My brother once gave me some advice. He said, "If Life hands you a shit sandwich, it doesn't mean you have to take a bite." Gee, bro, that's great. But what if Life turns around, grabs you and stuffs that shit sandwich down your throat?
Well...2004 is coming to a close. And all I have to say is, "Good riddance!" Man this year sucked. It started out relatively all right. I had a job that I hated, then I tried to get onto a different project there and fell victim to one project being yanked halfway through the first day of training. Then I was switched to another project... which consisted of the most piss poor excuse of a training session on the planet. I lasted on that project a rather short time. Then I switched to yet another project there. It had adequate training. Shocking! However.... the prospect of being chained to a telephone for 8 hours a day left me physically ill. So... I ended up quitting before they fired me. That was the end of May. I should've let them fire me. At least that way, I'd be eligible for unemployment benefits.
Speaking of benefits and the like.... I have lost my faith in charitable organizations. Every time I called the Salvation Army, I was told that they were out of money. Same thing with a few of the others that I called. Then my sister told me that the Salvation Army is putting priority on people who have family members in the military overseas. That's nice. Also if they're out of money, what were the numbers I saw on those big signs showing how much of their goal they reached? Oh, well. I guess it isn't money.
Okay... so I wasn't able to find a job. In the middle of July, I decided to go back to school. Yay me. I'm going for certification in web design. I've got like one class left to take... and about 8 to 10 tests to take as well! I'm just a little stressed out by that right now. I swear that MS Office is out to get me... especially Access. That one really has it in for me!
I also have become unemployable. I don't know how, but it happened! Yep, with over 5 years of experience in retail, I was not able to get a job in the mall at Christmas time! Yay me! What were these people afraid of? The fact that I have 2 college degrees? The fact that I was assistant manager of a store? What?!?! I want to know!
And there's no NHL!!!!
There were a few good things about 2004, though.
- I got to see something I never thought I'd see unless I went to Toronto: I got to see (and touch!!!) the Holy Grail of Hockey... the Stanley Cup. It was so cool. And there was a hockey player to go with it: Ruslan Fedotenko!
- I got to see my best friend and her family! It had been two years since I'd seen them.
- My best bud and his wife started a family! Yay! Welcome to the world, little Christoph!
- I found this place and rediscovered my love of anime and manga, which had been suppressed for quite a while. I must admit that I was unsure of what to expect here, but now that I've been here since the middle of May, it's been a blast. I've met a lot of really cool people. Hugs to you all!
Anyhoo...I think I've ranted and babbled enough. Vash & Kenshin are threatening to break out the bubbly to celebrate the New Years. I find that interesting, 'cause I don't have any bubbly! Happy New Year, everyone!
I think Kenshin is surprised that the year is over already.