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Naruto and Fruitsbasket (go Kyo!!! X3)
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ANIME, SUSHI, AND MANGA! XD and annoying my friends X3
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
i made a mistake in my last post... I said it would had been nicer with becky-chan, but what i shold had said was tht it would be nicer if Becky-Chan came a long, oops! ^^' Heh heh...
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Uhh, yes I know.. ^^' I have not posted for some time...but I just hope none of my friends kill me ^^' lolz. Well the summer has been totally awsome so far! For starters I went to see the Naruto movie, and we got to see 4 cosplayers. Itachi (what a perv, going in the girls bathroom! XD), Ka-chan X3, Gai, and Sauske (with his 'man purse' XD). Well tht was fun, but I went with my friend Ivette, of course. Although it would had been nicer with Becky-Chan...T_T. But I'm also happy because I am going to leave this mosquito drenched town! But then again...i'm going to be away for 2 months without internet!!!!!!!! T_T. Ah, oh well I won't be bored...right? Ka-Chan? Hello? Question Mark? Ka: *hiding from fangirl commotion (if there is any this late at night -_-)* Me: ah oh well, I guess he could not stand the squeling a couple of days ago...maybe it wasn't a good idea to take him...ah oh well XD. Well everybody here is the funny naruto comic of the day (more like week XD):

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Thursday, May 31, 2007
Ok....I need to post more XD. I have not posted in such a long time! Ka: -_-' Are you going to continue with these long breaks...? Kit: uhh, hey! well i had stuff tht came up... and yet again my stupid internet went crashing down. At least it is hopefully fixed. Well pplz i will try to post more! That is my goal..although i never really take them seriously...^_^' hehe, but i will try! Ka: *walks off* -_-' Kit: well here is the naruto comic of the week!

Ka: It's not really a comic...*rubs back of head*
Kit: So? it's funny ^^
Ka: -_-
Kit: fine *sighs* here is a comic:

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Ugh, how many times have this internet have to not work!!! am mad at it. oh well me will ttyl! (ya shortest post ^^)
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Friday, May 11, 2007
hey pplz! yet AGAIN my internet has been acting up *sighs* it is so snnoying!!!!! well lets hope it STAYS stable this time. Well everything is ok at school, i just had my exams for Tae-Kwon-Do (martial arts) and i passed ^^. Now that nothing is in my way....i get to post naruto comic!!! yay!!^^ Here it is:

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Monday, May 7, 2007
I know, I know i have not been on otaku for a long time.....AGAIN internet problems. But now it is hopefully fixed, so i will try to post more. *sigh* ok what has happened in this long time.....acctually why don't i say what happened today. That's easier. Ok well i had a normal school day, exept for all the stess at home. well i g2g so ya ttyl!
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
I have not posted in such a long time Oo. Im sorry people things came up XD. Like internet problems, grade on so forth. But now i am back =3. And here is the funny comic of the day X3:

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Friday, March 23, 2007
Hi! im sorry about not having time, i had to go work in the garden ^^'. I was kinda in a rush.
Well school was ok, we had a pep rally, and a volleyball game. The seniors vs the teachers. The seniors won of course XD.
well heres comic of the day XD:

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Thursday, March 22, 2007
ok my day was boring, boring, boring, boring. I had school and missed the bus, why am i happy? Idk, i just get happy easily. ok and no comic, cuz im in a rush so TTYL.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
THERE ARE NO MOODS THAT DESCRIBE ME, LIVE WITH IT PLEASE! Ok school was the same....boring. And I am done. Ka:.....You know, you should write more.... Me: fine. Ok I feel so stupid! I dont know why but I feel like this in math a lot. It's like I dont get these questions because I am to bored to even listen to the teacher. I mean I even started to grab the abiltiy to filter stuff she says through my head, it's creepy. I just space out, I don't even think about anything O.O I know. Any ways, I am also discusted today too. This guy in my class named Justin is like the perviest dude in the entier 7th grade. Ok, he liked me in 6th grade too, although he backed off after he got his ass kicked (mentally)by me. Although now he is going back to having a crush on me. UGH I HATE HIM! I mean not him entirerly, I just hate guys who are pervs in public. I mean ugh! Ka:.......ummmmm am I perverted on your standards? Me: no Ka: *thinking: Shit! Wheres Jeriah!? I need him to teach me*
Well here is the Comic of the day ^^:

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