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Member Since
Novelist, Editor, German Translator, Big Sister, Oldest Daughter, Okaa-san's Best Friend, Oyaji's favorite daughter, Haichi's true love, 2nd chair flute for the Warwick Raider band, and finally a Kitsune.
Real Name
that's on a need to know basis ^-^ and you...don't need to know!
Everything I do is an acheivement, unless i screw up...then it's Haichi's fault!!!!
Anime Fan Since
4th grade. Gundam Wing. good times, good times...
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Weiss Kreuz, Naruto, Kyo Kara Moah, Sukisho, Ouran High Host CLub, Yami no many...
TO BE A NOVELIST! like Shigure-sensei and Yuki-sensei!!!!
reading, writing, drawing, watching anime, annoying Okaa-san, bossing around under classmen, clinging to Haichi...
above...PLUS. i have a wierd ability to recognize anime voice actors and i can memorize any ENGLISH song i hear the first time i hear it and i can SORT OF sing any JAPANESE song the first time i hear it....i can't really memorize japanese songs well...
| KitsuneYuuki
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
current mood:
ugh...tough day at work...don't wanna talk about it...let's just say i comitted a crime withing the first 20 mins. of being there...but don't worry...I(italize that) didn't get in trouble fer it...okaa-san pm me...
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
current mood:
woot! Ryuichi-ness! *lol* I might want to make this my usual avatar later...but i don't feel like it right now...i hae another one saved fer that! MUAHAHAHA!*lol* anyways. nothing's up...had a wierd dream...i vaguly remeber something about an eagle...and a bear *shiver* but mostly lots of was a nightmare/heavenly dream...
we watched the Nathan's hotdog eating contest today....Takeru Kobayashi beat his record of 53 1/2 hotdogs with 54...really...those guys...they're not human...i don't even think Hige could eat 54 hotdogs in 12 mins...they were saying he's only loss was to a 1000 lb Kodiac bear...I HATE BEARS!! WHY DO THEY KEEP POPPING UP TODAY?! MY DREAM, RED TIGERESS' POST, AND THE NATHAN'S HOT DOG EATING CONTEST!!!!
have ya'll ever tooken a good look at a bear before?! okay this is a bear's claw compared to a grown man's index finger:

YA SEE? and a bear has EIGHT of those on it's front paws and 8 more in the back. my fears are justified you don't think so? look up "grizzly bear attack pictures" when you have a chance...
*shivers* NEWAYS............Ima go...and...probally think some more about bears...'cause im obsessive like that...
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Saturday, July 8, 2006
sooo...nothings up over here...
Current mood:
okay not anything BIG just...trying to figure a few hundred things at once...mostly meh's not working at all...
anyways had fun at busch yesterday...we rode:
Apollo's Chariot, Tradewind, the Swings, Corkscrew Hill, Apollo's Chariot, and the Baterring Ram in that order...we spent most of the time talking about Yaoi...and all the cute guys up at Busch that day...i was partially right though it wasn't that crowded but it still had more people than i'd have liked...
so was a good day off from work...and our grandarents stopped by WB comics on the way home so we bought Wolf's Rain vol.2 with our fund money...
nothing's going on today...i think ima go and mess around with my writing fer a bit...LATER!
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Friday, July 7, 2006
Vincent and Sephiroth
okay, okaa-san was at meh house yesterday...and she happened to mention something that i find strange...she said that is 's father...and i was like... and she was like 'ypu, well at least that's what yer oyaji says...' so i'm thinking if is 's father then why ?
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fer okaa-san...
cute avatars i thought ye'd like okaa-san ^-^
  alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">
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Current mood: (does that explain it?)
Listening to: Super Drive (gravitation opening)
Nothing's up today...figured i'd try somthing new with the whole mood/song thing...i've seen others do stuff's cool...i just decided to do it when i was looking for piccies on photobucket and saw this avatar...and that's kinda what i feel like right now...just...blah...and kinda fuzzy...but foxes are supposed to be fuzzy...right?
Yeah...don't have to work today...woot...that's my second day in a row i don't have to work...i probally won't get enouh hours in by August...but hey...I'm not complainin'...y'know?
Anyways...we're staying home 'cause Our grandparents are coming to take us to Busch plans fer the day are...
1. Ride Escape from Pompei...
2. Ride Battering Ram...
3. Ride DaVinci's Cradle...
4. Attempt to make it through the huge line to ride Apollo's Chariot...
5. Ride the comment
6. Ride the TradeWinds...
7. Ride Big Bad Wolf...
8. Get something to drink and eat...
9. Look at the HUGE line into Dark Kastle...and laugh...
10. look up nervously at alpinegeist and hurry by...
11. glance at the Log Flume...keep walking...
12. Get annoyed by the people and pinkness of France...
13. go into the to the birds about World Domination...
14. stop by Wolf Haven and howl...
15. skip into Ireland...
16. Ride CorkScrew Hill...
17. go to the Clydesdale Stables...
18. Pass out...
of course there's plenty of shopping and a few visits with our grandparents who let ko-neko and i go off on our own as long as we meet back up every two hours or so...we'll probally get about...a half of that all done...since it's friday it's gonna be crowded i think...maybe not...*shrugs*
well hope ya'll have a great day my Loyal Fans...
P.s: my stomach stopped hurting yesterday and Okaa-san dropped by to pick up a book i borrowed from her and to drop off Sukisho and DNAngel fer us...oh and MegaTokyo...I really liked it ^-^ thank you okaa-san!!!
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Thursday, July 6, 2006
i was just happily sitting here and stomachs starting to i feel...sick... anyways...nothing really exciting has happened of late...nope can't think of anything to say...
....i had a White Chocalate Mocha and a black bottom cupcake from starbucks was like Paradise ^-^
that's been the highlight of the week actually...
OH!! i walked into a door...that's exciting right?!
I'm really not feeling well...ima go lie down...
and by "lie down" i mean continue to stare at the computer screen till my butt falls off or i throw up...which ever...
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
For me the fourth of july is the day that bugs reek havoc on my ankles, knees, thighs, and poor paws an i must endure the banging, crashing, booming, exploding of millons of lights in the air and listen to annoying people while i sit on a old sheet in wet icky grass precariously close to the river's edge and then come home to eat as much hotdog matter as i possibly can.
And millons of americans think this is fun...well...yeah...but it'd be better since i'm related to the people who signed the Declaration of Indepedence for which we celebrate if people would offer me human sacrifices and carry me around on a man-drivin' carraige and all the gorgeous men out there would be forced to walk around with nothing on and i would get to shop and buy what ever i want and watch anime and drink a Extra Extra carmel machiotto from Starbucks and the fireworks would say "Kitsune's the Greatest" and "God Bless Kitsune" and the publishers would kiss my feet to publish Lord of the Forest or any other of my books...but sadly...we must celebrate the "traditional way" my loyal fans...well you american ones anyway (*cough cough* sorry darkness reigns...)go enjoy yer hotdogs and and illegal firecrakers...and think kindly of Kitsune.
Hehe...Later My Loyal Fans...I'll stop being arrogant now.
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I cant view the comments on my site!!!!!...or on any other site!!!! i can open the comments page thingie but it won't load up it just sits there, mocking me with it's blank brightness....*bashes computer screen in with a hammer* YOU WILL WORK OR YOU MUST PERISH!! THAT IS THE LAW I LIVE BY, NOW PATHETIC PEICE OF CYBERNESS AND CHEAP PLASTIC...STUFF CHOSE YER FATE!!!!!!!*jumping up and down waving sword*
and don't even try commenting this post 'cause I CAN'T FREAKING READ THE COMMENTS!!!!!
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Sunday, July 2, 2006
more randomness fer yer viewing pleasure...

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