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errrrr...infront of my computer?
Member Since
Novelist, Editor, German Translator, Big Sister, Oldest Daughter, Okaa-san's Best Friend, Oyaji's favorite daughter, Haichi's true love, 2nd chair flute for the Warwick Raider band, and finally a Kitsune.
Real Name
that's on a need to know basis ^-^ and you...don't need to know!
Everything I do is an acheivement, unless i screw up...then it's Haichi's fault!!!!
Anime Fan Since
4th grade. Gundam Wing. good times, good times...
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Gravitation, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Weiss Kreuz, Naruto, Kyo Kara Moah, Sukisho, Ouran High Host CLub, Yami no many...
TO BE A NOVELIST! like Shigure-sensei and Yuki-sensei!!!!
reading, writing, drawing, watching anime, annoying Okaa-san, bossing around under classmen, clinging to Haichi...
above...PLUS. i have a wierd ability to recognize anime voice actors and i can memorize any ENGLISH song i hear the first time i hear it and i can SORT OF sing any JAPANESE song the first time i hear it....i can't really memorize japanese songs well...
| KitsuneYuuki
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
current mood:
THIS ISN'T WORKING!!!!!!!! ugh!!!! i CAN NOT get this freaking book STARTED!! *smashes computer screen in with a malice* *gets a soda**opens soda* HEY! this isn't coke...Slice One diet berry soda...?*sips* HEY THIS IS GOOD!!!!
Sephiroth:...great...Kitsune found her new hook...
*singing praise of Slice One diet berry soda* WHOO! ya'll have to try this!! it ain't better than coffee but it is a worthy subsitute!!
MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 6 DAYS!!! YOU GUYS HAD BETTER SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! and weapons of mass destruction would be appropriate gifts ^-^
anywho...HOPEFULLY my Oyaji(oyaji=father AKA Okaa-san's boyfriend ^-^) will be a more active member of this site soon. it'd be MUCHO appreciated because i really miss him!! YOU HEAR THAT?! YER MISSSED!!!
I'm sorry i didn't post the last few days, i wasn't able to due to lack of sleep and cramps
@-@ cramps bad...yeah, i have to go check out everyone's sites and stuff, hope ya'll have been behaving!!
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
current mood: 
I actually woke up when my alarm clock went off this's currently 5:46...*yawn*
so...i've been working on this blasted story for three days now and i haven't YET finished the Outline (don't kill me, Okaa-san!!) i'm taking my time, trying to get everything done. it's hard 'cause i'm trying to type it all and i can't always be on the computer *sigh* hopefully it'll be worth it...
*yawn* this bites...why'd i get up this morning?! ugh oh yeah to talk to you guys...*yawn*

...i wish...i screwed up the stupid coffee pot this morning and instead of nice dark bitter oblivion i got this clear tea colored crap...i hope mum got the stupid thing and the coffee pot...we gots issues...that is why Starbucks was created...for people who don't have time to make the coffee pot see the reason for their cravings and who have 5 bucks to spend on a really STRONG cup of coffee...

ya'll are starting to wonder, how many coffee related avatars does this woman have?! ohoho! but i have only just begun to scracth the surface! there is no end to my love for the:

i mean seriosly:

the smell is enough to bring me out of bed! i mean seriosuly:

when peopl say that 'pot' is a drug, they're talking about the coffee pot ^-^ 'cause:

i just wouldn't be a novelist if i didn't like coffe i mean check her out:

this chicks name is 'little author' and she's been drinking coffee. i say 'been' 'cause look WHO HOLDS A FULL CUP LIKE THAT?! if you do that then this is bound to happen:

and that would just be bad 'cause like it says i'd flippin' die man!!
people ask me my name and i'm like:

and the people at work they like need to get a clue 'cause:

those other stupid volunteers get all up in my face and i'm like:

but then i have a cup and everythings great so:

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Friday, July 21, 2006
Current mood:
I gave up on Lord of the Forest and now i'm starting another story which has MUCH more promise then LoF. this one doesn't have a title, and i'm not spoiling it for anyone by telling you here what it's about. You wanna know? Pm me with the subject "New Story" and i'll give you a breif description. everyone else may cheer me on from the sidelines and wait patiently to see if i can make this one work.
I will eventually...when i have the a few posting a picture of the three main characters; Lena, Axel, and Luperca. but i have to actually get the energy to draw them then arrange a time for okaa-san to come get them so she can scan 'em so that ya'll can get them...annoying procees, no? but what ever...
please support me with this all you good folk out there...i really want to make this story work, the characters NEED me and in return i need coffee, yaoi, and a LOT of support!!!
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
current mood: 
nothing's up but i got the day off so WOOT!!! nothing to do but sleep...and a few chores but sleep is highest on my priority list. like the makeshift bg? i went on this morning and my bg said 'please do not steal our images' all over the place*growl* so i tryed changing the bg to sephiroth surrounded by flames and it wouldn't load up so i slapped this on. it won't stay up long, just till i can figure out where to get a good bg. i've become pretty depedent on photobucket (thanks to Okaa-san) and now google just doesn't seem as accurate in their searches...and you can't direct link from photobucket...well...most of the time you can't this bg is from photobucket but it worked...*sweatdrop* i guess the bg's i want just hate i'll have a better bg soon if not there's nothing wrong with bloody evil emo Sasuke is there? i didn't think so!
Spehiroth: that's not very should let your fans have a say before you answer your own question, Kitsune... bad...they love it right? of course they do!
Sephiroth: your doing it again...*shakes head*
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
current mood: 

0-o whoah...*drool* that's...awesome...agreed my gravifanfriends? Pagan...? Okaa-san...?
So nothing's changed since yesterday...I finally went to sleep at like 1:00 and this morning somehow in my semi-concious state i managed to find my way into the shower and then yelp when i turned on the cold water...scared me to death...some wake up call...AND I'M THE ONE WHO DID IT!!! does that last sentence make any since? i dunno my brain's not feeling good at all...just wait till i have to work like this...*sigh*
ANYWHO!!! I found a whole NEST of little Ryuichi chibis so ima go fer now. Later!!!
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Monday, July 17, 2006
current mood:
HEY!! I looked up what a fox, giraffe, and a turtle represents in dreams...ya'll think they mean anything?
To see a fox lurking about in your dream, represents cleverness and resourcefulness. You need to use your insight and intellect to solve some problem. Perhaps you need to conceal your thoughts and/or remain silent. Alternatively, it indicates a period of isolation or loneliness. It is a good way for you to use this time to reflect.
To see a giraffe in your dream, suggests that you need to consider the overall picture. Take a broader view on your life and where it is headed.
To see turtles in your dream, suggests that you will make slow but steady progress. You need to slow down and pace yourself. Alternatively, it indicates that you are sheltering yourself from the realities of life.
To dream that you are being chased by a turtle, indicates that you are hiding behind a facade instead of confronting the things that are bothering you.
...hmm...i dunno...kinda...strange...their was also somthing about moths...and moths represent emerging from a period of darkness or depression and moving towards light or enlightenment, transformation, something that is decayed, worn or outdated, moth-eaten...
uh...things don't look so great fer me and Ryu-chan eh...hmph...stupid dream dictionaries...
WAIT!! This dictionary is better check this out:
Dream symbol: fox
Sexual energy
Needing to be observant
Being able to adapt easily to changing circumstances
Somebody who is sly or cunning
Misleading or tricking somebody, foxing them
Somebody who is sexually attractive, a foxy lady
Being attacked by a fox may suggest feeling betrayed or being outmaneuvered
Dream symbol: giraffe
Your neck or throat region
Feeling proud, walking tall
Grace, elegance
Dream symbol: turtle
Needing to build stable foundations before launching a project
Needing to ground yourself
Having the ability to adapt to circumstances
Somebody who withdraws easily, and tends to be defensive or sensitive
that sounds a little better...anywho...sorry to bore ya'll it's 11:30 and ima a LITTLE sleepy...*sigh* but i refuse to go to bed...that's what flippin' sugar's fer right?! where's the pocky when i need it...?!
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current mood:
3Y3 D0N'T N33D Y3R 51LLY 5MP4THY!!!!!!lol*
I feel L33T today...fer some reason...correction I feel KITSUNE L33T...not normal l33T...i believe that's worse...normal L33T i mean...
ANYWHO! sorry i haven't been on, been to busy to talk to the computer screen since hardly anybody ever comments meh posts any more...'cept okaa-san...thanks okaa! what's with that? is this the "dying season" fer MyO do people just NOT have time fer MyO during the summer?! WELL I DO 'CAUSE I HAVE NO FLIPPIN' LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
ugh...i blame PaganAngel fer this...i do man i do....'cause of her hot new's RYUICHI-NESS!!!!he's wonderful...i LOVE had a dream that he and i went to the zoo...and said hi to all the animals...and then we stole two foxes, a giraffe, and a and Ryuichi....Grand Theft Animal...
welp...gotstas go...mayhap i'll look up what foxes, giraffes, and turtles symbolize and see if i have any hope of going out with LATER!!!
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Friday, July 14, 2006
current mood:
a brillant mood to be in, no? yeah i think so to ^-^
Neways, likey the new bg? i let ko-neko have meh Zabuza and Haku one, finally felt guilty enough *sigh*
Anyways...hope ya'll are all being good and...well...hopefully yer all asleep right now 'cause it's 10:00 and im have a pain in my eye from lack of sleep and to much work.
*yawn* have fun ya'll, i might post some piccies i found on photobucket in a minute...if i don't like...die...
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current mood:
okay so it's techniqully am=lmost seven but i woke up (unusually late) at 6 'cause the phone was was work calling to tell mom that we're short a nurse today, lovely...
anyways...i tried to fix my intro piccy Okaa-san put up there fer me but i ended up screwing up...*sigh* anybody like my little gifs? cute, no? *lol* i like the inuyasha funny is that? BTW fer those of you who don't know who's in the box I SHUN YOU!!!
*sigh* i'm sooooo tired...*falls over* I'm never gonna make it today with out falling asleep...maybe just crawl into an empty does make you kinda sleppy being in a place with over 100 beds and the heat always turned up 'cause the residents don't like to be cold...and i hate the heat! it's horrible...
so...i hope ya'll enjoy yer day i'll make the best out of it.
...i'm hungry...
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
current mood:
okay so that's not my mood i just think he's hot...
ya know what else is hot?

this piccy of Sephiroth by Elf Art on Deviantart! she's a very talented artist, no?
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