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Member Since
Novelist, Editor, German Translator, Big Sister, Oldest Daughter, Okaa-san's Best Friend, Oyaji's favorite daughter, Haichi's true love, 2nd chair flute for the Warwick Raider band, and finally a Kitsune.
Real Name
that's on a need to know basis ^-^ and you...don't need to know!
Everything I do is an acheivement, unless i screw up...then it's Haichi's fault!!!!
Anime Fan Since
4th grade. Gundam Wing. good times, good times...
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Weiss Kreuz, Naruto, Kyo Kara Moah, Sukisho, Ouran High Host CLub, Yami no many...
TO BE A NOVELIST! like Shigure-sensei and Yuki-sensei!!!!
reading, writing, drawing, watching anime, annoying Okaa-san, bossing around under classmen, clinging to Haichi...
above...PLUS. i have a wierd ability to recognize anime voice actors and i can memorize any ENGLISH song i hear the first time i hear it and i can SORT OF sing any JAPANESE song the first time i hear it....i can't really memorize japanese songs well...
| KitsuneYuuki
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Sunday, June 25, 2006
adorably cute/funny avatars...
...just because i could!

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I passed for the year!! (by the skin of my tail) AND so did ko-neko with A/B honor roll!!!
My grades:
class 2nd exam final
World History A A A
Band A B A
Geometry D C
9th English B B B
10th English C D C
Biology B B
Spanish D B D
*claps* i'm SOO happy!!! the D in spanish sucks but...i was failing it and busted all THREE of my tails pulling it up (doesn't it show in the Exam grade?! I study three days with NO sleep) I passed my biology and geometry SOLs so i didn't have to take the exam, and in World History i passed my SOL so high that they automatically gave me an A on my exam, ISN'T THAT COOL?!
I hope everyone else did as well as me ^-^ bad grades suck!!!
Okaa-san, hope yer happy!!!
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
Charlie II
when i was ALOT younger, we had a squirrel that used to come on our porch and eat lunch with us. i named him Charlie because at the same time in a petting zoo lived a white horse by the same name.
sadly, after many years of shared cheerios and fruit loop, Charlie was carwling along a telephone wire and was shocked to death.
This morning, i was playing Sims (on a passing whim) and i happened to look up and saw that two squirrels were eating from my birdfeeders Naturally, i got all terriotorile fox on them and ran outside with my breakfast (a honey bun) and in my AC*DC shirt and "got to Hell" pants (i looked like a complete MORON) and threw a soda can at the nearest squirrel who took off running. the secon squirrel just starred at me and contnued eating, my reaction:0-0 aren't you afaird?!
So, i looked at the squirrel...then my honey bun and back at the squirrel. I pulled off a tiny bit of the bun and coed "hey, charlie II, want some?" and he ('cause it was WAY obvious that it was male)looked up and sniffed the bun and tried to take it. i was afraid off getting bit so i laid it on a tree limb and waited while he took it and ate. i repeated the process twice more before i offered it to him from my hand and 0-0 he put both of his front paws on my hand took the bun and went back up into the tree.
After that i hauled butt inside the house, woke ko-neko up and grabbed my camera. we went outside and he was still there, hanging by his feet and eating from the birdfeeder. we took a few pictures and offered him another peice of my honey bun but he was content with his sunflower seeds. so while he was munching i hestantl reached out a hand and- you'll never guess!
petted him!!! this squirrel let me PET him!!! he didn't even flinch. Charlie #1 never let us TOUCH him, i was shockatated!!!
anyways...there's my amazing story for the day...ya'll like? has anyone else petted a squirrel? i think not!! *lol*
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Friday, June 23, 2006
photobucket won't open!!!! *tears the site to shreads* stupid technolgy
Anyways...uh...what was i doing again...?! I can't remember...*gazes off into space...drool* OH!!
HELLO EVERYBODY!!! How's life, my Loyal Fans?! Im just fine and dandy, five more people signed my GB and now im ranked at 13887 :) Ima moving up in the world!!! *lol* Yeah thanks to everybody who takes time out of their busy scheldue to visit meh site and i hope i don't bore all the new people with my constent babble enough that they won't sign my gb...IT IS A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE!!! *lol*
well....I've got a guestion fer you all out there...well questions...It's a word association thing, i say a word and you tell me what you think of okay?
1. Light
2. Death
3. Anime
4. Color
5. Love
Mine are:
1. bulb
2. shadow
3. red
4. white
5. dragon
it'd be best not to ask...
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Thursday, June 22, 2006

sorry, Kitsune needed happy after the whole Rabbit thing...
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I went out into my garden this morning planning to harvest a few squash and maybe even one or two peppers. i'm a good gardener, my little lot is about 15' by 25' and has 10 different types of tomatoes, 7 different peppers, 3 diffeent types of cucmber, and various other plants including: squash, zuchinni, eggplant, cantalope, pumpkin, watermelon, basil, parsley, and oregano.
Now I TREASURE my little eden, i do. I dug it out in the sun, i have the scars from various blisters to prove it, with a PICKAXE ('cause i'm demented like that) and everyday i go out there and harvest my goodies and my mother cooks them for dinner.
On this particular morning, about an hour ago (5:45) i went out into my precios garden and watered it, not expecting anything to go terribly wrong. When i'd finished watering the plants i poked around in the leaves of my squash and do you know what i found? FOUR baby squash with the ends chewed off of them!!! That made me a little annoyed, squash has a habit of growing en mas so i knew it was no big lose until i happened to look up and saw that my bananna peppers, which take 65 days to ripen, were chewed up and laying in a neat little pile at the base of the fruitless plant. Upon further inspection; i noticed that nearly all the blossoms on my cucumbers were on the ground, the leaves and delicate blossoms of my zuchinni were chewed up, and one of my tomatoe plants were knocked over; the culprit? A Sylvilagus floridanus or to you common people: COTTONTAIL RABBIT!!
i am TICKED!!! all that work and THE RABBIT'S THE ONE GETTING FAT!!! *growly growly* this sound like one of Aesop's fables!! IT'S KARMA I TELL YOU!!! KARMA!!!

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
LOOK!!!! *Goes all squealy fangirl*
Okaa-san drew me!!!!It so BEAUTIFUL!!! And...amazingly it looks just like me...well, my Rp self anyways. but the only difference between Kitsune and *insert real name here* is that Kitsune's hair is MUCH lighter, though i really do have reddish (NATURAL) highlights. And well DUH Kitsune has fox ears and a tail :)
Doesn't EVERYONE love my Okaa-san's art, she thinks she can't draw Pfft!! I can draw to (she says better than her) but she has persistency and I have...boredom. I draw when i'm bored. My friend Kami draws when shes upset and can do some really beautiful stuff, but al my pictures turn out crappy when i try to draw when i'm upset and then i end up on Artist's Block fer a few weeks...same if i try to write...
Speaking of writing, THIS FREAKING BOOK JUST WILL NOT COOPERATE!!! *throws pen at book* The characters are beautifully setup but i can't fix up a good plot (i'm bad at writing convensing bad guy Doomed-to-Fail plans) And the ones i do come up with either sound TO much like what inspired them: i.e., Paradeisos, guy depressed over his brother's death, big science peoples screwing up the planet, war, a disease that has no cure, and a silver haired bad guy...(sound AT all famillar? come on my Loyal Fans you outta know this one!)
OR they're to cleched: i.e., Passion, a human girl falls in love with the hot guy at school, who just HAPPENS to be a vampire.
Or...Or...they just won't work!!:i.e., Lord of the Forest:...uh...well...there's a wolf/guy and some chick...OH! and a forest!!!
Do you see my problem...?! How does Yuki and Shigure-sensei do it?! *Sob*...i need inspiration...and not from another book 'cause then my taperecorder brain will just record it and spit the same words onto my paper...
*sigh* any suggestions guys?
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Monday, June 19, 2006
does anyone know who this is?! i see piccies of her EVERYWHERE but i know nothing about her!!

Anyways...she's just so darn ADORABLE!!!MAybe i should put this as my avatar...whaddya think?
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changed meh intro paragraph thingy...
Isn't the piccy FUNNY!!! No really, ed should've known better! That fox was A. hungry and tired B.had her meal ( a white rabbit) and C. had cubs to feed!! I laughed my tail off during that episode...Okaa-san and ko-neko didn't think it was funny...they were worried about Ed's wound...didn't he get a fever from it? i don't remeber...
So has everyone been? I' taking a short break from my book, it's to hard getting the plot to stick in my head so i need to think awhile...
Anybody have any cheese cake? I'm hungry...
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