Wednesday is for summarizing things. And the summary is going to be a bit long-winded! Whee!
Well, I thought I'd do something different today and summarize a bunch of stuff.
I'll start out with the results of the Incredibly Difficult Contest. Believe it or not, I had the correct answer within a few minutes of me putting the contest up!
The correct answer: they were all lyrics from Weird Al Yankovic songs! The winner is SunfallE!!! Second place goes to bebopinutrigun188.
The obvious answer: they all mentioned food. The winner of that part is lilsangofan! Kudos go to Hieiartemis, Nikorasu, katocool & aodtr666 for also seeing the food connection. (I had my brother draw a name out of a pink bucket to determine the winner for this part)
The prizes will be determined at some time when I'm a little more fully conscious of my surroundings. (I gotta stop posting so late!)
Results of the mini-poll are in!
Which universe would you like to live in?
- Lord of the Rings with 10 votes
- Star Wars with 4 votes
- Star Trek with 0 votes
For the first day or so, the top two were neck & neck. But LOTR took a big lead the last day!
I did not vote in my own poll, but will tell you all what my brother and I decided. My brother chose Star Trek. He said that's because in the other two universes, you don't know who is going to turn around and stab you in the back. You know who the good guys & bad guys are. I chose Star Wars for pretty much the same reasons. The possibility of having someone turn on you when you least expect it seems a little more exciting to me. And I also think that Jedi powers would be so kickass.
And now...I'm going to comment on the comments on yesterday's post.
metal-inuyasha: It depends on which alphabet you're talking about. I've encountered several and they differ.
SunfallE: Yes, you have missed a lot of the story. Just click the cute little picture of Sam & Hikaru up in my intro for the site where the whole thing is.
joeyw23: Satsuo is a boy. If you want an idea of what Hikaru looks like, check my fanart. He's there a bunch of times.
mega-matt: No wonder Shinta is tired! You made him run on that wheel for three minutes!
bebopinutrigun188: Check it out! You got second place!! Sweet!
Caprice: Thanks for checking out the story on the website. Thanks also for giving me two hits on this site! It does wonders for the ranking.
katocool: Those six chapters were spread out over 6 to 7 hours, but still... 6 chapters in one day! Ick.
Conneryalexis: And why didn't you enter my contest? Hmm?
aodtr666: I think "Pie Day" sounds better, too. I like apple or peach.
yami seto: Thanks for the vote in the poll! I gotta do those poll thingies more often. They're fun.
iluvsasuk: Really now? Baby corn & cauliflower... I had no idea.
Well, if you made it this far, congratulations! You've put up with the semi-psychotic ramblings of a slightly crazy, incredibly tired Kitsune!
I'll give it a shot again. Go ahead and ask me questions. I got the idea from Panda, so it's not an original idea, but it's a cool idea!