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Member Since
Novelist, Editor, German Translator, Big Sister, Oldest Daughter, Okaa-san's Best Friend, Oyaji's favorite daughter, Haichi's true love, 2nd chair flute for the Warwick Raider band, and finally a Kitsune.
Real Name
that's on a need to know basis ^-^ and you...don't need to know!
Everything I do is an acheivement, unless i screw up...then it's Haichi's fault!!!!
Anime Fan Since
4th grade. Gundam Wing. good times, good times...
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Weiss Kreuz, Naruto, Kyo Kara Moah, Sukisho, Ouran High Host CLub, Yami no many...
TO BE A NOVELIST! like Shigure-sensei and Yuki-sensei!!!!
reading, writing, drawing, watching anime, annoying Okaa-san, bossing around under classmen, clinging to Haichi...
above...PLUS. i have a wierd ability to recognize anime voice actors and i can memorize any ENGLISH song i hear the first time i hear it and i can SORT OF sing any JAPANESE song the first time i hear it....i can't really memorize japanese songs well...
| KitsuneYuuki
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Monday, October 16, 2006
current mood: running out of time...
*sigh* things have been kinda slow and boring over here...nothing much going on. Our football team lost the Homecoming game...I called KratosAurin and cried a little but he cheered me up by pathetically singing Kyrptonyte by 3 doors down...i sang with him ^-^ it was pretty fun ^-^
well as my mood suggests, i running out of time, just wanted to leave a quick post to remind YA'LL THAT I'M STILL HERE!!!! dammit! don't forget me!!
well, goodbye ^-^ LATER!
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
current mood:
a bad noreaster is passing through. the wind is bad and loud and keeps messing my fur up *growlie* 
i shake my tiny paw of doom at you!!
so anyways ^-^ i don't have band 'till monday 'cause of the storm which is pretty awesome. yesterday we were spossed to play at the football game but they moved it to monday and today we were supposed to've had a competion but it's been canceled ^-^ yay us! well not really we practiced hard all week and it was for nothing...*sigh* oh wells ^-^
it must be because of school that nobody is on theO...i'm lonely! *sigh* ohwells...enjoy life fellow otaku! LATER!
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Monday, October 2, 2006
current mood: IN SCHOOL...
hey. so since i can't get on at home i'm on at school ^-^ yay proxy sites!!!
so yeah the competition saturday sucked. we didn't place at all and came in 5th out of 5 bands...*sigh* i cried and it was really late so i couldn't call okaa-san but Haichi (my bf) was working late so i called him. ^-^ i knew he was usefull! yeah he let me cry and attempted to cheer me up which didn't work. and yesterday i was realy numb. i couldn't even LOOK at my flute...i feel okay today though. it's just really upsetting because i've ALWAYS wanted to be in this band (since i was FOUR) and we worked so hard and we were SO sure we'd place. before they called out the winners the whole band was juping up and down yelling "WHS!" and "Go Raiders!!" and of course i was the loudest. i stood up the entire time (my tail wouldn't stop wagging!) while they called out the winners. when they didn't cal out our color guard i cussed when they din't call out our drum majors i crossed my fingers when they didn't call out our percussion i started pacing when they called Denbeigh for third i got excited (Denbiegh sucks ass i thought for sure we were better) when they called Colonial Hieghts for 2nd i teared up and when they called Princess Ann for 1st i started crying...bad...
yeah so...that's how meh weekend was...sucked, ja? well gotta go the bells about to ring...LATER!!
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Saturday, September 30, 2006
mood: BURN BABY!
ANYWHO! *yawn* it's been a while, ja? *lol* well lesse lesse here's how Kitsune has been doing of late:
1. i started going back out with my ex-boyfriend (he's on this site: KratosAurin but he's a loser and hasn't updated since may ^-^ )
2. i quit Spanish now i'm taking German.Oh Ja ^-^
3. i've had 3 emotional breakdowns all band associated.
4. ^-^ i found a nickel!!
okay that last one was a tid bit irrevalant...but who cares...anywho musn't stay ^-^ i have a certain kind of shopping to do (okaa-san knows what: FINALLY!!!) and a band competition at's gonna be a long day...*sigh*
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
current mood:
man, it's been a while. but i don't feel bad 'cause nobody else out there has posted either. still between dad and schol i don't get very many chances to play *pout*'s going good. i had a nervous breakdown on saturday 'cause of band...i screwed up at the football game and was in the COMPLETLY wrong spot... it was bad... now everyone thinks that i'm quiting...DO I LOOK THAT FUCKING WEAK TO YOU!!! i'll get over the screw-up..i will...
anywho...there's another rumour going through band that i'm people don't know me at all...they OBVIOSLY haven't seen me so blantitly flirting with that baritone player...*sigh* unobservant fools...
yes well i'd better be going, school and what not, ya know! LATER!
oh and by the way! i hope you LOVVLE my new bg. it's Trinity Blood's Abel and...somebody who's not Abel...i just started watching the show so i don't know who it is...anywho buh-bye ^-^
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Friday, September 1, 2006
current mood:
actually...that's the weather...
we're currently expeirencing what is scientifically known as a "tropical Storm"...
In Kitsune's's a really big fucking storm...'s loud and the electricity went out earlier but it's fine now...*yawn* i'm happy though 'cause with all this bad weather practice was canceled wednesday and yesterday the pool party was canceled and practice was shortened and today High school Orientation was canceled so i don't have to preform. it's all good ^-^
so nothing's up...well much...the computer's been acting up and dad's needed it fer Fantasy that's why i haven't been able to post of late...hope ya'll missed me ^-^
Okaa-san came over the other and we took some pictures ^-^ it was fun. i'm hoping that i can post them later...don't know when i'll get the chance though...
well...hope whereever you are is's gonna be raining fer the next week...woot...and tuesday scghools starts in the rain...brillant, no? well LATER my fans ^-^
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
current mood:
ugh. i have a flipping show to do today...alot of the high school bands in the area are playing up near the mall. it's sort of a thing for the teachers. i dunno. all i was told was to be at school at 9:30, bring yer flute, and yer cd player...
speakin' of. my stupid ass cd player REFUSES to work. i dunno why. i don't have very good luck with cd players any more. not since my walkman. that was the BEST cd player EVER!!! i loved it. it worked untill it couldn't anymore and it almost never needed it's batteries changed. i could last through Ozzy Osbourne's greatest hits five times on low battery. but eventually (after two years) the poor thing started shaking when it played and making lil clicky noises so i put it to rest........and now i have this bogus lil thing........*kicks it*
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
current mood:
I forgot to tell you guys about the crazy dream i had friday night.
okay so it started off with me coming to visit Akito (why? i dunno....) and ended up having tea with Shigure while i waited. we talked a little and he seemed..."distant" so being my self my exact words were "hey puppy boy, what's eating you?" and he admitted that he was fed up with Akito and he wanted to break the curse to and statred crying and acting very none Shigure-ish so when Akito said i could see him i stood up and walked in, brushed past Kureno who whispered "good Luck, Kitsune" and went and sat down in front of Akito who did his usual "ima gonna rape you thing" and started hanging all over me saying that the fox was clever enough to trick one of the animals and become a member of the zodiac and trying to put me down to which i responded "The fox was sitting beside God the entire time. so who wasn't clever? in my opnion it was God for not seeing the fox."
well he got all tiffy with me and i SLAPPED him ^-^ and told him to stop being a spoiled child and grow the hell up...then i woke up ^-^ cool huh?
i haven't a CLUE what it could possibly mean...

"The fox was sitting beside God the entire time"
*lol* ^-^ sorry couldn't help myself ^-^
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current mood:
ugh...bored...gotta get up...
so how's life? nothing here...went to Target today and i found a gray Kiss tanktop bought it was an XS...and i wear a M so...i couldn't get it...*sob*
my theme this year is Rock...nearly all of my new school cloths pretain to "long live the Rock" or varios 70 and 80's bands (I.E. ACDC, Led Zeppelin, Poison, Guns and Roses, Cinderalla, Kiss, and the Rolling Stones ^-^)
i two or three shirts that don't have any rock related sayings or bands or one's a chinese dragon and the other has varios tie-dyed roses and cherubs on it. and there are MANY that have skulls and cross TECHINIQUALLY my theme is rock, roses, and
well...i needa go. LATER my loyal fans ^-^
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Friday, August 25, 2006
current mood: 
i dunno i just thought it looked cute ^-^
hmmm *yawn* nothing to post about...just was kinda bored and i noticed that like...none of my other friends have posted today...^-^so i'm the first!!! WOOT! about...
good news though ^-^ NO band camp today ^-^ yay! *runs around in circles* i dunno why...but i'm not really caring why at the moment. you don't question a good thing...ya know?
oh and KitsuGuy i play the flute...
and some more people better comment on those piccies i posted yesterday. i was late for band 'cause of them *growl*
OH OH OH OH OH!!!!! ya'll like the little clip and the amv i put up? the first one is Wolf's Rain (DUH!) and the song is Bring Me to Life by Evanscense (sp...) it fits well, no? and the lil clip is a life in the day of me and ko-neko...anywho that won't be up for long...i actually tried to takke it down yesterday but it wouldn't let me so enjoy it before it's gone...
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