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• 1990-09-01
• errrrr...infront of my computer?
Member Since
• 2006-05-27
• Novelist, Editor, German Translator, Big Sister, Oldest Daughter, Okaa-san's Best Friend, Oyaji's favorite daughter, Haichi's true love, 2nd chair flute for the Warwick Raider band, and finally a Kitsune.
Real Name
• that's on a need to know basis ^-^ and you...don't need to know!
• Everything I do is an acheivement, unless i screw up...then it's Haichi's fault!!!!
Anime Fan Since
• 4th grade. Gundam Wing. good times, good times...
Favorite Anime
• Gundam Wing, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Weiss Kreuz, Naruto, Kyo Kara Moah, Sukisho, Ouran High Host CLub, Yami no many...
• TO BE A NOVELIST! like Shigure-sensei and Yuki-sensei!!!!
• reading, writing, drawing, watching anime, annoying Okaa-san, bossing around under classmen, clinging to Haichi...
• above...PLUS. i have a wierd ability to recognize anime voice actors and i can memorize any ENGLISH song i hear the first time i hear it and i can SORT OF sing any JAPANESE song the first time i hear it....i can't really memorize japanese songs well...
| KitsuneYuuki
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
current mood:

...nothing more to say...
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
current mood:
err...well...i guess that's a mood...mostly i just thought it was adorable ^-^
WOOT! today's the last 8 am to 3pm band camp day. tommorrow we go from 4pm to 8:30pm which means okaa-san can come over and i can sleep and get on the computer and watch Final Fanasty and a bunch of other stuff ^-^ yay! only i worried about next week...we're not even finished learning the show and we have two performances. one with whole bunch of other bands and one for our parents...i haven't even memorized all the music...oh well...everything will work out right?
anywho...just gotta make it through today learn the rest of the show eat lunch deal with sectionals and then the band and i get to go home right...right?! i hope nothing screws up...i know it won't but i dunno...i'm just sleepy i guess....i tried to sleep enough but i don't think i got enough rest...BUT! i'm having a cup of coffee soon so everythings gonna be okay (i don't drink MUCH coffee in the summer. to hot. i usually go for about a week before i have a's benn three *sweatdrop*)
welps...better go ^-^ have things to do before band starts ^-^ lovely, no? hehe. well LATER!
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
current mood:, sleepy sleepy....
ko-neko: WAKE UP!
WAH! OMFG! E=MC SQUARED!!!!!!! *falls outta bed*
anywho...ugh...i so TIRED! can't get enough...sleep...between band, and chores, and my book, and gravitation...ugh-a-dugga...(BTW that's what i say when i don't wanna get up but have to...) and here i thought i couldWORk after band camp. someone label me stupid...SOMEBODY! yeah yeah yeah i know okaa-san...that's exactly what ye said..."can't work and do band and school..." *sigh* but i am SUPER KITSUNE!!!!
ko-neko: *pulls away soap box*
*falls on face*....ow....
right...ya know...i fell asleep while we were playing one of our songs...i was just playing and then everything kinda went balck...and this other flute player was like..."uh...*******...wakeup..."('cause ya'll don't know my name!!!) it was a LITLE embrassing...
anyways sorry for the completly random post...
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Monday, August 21, 2006
current mood: camp today...*sigh* can't be so bad right...geez....AND I'M HUNGRY!! *head butts computer* ....ain't got much time before i leave...(still gotta get my shoes on though...)
anywho ^-^ i'm all excited and stuff 'cause my friend form ColorGuard (Soph Drew) bought me vol 6 and 7 of Gravitation at a garage sale ^-^ Yay! so ima read them at lunch or sooner if i can...probally not...
ya'll wish me luck and stuff. gotta lookie at ya'lls sites now. hope you guys are behavin'!! LATER!!!
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
current mood: 
=-= imhungry...*sigh* but to lazy to get up and EAT own personal curse...
anywho...waaaahhh!!! i'm BORED...*headbutts computer* have to wait for ko-neko to get up so we can watch Fruits Basket...i've been watching a buncha clips to satisfy myself...but i found out that Rin and Kureno aren't in the now i'm mad...(oh and S2C: they don't sound any better in english to me...well yuki does...but kyo sounds like...ugh...)
right so nails keep distracting me...i painted them in my schools now they're marroon with a whole bunch of gold sparkles...and their shiny...(hear that Pagan Angel; BTW i wish you'd say hello! i miss ya!!)
well...ima go see who else has updated recently...LATER!!
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
current mood: 
everything's fine today ^-^ i don't have band so im just chillin' at home.
actually i'm really happy ;cause okaa-san let me borrow 5-14 of fruits basket and i've been reading it for like three hours...still only on vol. 11 though...*sigh* anywho. i had to stop...Akito was bugging me...awesome hot character but he needs to lose the attitude!! *lol*
we watched part of the 1st episode on youtube today to...gure and tohru sound as they should and so does kyo-kun but i HATE yuki's voice...i also skipped ahead to hear ayame...he sounds different then i thought he would too...but in a good way...
so anywho...sorry for posting that bazillon page long post last time...last time i checked only 2 people actually bothered to comment...that's kinda sad but all my good friends haven't been on lately so i didn't expect alot of people to comment...
i'm gonna change meh theme soon...i'm thinking either Kyo Kara Maoh or Fruits Basket...but i'm not gonna change it till next week...
anywho. LATER!
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
current mood: 
sorry it's been a while guys...guess i need to back up a couple of days...right?
okay Tuesday. was pretty cool...i threw a temper tantrum in front of the band 'cause the butt head from last time, Roach, was giving me a hard time so i told the drum major what was going on and he said he'd talk to her. i didn't think he would actually do anything 'cause they're pretty good friends but while we were waiting to be told what to do Roach starting fussing me and the other two girls in front of me out over something stupid and drum major called her over and his exact words were "you're being a bitch..." wow huh...yup made my day ^-^
so then was...pretty bad 'cause i was really lonely 'cause i didn't have anybody to talk and no friends and i got SUPER depressed. well i went into the bathroom and i was about to leave when a friend from the color guard came in. and she asked what had been going on between me and the Roach and i said that they were just being assholes (her and her friend) ....well....they were standing outside the bathroom when i said told the whole band and the other drum major who took me into the backroom to ask me what happened. wasn't really the two buttheads that i was upset about but she started being all...fake nice with me and it ticked me i started crying...i eventually calmed down and went back out into the band when a girl in my section asked if i was okay and i started crying again which just thrilled the hell out of Roach and her Buddy. they thought it was 'cause of them....
So today...amazingly they were...pretty liberal during the first half of the day...and we were standing around in sectionals practicing when my Sophmore, Drew, came running down the hall calling me. when she found me i asked what was wrong and she just said "it's sissy" and i ran, i followed her to the bathroom and ko-neko was leaning over the sink covering her face. i thought she was sick and this bitch was all in her face asking if she was okay...i tried to get her to move but she wouldn't so i grabbed her shoulder and hauled her fat A$$ into the stalls and that's when i saw the blood all over her face and a knot the size of a ping-pong ball under her eye...i mean...the blood was pouring from her eye and down her throat and she wasn't even crying from that eye it was blood tears...(which now that's it's over i relizae is pretty cool) well she grabbed me and kept saying don't let me see it. usually i pretty good with's, that was my little sister and her i made her sit down and i held her while these two clarinets tried to out a wet paper towel on her eye...and low and behold Roach (yes that Roach) came over and asked where my cell phone was (apparently the whole time this was going on i was yelling for my phone) and i couldn't remeber so she offered me hers but i couldn't remeber the numbers and i reliazed HELLO!!! it was on my hip the whole i tried to get a hold of mom and dad...and i don't remeber much after that...i was to busy gagging and crying and shivering... somewhere between the phone thing and getting her out of the bathroom she had stopped shaking but Roach had to carry me i was shaking so bad...well...she's fine now...i'm still a little shook up...her eye is fine can check her MyO if ya want...what happened was she smacked herself in the face with the flag andher glasses punctured her cheek...there's a chance her cheekbone is broke but...
i'm just really gratefull towards Roach...i really couldn't of functioned without her and her friend (who helped me back up while we waited fer dad to get there...)
well...sorry for making you read all this...i'd appreaciate alot of pms...i've cried way to much this week...
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Monday, August 14, 2006
curreent mood: 
ugh...sorry i haven't posted...this girl at band was giving me a hard time and i went completly balistic and threw a HUGE temper tantrum...i should've just punched in the face (suggestion made by Okaa-san's friend...) but yeah...i ended up hurting my foot in the midst of my rage...not badly...just a cut on the bottom...but's gonna hurt when i march today...mmmmm granola...^-^ im eating breakfast...anywho...on friday after my fit o' rage my grandparents came over a took me and meh sibilings to the mall and i bought kyo kara maoh DVD vol 1. and then i bought Ouran High Host CLub vol 1 of the manga and vols. 4 and 5 of Gravitation with a gift card i got fer meh b-day and my grand ma bought me two new tank tops from Hot Topic ^-^ i luv them. one has a ship anchor on it and the other says "i'm not shy i'm just quietly examining my prey..." i thought it fit uh yeah. Kitsune is back for now. i hope this lil Roach i'm dealing with at band isn't there today or she stays out of my face...i dunno man...i scared myself...the whole rage thing...whoo...anywho WISH me luck!! LATER!!
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
current mood: band's really gettin' to me...
hey ya'll see my pretty new muraki avatar or do ya'll still see Ryuichi-chan? I see muraki but okaa-san says it's still coming up as ryu-chan...which makes me sad...'cause it's supposed to work...
anywho...i'm tired...still didn't get enough sleep last night...but (lucky me) since i did all that work in the veggie garden this year and then all that work at the nursing home i'm somewhat in good shape and i'm not as sore as i would've been if i hadn't worked all this spring and summer...i have a bit of a twitch in my shoulder that hurts and my toes kinda hurt...but after freshman camp and the first day of REAL camp in my freshman year i was sore all over in places i didn't think possible...maybe their just not working us hard enough...*shrugs*
well it's about time fer me to leave so LATER my loyal fans!!!
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
current mood: camp and stuff today man...
how do ya like my new theme? i had to let the doctor have a turn ^-^cute isn't it? okaa-san did the bg for me and i did the avatar ^-^ it may not work (okaa-san says she didn't see it come up) but I see it so maybe it'll just take a little while.
*yawn* i'm tired. couldn't sleep last night untill 11:30 and then i woke up at 5:30...*sigh* and i have band from 8 to 3...ima be one tired fox...
well wish me luck. im a little out of practice with marching...ima screw up...yup i forsee it in the near future...
maybe Muraki can help...hmmm...
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