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myOtaku.com: kitty-cat1518

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

   Why meetings shouldn't be scheduled during exam week.
mood: bouncy
Ok. Today I had to get up early. ( ugh. hated that because I didn't go to sleep until 3:00 in the morning to begin with. ) I had a meeting at school concerning a summer trip ten of us students are going on. When I got there I got to talk to all of my friends that were there taking the exams. One of them, who is also going on the same trip, had forgot about the meeting and was just going to leave after his last exam. So when I reminded him, he totally freaked out. (That was so funny!) I had to then help him find a hiding spot that he could go to, so he could use his cell phone to call his mom ( we don't have cars yet and cell phones aren't allowed on school grounds) and ask her to pick him up after the meeting. It was so funny! Because when he called her she started yelling about how irresponsible he was and stuff like that for waiting to tell her until the last minute ( I'm going to add that I only thought it was funny because I knew his mom wouldn't really get angry with him, just lecture him forever about it. I'm not that cruel) And before she finished our teacher in charge of the meeting walked into the room, so my friend had to turn off his phone with his mom still yelling on the other end and then throw the phone into his bookbag before the teacher saw it. I really couldn't help him any because I was too busy trying to stop laughing to do anything. Well, that's about all that happened today, and I have to go to church now. so later.

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