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Sunday, October 5, 2008
Huge-mongous train pictures.
Well photos from Thursday have finally been uploaded to Flickr. Unfortunately since I have a free account, I can't put them into a set because I'm limited to 3 sets. I've used the 3 sets already.
Here's where to look for my train pictures: Mylar 113's Photostream
. You can also see my vacation photos there.
Today was a day off again. I went to Riverssance, our local Renaissance festival. It was fun just walking around and looking at the people and things. I got a few pictures of hawks. They were really the only thing that truly caught my eye. I don't have them uploaded to Flickr or anything yet. I don't know what I'm going to do with them yet.
P.S. Yes, it was the movie Iron Man that had me distracted Thursday night. Now, I'm in serious danger of being distracted by Doctor Who again....
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
One seriously huge-mongous train and distractions....
I saw a truly huge-mongous locomotive today. Got lots of pictures, which will be uploaded eventually. But right now I'm being seriously distracted by Iron Man.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Nice day off....
Going every other day to work sucks, however.
Did laundry as usual for a Tuesday. The dryer behaved itself and actually dried my clothes! Hooray! Our dryer is dying slowly... noisily, but slowly.
I spent some time playing around online and updating things for Firefox. I now have a cute little fox in the corner indicating that Firefox is loading a page. I also have added an ad-blocker to Firefox. Things load lots quicker now! Whee!
Then I played around with Corel Painter Essentials 3 trying to color one of my pictures using my graphics tablet. It's not easy. I'm still learning eye-hand coordination on it.
That's about it... Now I'm hungry for popcorn...
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
Updates suck!!!
It takes forever for my laptop to start up in the first place. So when my antivirus software decides to update every single time I start up the laptop, it does not help one bit. Neither does Windows Update deciding I need to upgrade to Service Pack 3 for XP.
About an hour and a half after I first sat down to do anything online, I am finally able to do something!
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
*bows to you all*
Sorry for not being around much the past few days. Work has been insane lately, what with tour buses, cranky construction workers, and the usual idiot all on top of the extra duties I'm being trained for.... Yeeek!
Otherwise... Tuesday was a nice day off. It rained and I was happy that it did. Yay!
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Well then...
Well, another day off today. Yippee. I woke up this morning with my right knee hurting so much that I was quite surprised I was able to walk. In fact, the pain actually had woken me up. I have no idea why it hurt like that. It was awful. I walked downtown to put my paycheck into the bank and buy some Aleve. It was not a fun walk. Once I got home and took three of them Aleves, my mom asked whether I was treating her & Dad to pizza or hamburgers. I asked which she preferred and we ended up at the cafe instead of Pizza Hut. The burgers were pretty good. I had cheeseballs with mine. By the time lunch was over, the Aleve had kicked in and my knee felt pretty good. It's been almost 12 hours since I took'em, so I'm now waiting for them to wear off. XD
After I got home, I decided to clean out my car. I got the garbage out of it and cleaned the inside of the windows. I really need to vacuum the thing out and run it through a carwash. It's been ages since Onigiri has had a bath! While I was doing that, Mom was hosing off the porch. I ended up helping her with that. She only sprayed me once with the hose. Back of the legs! Yikes! I kept saying the house was barfing as the water was going out the little vent things on the porch.
Well...other than that, not much happened. A pretty mellow day off.
Comments on comments:
Caesar1280: You're right about the maturity level on the individual. However, I must say this... the guy is 47 years old. No lie. He's 4 years older than me, yet has the emotional levels of a 12 year old!
hieiartemis: I have learnt great self control over the years. Yes, I could have opened my mouth and told the guy where to put it. Many times I have just bit my tongue and held it all in. But telling him off would do no good. He'd only act like a little child.
RagingFlameSprite: I've told the boss many times that I don't want to work with him. I've even asked the boss if I can fold him in half and stuff him in a box and ship him away. Nothing ever does any good...
And... the Men without Pants in order of appearance:
1. Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin
2. Yahiko from Rurouni Kenshin
3. Kyo, Yuki & Shigure from Fruits Basket
4. Momiji from Fruits Basket
5. InuYasha
6. Jin from Samurai Champloo.
Yes... Kenshin is the "official" start of that clip.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Such an insensitive clod! (RANT ZONE)
As many of you are aware, I work in a motel. And by now, you also know that there is one person there that nobody wants to work with. I don't want to work with him, but yet I seem to have to work with him more than anyone else there. Three of my five nights at work are with this idiot.
He is quite the character. His latest delusion: The manager told him he doesn't have to do anything. His thinking is that because he's been there longer than everyone, so he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to. He is a bellman. As someone put it one time, a bellman is a step above janitor.
Anyhoo... on to yesterday's incident. One of the other girls that works there was called home for a family emergency during her shift in the morning. One of her brothers tried to kill himself. When the idiot heard that, he laughed and said, "Well, it's off to the psych ward for him!" HE LAUGHED!!!!!
I must admit that I did a very good job of holding my tongue and not telling him that I hoped that when someone in his family or a close friend has something serious happen, that I found out so I can laugh in his face about it!
This is not the first time he's done something like this. Right about the end of the school year, my neice's best friend was killed in a car accident. Someone put up a nice tribute online and he just had to go look at it. The whole time he was watching it, he was going on about how he wanted to be on a different computer because it had sound. Then he made some rude comment about my neice's friend. I turned around and told him to be respectful. He said he was respectful. I told him he sure as hell didn't sound that way and told him who the girl was.
I'm sorry for ranting like this, but I just had to let off some steam. If it weren't for the fact that I just got a raise and some extra duties at work, I'd sure be considering getting out of that place. If anyone would ask why I'd leave that place, I'd have to say it was the idiot.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My ear hurts. I don't want my ear to hurt, but it does.
I also discovered that if I have my left hand off to the left one key on the keyboard, my screen name starts out with "Kira" instead of "Kits". Weird thing to discover soon after watching DeathNote!
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Monday, September 8, 2008
Vashta Nerada, Shinigami & Stolen Pillows.
Have you ever wondered where dreams come from? What obscure corner of the mind is responsible for one's nightly visual entertainment? Well, I have a clue about two of my recent dreams, but the third escapes me.
1. Vashta Nerada: In a recent dream, I was running from some Vashta Nerada. They were in a space suit and repeating some phrase about a captain of something. Okay... I can explain the origin of this one quite well. I watch Doctor Who. I've loved the show for ages, all the way back to the original series! The Vashta Nerada were a monster in the latest series episodes "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead". They ate people and animated their corpses. I don't remember how I got away from them. Perhaps the Doctor had something to do with it.
2. Shinigami: last night I dreamed of shinigami. Again, it's quite easy to figure out where this came from. I watched the movie DeathNote right before bed. It's a rather unusual movie. I didn't realize that it would have quite that much an influence on my dreams.
3. Stolen pillows: Another recent dream involved me living in an antique store of sorts and someone stole my pillow. I chased after him, but he ran outside my store/home and I lost him in the crowd that was gathered outside for some sort of coronation event. I have absolutely no idea where that dream came from. It's so way off the wall.
So... if anyone out there has any insight as to what that last dream means... heck, what any of those dreams mean, please let me know. Okay? Thanks.
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Saturday, September 6, 2008
That sums it up quite well.
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