i'm going to try to draw chibi hellsing characters....... i think i might form a group with these other people, i get to talk to them tomarrow, a bunch o kids from skewl, so i wanna see if they are serious.....oh yes, and i also have a name for my cite:
it's going to be called WALTER EMPORIUM, and anything done by me it by black sheep inc. and it doesn't even have to do all with walter, but my freind said it and we were all lyke YEAH! so there.....hee hee hee.....
it's so quiet over here it's crazy....i'v\m so tired....
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