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myOtaku.com: KittieOfDoom

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

   Im feeling..Better
Hey people Im much better since yesterday ^.^ Um...Heres what i did today

Homeroom:Talked about how much we hated mrs.phillip XD

Gym: Moshed in the locker room It was fun O.<


English:Cool we were reading MORE Edgar Allan Poe stories

S.S: I got to write I love cheese on the overhead ^.^ MR.DEEVEY ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF

Lunch: Made up funny sentences about being ghetto LOL Its was funny Heres a funny one
'Im so ghetto my lighting system is flashlights taped to the ceiling'
'Im so ghetto that i use dirty socks as a pad' That one made the whole table crack up XD [I made that one up the first one angel made]

Sci: I got a C- in that class ^.^ GO ME

Home ec: We made sticky buns [Hehe dirty name right?] ;]


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