It was rated "Rrrrrr"!
Tuesday night and I'm running out of nautical jokes! Yeah, I got that one off of
Spongebob Squarepants!
Well, I'm glad you guys enjoyed the enhanced
Star Wars lines. I guess that could be called the Twisted Return of Kitsune's Movie Quotes. I still may have to bring back the movie quotes. It was fun having those up.
I actually did a little studying on Java today! Yay me!!! It's funny, I have not done any serious programming since about 1989, but I am slowly getting back into that mindset. There are things that leave me rather confused at times, but the basic concepts of the language seem to be slowing sinking in.
Well, since nothing else exciting happened, I'm going to leave you with a couple quizzes I took in the past few days. I found the one on Panda's site, but I don't remember where I saw the other one. Oh well!
This is the one I can't remember where I found. It's really kind of cool.
This is the one I found on Panda's site. I don't know anything about this particular anime/manga, but the result made me laugh right out loud!
Which Saiyuki character would sleep with you?
Well, I guess I am gonna wander off now.
Additional: There's new artwork up. Well, actually, it's just a quick doodle....