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Member Since
Novelist, Editor, German Translator, Big Sister, Oldest Daughter, Okaa-san's Best Friend, Oyaji's favorite daughter, Haichi's true love, 2nd chair flute for the Warwick Raider band, and finally a Kitsune.
Real Name
that's on a need to know basis ^-^ and you...don't need to know!
Everything I do is an acheivement, unless i screw up...then it's Haichi's fault!!!!
Anime Fan Since
4th grade. Gundam Wing. good times, good times...
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Weiss Kreuz, Naruto, Kyo Kara Moah, Sukisho, Ouran High Host CLub, Yami no many...
TO BE A NOVELIST! like Shigure-sensei and Yuki-sensei!!!!
reading, writing, drawing, watching anime, annoying Okaa-san, bossing around under classmen, clinging to Haichi...
above...PLUS. i have a wierd ability to recognize anime voice actors and i can memorize any ENGLISH song i hear the first time i hear it and i can SORT OF sing any JAPANESE song the first time i hear it....i can't really memorize japanese songs well...
| KitsuneYuuki
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
current mood: cute...
anywho, sorry i haven't been posting lately. to tired. today my last day before band camp so...i thought i'd post...
nothing much has hapened since the shopping trip of death...i watched the first episode of Yami no Matsuei Descendants of was good all the voice actors really fit together nicely...maybe i'll do a Yami no Matsuei theme...of course it'd have to have either Muraki or Watari or Hisoka has anyone every noticed that all the hot guys on YM/DOD have names that end with "i" EXCEPT for Hisoka?! Tsuzuki, Tatsumi, Watari, Muraki...hmmmmmmmm neck is hurting...why's my neck hurting...oh...'cause i have to LOOK at the keyboard...owww...
well gotta go. LATER!
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
current mood: 
we went shopping fer school today...we spent $800 and some...scary, ne? still i ended up buying some real cool stuff ^-^ ima be stylin' this year!!!!
anywho...i finally saw all of Weiss Kreuz yesterday on youtube. such an awesome dog, max, i s insisting on sitting on my lap while i type...jeez maxie...right right Weiss KReuz...i really wish the animation was i'm watching kyo kara maoh...very cool as well i mean seriously! what kid doesn't wanna be flushed down a toilet and be sucked (litereally) into another world with demons who have a bit of a German fetish?! especially when EVRYONE there is like SUPER hot! I mean it's like bishounen haven!! Rock on Gunter, Wolfram, and Konrad ^-^
so...what else to talk about...i'm hoping to be able to go over to Okaa-san's tommorrow to watch Memoirs of a Geisha with her and her BF meh Oyaji ^-^ that'd be so awesome!!!he needs to Pm me *cough cough* well...later meh loyal fans!
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Thursday, August 3, 2006
current mood: yes Sasuke playing flute IS a mood...sorta...wait...Sasuke plays the flute?! DUDE!!!
band camp was alright yesterday. i got there REALLY early (like an hour) and nearly noone was there but me, my sister, and my Sophmore #1(i control those of younger years since i myself am now a UPPERCLASSMEN!! currently i have 2 Sophmore and almost half a dozen Freshman...) so we played around in the auditorium where the color guard practices until it was time to play ^-^ i THOUGHT i was gonna be all alone in band cause my Freshman and my Sophmores are all in colorguard but i found out that i DO have a friendin band ^-^ which is really cool cause those long hours in the sun get a little lonely. speaking of sun IT WAS HOT and we stayed outside for 4 hours. and the freshmen are really stupid i hate most of them some are all right but i'm a little dissapointed that there's no cute ones...*sigh* oh well...anywho. nothing else to's some piccies to ease yer minds ^-^

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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
current mood: 
blah...start band camp today ^-^ i'm REALLY happy. i kinda do miss the loudness and the drama of a high school marching band. no sitcom can live up to it ^-^ okaa-san's b-day gift was great ^-^ it was a little balck jounral with bamboo on it and a magnetic locking thingie ^-^ i wrote in it last night ^-^ thank you so much okaa-san!!!!
nothing realy to talk about really to tired to be doing any of this...the heat makes me REALLY sleepy...and it's supposed to be 102 degrees (farenheit) and the heat index is like 115 degrees...i belive that's the hottest on record...dang global warming...i moving to's col there...and they have wolves...
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
current mood:
WOOT!!! "happy Yaoi birthday to Kitsune, Happy Yaoi birthday to Kitsune!!!" 'tis my birthday ^-^ and i'm currently exactly a whole 16 years and 44 mins old ^-^ (i was born at 7:04 am) I got a cell phone yesterday for my b-day ISN'T THAT SO AWESOME!!!! and okaa-san's coming over to give me her gift ^-^ i can't wait!!!!
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Monday, July 31, 2006
current mood:
only 4 people (other than me or Okaa-san) have commented on my drawings...that...kinda makes me mad...and a little sad...well...i'm just not loved enough on this site. thank you to those who did comment...
okaa-san added my Kadaj's Gang piccy as my bg until she can fix the one i had before...kadaj's gang doesn't make to bad of a bg...maybe if they were colored...
well...i'm tired...later...
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
okay okay ^-^ heres an explantation and the story behind the piccies Okaa-san posted for me this morning ^-^ (thank you okaa-san)
The first is the bio pic for my two characters Riko and Kira. this was drawn while i was "at work"
the second i started one day (randomly) at 9 pm and finished at 4 am =-=' i was REALLY tired afterwards...
the one below is just a color came out kinda yellow...anywho if you can't tell, he's supposed to be a fallen angel ^-^
the next is a random piccy i did at home...they don't have names...we just call the white cat bob and the black fox joe...they're coloring came out wierd to...
the next was really random and i'm kinda embrassed that the straps across his chest showed up after i tryed to erase them *sob* i'm not sure what wrong with him...he's got issues...
the next is the most cutest chibi Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz in the world and that's NOT my ego talking ^-^
the next is actually the SECOND piccy i drew of Riko and Kira...poor Kira...
THIS is the first piccy i drew of them. i drew it on the 28th of June for ko-neko's birthday. she thinks it's wrong that they're no catboys on the internet =-='
the next is a piccy of Sephiroth that i'm not to proud of...his hair's wierd...
THE SEPHI-CHIBI!!!!!!! isn't he adorable?! ya'll love him, i know ^-^
and the last is just a random sketch i did "at work"
hope ya'll like ^-^
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-Kitsune's Art-
Mood- To...Early (Note- this is Okaa-sans Mood)

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Friday, July 28, 2006
current mood:
i reccomend it ^-^
hopefully okaa-san will have posted my piccies tommorrow morning (HINT HINT!!) i can't wait to see what you think ^-^ well we'll see tommorrow ^-^
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
current mood: i dunno...this one just seems appropriate...
i screwed up my bg for the hopefully okaa-san will fix it...i swear my debts to that woman will never be lifted! I LOVE YOU OKAA-SAN!!! *sigh* if she does fix it with the bg i want then i'm sure all of you will be very happy 'cause it's a AWESOME bg ^-^ of course it's final fantasy and it's of "Kadaj's Gang"...i swear...ya think they could of come up with differnet names for them?! when yer in the middle of talking REALLY FAST (which is what usually happens when i talk about FFVII) and you try to blurt out "Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz" ('cause you CAN NOT talk about one without talking about the others; they're like potatoe chips...) and you screw up and say "Kadaj, 'Zoo, and Oz" it's pretty embrassing...which, my loyal fans, is why i say "Kadaj's Gang"...even thought PERSONALLY i think Yazoo is the oldest...or maybe Loz...OKAY!! who do YA'LL think is the oldest?!
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