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myOtaku.com: KitsuneTsuki

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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red skull (11/29/07)

wats up i like yours it like my favorte horror moive catch yea later pm some times

demon dragon (11/23/07)

Don't mind me, I am just randomly stopping by, signing anyone's guestbooks ^^;; It would be great if you could visit me some time and sign back.


XxDirEnGreyxX666 (11/13/07)

Yo! Cool site! Rock on!


Stocking (11/02/07)

I love yur site,I saw yur name a few times on the updated list and on most comments and decided to visit amnd i'm glad I did.
I love that you have FMA on here,I dunno why,I started to alomost "love" Ed when I started reading the manga not too long ago.
I also like yur icon,I'd say more,but my vocab has been extended to this far,srry.Me stoopeed well


~LoVe OnLy LeAdS To DeAtH~

Hiko (11/01/07)

Wow to be here since '04 is quite sometime!

and your so high up on the top 500 list! how many visits do you have??

*pushes you off the edge of sanity*
Dont worry I am going too!!

lol well I will hope to see you around the nework and I hope you have a fantastic day!!!

Cucumber Melon (10/10/07)


I love your site, your username caught my attention, and I am glad I stopped by! Love it! Cute avatar! Anyway when you get the chance I hope you can come by my place sometime, I will add you, I hope you will return the favor, until then, farewell...

~Cucumber Melon~

kitten11 (09/24/07)

Hey I like your site, FMA ish Awesome ^^
Your art is cool to
Anywho check out my site if you want to
Bye Bee
-Deh Bokenator

Renji Abari 13 (09/12/07)

Cool site. hope u don't mind if i add u. Plz sign my gb 2.^-^

TheVampireLestat (09/11/07)

Love your site. Yup, that's all I got.

Aquamarine Angel (08/23/07)

Hiya! Loove the site! The BG is quite nice. Well, I hope to see you around sometime! Later!



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