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myOtaku.com: KitsuneYuuki

Thursday, August 17, 2006

current mood: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

sorry it's been a while guys...guess i need to back up a couple of days...right?

okay Tuesday. was pretty cool...i threw a temper tantrum in front of the band 'cause the butt head from last time, Roach, was giving me a hard time so i told the drum major what was going on and he said he'd talk to her. i didn't think he would actually do anything 'cause they're pretty good friends but while we were waiting to be told what to do Roach starting fussing me and the other two girls in front of me out over something stupid and drum major called her over and his exact words were "you're being a bitch..." wow huh...yup made my day ^-^

so then yesterday...it was...pretty bad 'cause i was really lonely 'cause i didn't have anybody to talk and no friends and i got SUPER depressed. well i went into the bathroom and i was about to leave when a friend from the color guard came in. and she asked what had been going on between me and the Roach and i said that they were just being assholes (her and her friend) ....well....they were standing outside the bathroom when i said it...so...they told the whole band and the other drum major who took me into the backroom to ask me what happened. well...it wasn't really the two buttheads that i was upset about but she started being all...fake nice with me and it ticked me off....so i started crying...i eventually calmed down and went back out into the band when a girl in my section asked if i was okay and i started crying again which just thrilled the hell out of Roach and her Buddy. they thought it was 'cause of them....

So today...amazingly they were...pretty liberal during the first half of the day...and we were standing around in sectionals practicing when my Sophmore, Drew, came running down the hall calling me. when she found me i asked what was wrong and she just said "it's sissy" and i ran, i followed her to the bathroom and ko-neko was leaning over the sink covering her face. i thought she was sick and this bitch was all in her face asking if she was okay...i tried to get her to move but she wouldn't so i grabbed her shoulder and hauled her fat A$$ into the stalls and that's when i saw the blood all over her face and a knot the size of a ping-pong ball under her eye...i mean...the blood was pouring from her eye and down her throat and she wasn't even crying from that eye it was blood tears...(which now that's it's over i relizae is pretty cool) well she grabbed me and kept saying don't let me see it. usually i pretty good with blood...it's just...man, that was my little sister and her blood...so i made her sit down and i held her while these two clarinets tried to out a wet paper towel on her eye...and low and behold Roach (yes that Roach) came over and asked where my cell phone was (apparently the whole time this was going on i was yelling for my phone) and i couldn't remeber so she offered me hers but i couldn't remeber the numbers and i reliazed HELLO!!! it was on my hip the whole time...so i tried to get a hold of mom and dad...and i don't remeber much after that...i was to busy gagging and crying and shivering... somewhere between the phone thing and getting her out of the bathroom she had stopped shaking but Roach had to carry me i was shaking so bad...well...she's fine now...i'm still a little shook up...her eye is fine too...you can check her MyO if ya want...what happened was she smacked herself in the face with the flag andher glasses punctured her cheek...there's a chance her cheekbone is broke but...

i'm just really gratefull towards Roach...i really couldn't of functioned without her and her friend (who helped me back up while we waited fer dad to get there...)

well...sorry for making you read all this...i'd appreaciate alot of pms...i've cried way to much this week...

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