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myOtaku.com: KittieOfDoom

Sunday, November 28, 2004

   I wont be posting for a LONG time
Hey people..

Well I wont be posting for a LONG time..well not till after the new year to be persise because I am grounded..Yes very sad.. What i did was VERY stupid and i will NEVER do that again!! So i will have a whole lot of hilarious stories for you when i post again.

Well in other news i was watching a football game..The Eagles vs. the Giants. I dont know who won though cause i got bored with the game but i must say that those dudes have some nice asses!! lol O.< Does anyone know who won? If ya do hit me up on it.

Well on to other things..

Its my sisters birthday today and boy is she making it known to everyone! Its not nice..My dads birthday was the day after thanksgiving and I got a whole lotta other b-days comming up so i must go shopping for those people! But my birthday is in...Ummm..I dont know about a month not quite sure though BUT Its comming..WOOOSH Umm...Courtneys birthday is comming up soon too! December 24th! Go courtneh!!! Umm......Well I got nothing else to type right now so Ill be back after the new year! Ill miss you guys!!!! But I'll be back ^-^ Goodbye *tear falls from eye*

Tons of love,

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