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myOtaku.com: KitsuneYuuki

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I went out into my garden this morning planning to harvest a few squash and maybe even one or two peppers. i'm a good gardener, my little lot is about 15' by 25' and has 10 different types of tomatoes, 7 different peppers, 3 diffeent types of cucmber, and various other plants including: squash, zuchinni, eggplant, cantalope, pumpkin, watermelon, basil, parsley, and oregano.
Now I TREASURE my little eden, i do. I dug it out in the sun, i have the scars from various blisters to prove it, with a PICKAXE ('cause i'm demented like that) and everyday i go out there and harvest my goodies and my mother cooks them for dinner.
On this particular morning, about an hour ago (5:45) i went out into my precios garden and watered it, not expecting anything to go terribly wrong. When i'd finished watering the plants i poked around in the leaves of my squash and do you know what i found? FOUR baby squash with the ends chewed off of them!!! That made me a little annoyed, squash has a habit of growing en mas so i knew it was no big lose until i happened to look up and saw that my bananna peppers, which take 65 days to ripen, were chewed up and laying in a neat little pile at the base of the fruitless plant. Upon further inspection; i noticed that nearly all the blossoms on my cucumbers were on the ground, the leaves and delicate blossoms of my zuchinni were chewed up, and one of my tomatoe plants were knocked over; the culprit? A Sylvilagus floridanus or to you common people: COTTONTAIL RABBIT!!

i am TICKED!!! all that work and THE RABBIT'S THE ONE GETTING FAT!!! *growly growly* this sound like one of Aesop's fables!! IT'S KARMA I TELL YOU!!! KARMA!!!

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