My stats when I logged in today:
Hits: 1500
Rank: 266
w00t! Party time! You guys is the best!
Well, thanks to the weather and a sort of nasty cold, I stayed inside again. I took my Christmas stuff down finally. After lunch I did very little studying. I could have done more, but my cold was making me dizzy.
Well... it's been a while, I bet you're wondering what Kohaku has been up to lately. Here you go!
He has done some cosplay. A fox demon this time. Which one? ^_~
Then there was the New Years Party with a couple friends!
Piccolo can chug like a pro!
But Goku can't hold his soda!
However, after the party, Kohaku caught a cold.
And he's spending time with his teddy bear and a soft blanket.
So, there you have it. Click the cold virus below to learn more about where he came from...