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Member Since
Novelist, Editor, German Translator, Big Sister, Oldest Daughter, Okaa-san's Best Friend, Oyaji's favorite daughter, Haichi's true love, 2nd chair flute for the Warwick Raider band, and finally a Kitsune.
Real Name
that's on a need to know basis ^-^ and you...don't need to know!
Everything I do is an acheivement, unless i screw up...then it's Haichi's fault!!!!
Anime Fan Since
4th grade. Gundam Wing. good times, good times...
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Weiss Kreuz, Naruto, Kyo Kara Moah, Sukisho, Ouran High Host CLub, Yami no many...
TO BE A NOVELIST! like Shigure-sensei and Yuki-sensei!!!!
reading, writing, drawing, watching anime, annoying Okaa-san, bossing around under classmen, clinging to Haichi...
above...PLUS. i have a wierd ability to recognize anime voice actors and i can memorize any ENGLISH song i hear the first time i hear it and i can SORT OF sing any JAPANESE song the first time i hear it....i can't really memorize japanese songs well...
| KitsuneYuuki
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
current mood: i wish he was my doctor...
yup, so i went to the doc last night...with my sister 'cause now she's sick...and we got some more drugs...mmm, drugs...and he gave us permisson to stay home today...*dances around happily then faints from exhaustion* yup that's all that's goin' on...ima go bug PaganAngel now ^-^ later
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
current mood:
ugh...i just drank a can of coke...and i don't think i can keep it down...
so nothing new. still sick (obviously) not that ANYONE CARES! *turns away* no respect.
right so j/k ya'll are probably busy with life and i've been to...*shrug* let's just all shut up and enjoy Gackt-sama and a kitty:

lucky cat...
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
current mood:

totally understand how he feels...
Listening to: The NEws...
'Kay, sorry it's been a while. I 'm still sick and i went to the Hospital yesterday. The Doctor said that i have a little pneumonia and gave me some antibiotics, someheavy duty Over-the-counter Robatussin, and an inhaler to help. And they are helping, i'm breathing better and not coughing as bad or as long.
my parents are out on a date (eww) and i'm listening to the news about Va Tech. I guess some of ya'll haven't heard yet. Virginia Tech University is a college In Blacksburg Va, a whiles away from my home. My Cousin goes there with her friend and boyfriend/fiance. There was a shotting there yesterday morning in the Drom Hall near where she stays. She fine, but 33 have been killed and 29 injured. Yesterday we didn't know anything much but today we know who the shooter was(he was killed by the police) and there's eyewitness accounts and that kinda thing. He used a 9mm hand gun and was alone. One eye-witness account says that he was eeirly calm and silent when he burst into a classroom and just randomly started shooting at people. All the dead are said to have no less than 3 gunshot wounds and the injured (some were in critical condition untill early this morning) are stable. The gunman lived in Washington D.C. with his parents. D.C. is only a stones throw from where i live.
This kinda thing is annoying to me. I really want to know what the hell this guy was thinking, because i think what he's done is bullshit. there's no need for this, and so far i haven't heard that he had any purpose. I hate people as much as the next Anglophobe but this is...y'know? It hits to close to home...
Don't wanna get all sappy on ya (it's the medicine) but let's home that the injured remain stable and nothing else bad happens.
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
Current Mood:
Listening to: December Love Song by the Japanese SexGod Gackt
still sick. i really feel like crap it's 6 am and my alarm clock was replaced with a coughing fit to shame even the worst smoker...i just CAN'T stop coughing once i start...but you don't want all the details, trust me.
So how's life? I'm gone for what? two days and already something's happened with PaganAngel ((^-^ *big hug* it'll be okay!!)) how're the rest of you knuckleheads doin', huh?
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Current Mood:
Listening To: Mizerable by the Tasty Gackt ^-^
I'm not feelin' so great today. It's just Sinus Allergies but i feel so wasted it's not even funy. Pressure on my chest, drainage in my lungs, i keep coughing, and i feel abnormally hot...'tis not fun....But at least i get to stay home! *sigh* i get a freaking sinus cold whenever the damn wind blows....I'M TO DAMN PRETTY FOR THIS BULL!!! *sigh*
The good news: Oka-san is making me a Gackt CD ^-^ she found alot of his songs, converted them to itunes and burnt them onto a disc for me. I'm technogically incompetent so i don't have a MP3 or ipod yet...I like my cd's my yeah anyways...
Entertain me, now please...
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
current Mood:
IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!(translation: It's Snowing!!!)
I want a pony, and a watermelon, and a cold, and a spoon, and a weapon of mass destruction, and a new hat, and a puppy, and a dismembered arm, and roll of tape, and Gackt, mmmm! and Gackt with a cookie!!and a nickel, and...and...and...
i dunno...hmmm gotta think on this...
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Current Mood:
yeah, okay. i'm REALLY tired. and so far my spring break has been the usual; pretty boring. work,work,work,busch gardens,then nothing...that's how the last few days have been. I did paint a really nice fox. it's in watercolor and lined in black ink...he looks mean though *shrug*
so, how are ya'll? i hope yer spring breaks are wunderbar ^-^ pm me ^-^ PWEASE!!!!
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Current mood: 
I just woke up from a nightmare of killer, cursed, mutant squirrels...i kid you not...
the dream was al hunky dorey at first, i was at my house, and it was nighttime. the neighbrs were over and were just about to leave when Rebel (my cat who recently died) started walking out the door and on to the sidewalk. Max (my dog) wanted to follow but he couldn't get past the gate on the front porch. I ran over and picked rebel up and took him back in but just then the neighbor opened the gate and max ran out. luckily he had his leash on so i stepped on it and leaned over (still with Rebel in my arms. that cat weighed over 15 pounds so CARRYING him was never a simple task). I had just picked up the damn leash and was joking around with the neighbor and my mom (both just standing there not offereing to help) when this little black shadow that was chirping wierd and had little yellow eyes flashing in the streetlight CHARGED me and started jumping aroun me. Max has just recently developed a squirrel chasing habit and i knew there was something WRONG with this one so i yanked max up (still holding rebel). i tried to jump out of it's way but it kept nipping at my sneakers (which i don't remeber putting on...i'm usually barefoot...) I don't remeber what happened next but i think Rebel just dissappered or ran away 'cause then i had a free arm so i grabbed a baseball bat and started beatin' the livin (unliving) SHIT out of the little thing. eventually i "KIlled" it and mom took max so i left the little sucker out there. the next morning Okaa-san came over with the little demon squirrel in a bag and said "here's your victory prize, Kitsune." and gave it to me. We both then went on the computer and looked up demon squirrels on google but there was only one reference page and it was just a pic of another demonic squirrel and it said "Will Find You" under it. so i started to get creeped out. I ran to my room (by the way the house suddenly MORPHED into my grandma's house and i was going to HER bedroom...) and there were MORE demon squirrels at the window so i did what any chick stuck in a horror movie would do when the bad guys at her window!! i pulled shut the blinds and curtains and hid under the covers. THE NEXT DAY. i got on th computer to look this up more and got on google. now there were SEVEN sites. the first one i clicked was like a movie and it was in some other language. sounded latin alomst but not quite. I figured some wierdos saw that i looked up demon squirrels somehow and then they photoshopped a bunch of crap to scare me. i was flipping out and then my mom(who was dressed like a lawyer) and the neighbor (who was dressed like she's visiting hawaii) said they were leaving so i jumped up and begged them not to because i KNEW if i fell asleep i'd have nightmares. my opened her mouth to say soemthing but i heard my alarclock so i woke up...
i looked up what squirrels symbolize on a dream site and it doesn't make much sense...well a little but not in the same context as my dream...*shrug* there was TOO much symbolizism for me to ignore this one ima go look it up some more...
hope ya'll alll okay and well and sane. LAter
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
current mood: a little like all of these...
if that explains at all....?
yeah, between work and school and my loving boyfriend i've gotten what feels like less sleep than i have since that time this fall when i went all depressed/suicidal...don't know if ya'll remeber that...Lethean might, i don't think that Pagan was around...raven fire was busy being...raven...*shrugs* w/e
anywho, not much to talk about...ima go and...*shrug* do stuff, maybe fool around on Gaia a little, my new goal for that idiotical place is to make my avatar spiffy and not worry about having friends on there. it's impposible, everyone's to concerned about their selves. It's human nature wherever there's money envovled...even if it's virtual and pretty much worthless...
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
current mood: EXHAUSTED
i gotta rush, i'm kinda late for school ><
started my first job this weekend...ima cashier to this awesome little hamburger/ice cream place that i've been eating at since i was a kid.
it's a little fustrating sometimes...i don't get along with this one waitress and it's a tiring job making sure you don't charge the customers wrong...>< but i've made $14 in tips PLUS i get a pay-check!!! i'm going to the arts and crafts store this weekend and splurging on acrylic paint...i'm sadly OUT of white, olive green, and flesh...
anywho...hope everyone's been good in my absence. talk to you when i can LATER!!!
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