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myOtaku.com: KitsuneKami

Thursday, May 19, 2005

"that's crazy" -Kt(not me)
Do you guys watch AMV(anime music videos)? i find them interesting.....i've only seen one. and i got that for the music. heh heh^^ i just heard someone open up a pill can..... worries me......liket he lid snap....... just think about.
welll. nothing new. cept i have another test tomarrow. what. the. hell. it was my freind's birthday today. i said she could have whatever she wants as long as it didn't cost any money, humanly possible to give, and wasn't alive. ofcourse, she is yet to make a decision.
have ya heard bout lordsesshomaru's new contest?(the answere is yes, since you all are his freind too.) i have no idea how to do that. i mean honestly. no idea. i'll have to think about it. i'm stupid.
i hate two of my freinds. i hate them so much. they ignored me and said all this shit behind my back. so today they tried to talk to me i said "F*** you!". and they said bye to me, i just said "go to hell". yeah.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
i played chess with my sister, who won 3 out of 4. and the only reason i won once was because she forgot to say checkmate. sad. anyways, i decided to get back at here. i'm not a sore loser, i just am big at revenge. besides, all i did was sign her up for queer eye for the strait guy newsletters, spit in her face, hid the clicker, trip her, on her stupid computer game give half of her supplies to her enimeies(it's one of those war things were ur france and they're England, confuzled), and hide her homework, ect. and yet more is to come.

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