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myOtaku.com: kitty00009

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

  I feel happy. Don't ask me why I am just happy. Ok people I A M H A P P Y, A N D D O N T A S K W H Y. Got it in your heads already? Good, well I just found out i'm a huge Kakashi fan girl too *squeals*. *stares at fangirl h8trs* If you don't like fangirls, then why are you still here? Well anyways, school was boring, it always is, the only thing which is ever cool is hanging out with my friends. But what really sucks, is that most of my friends are in family A (for you people out there who do not know this, the 7th grade is seperated by too families, with different teachers, as you guessed, I am in Familiy B) I hate how they seperate us! *gets annoyed and starts banging her head against the laptop* Kakashi: ........you know you shouldn't be doing that. Me: Ka-kun!? Kakashi: It's bad for the laptop. Me:.......WHO CARES ABOUT THE DAMN LAPTOP!? Ka: ..... you just said you were happy... Me:......I switch moods.... Ka: really? (carcastic voice) Me: *starts to cry on laptop* Ka: *rubs the back of his head ^^'* Never mind. You really are going to hurt yourself too... Me: O.O YOU care!?!?!? *hugs* Ka: ^^' *too nice to move her* Ummm your comic of the day?? Me: Oh right ^^' and a pic of ka-chan at the end. Ka: can you not call me ka-chan..... Me: no! Ka:........

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Kakashi pic ^^:
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*squeals* ka:.........

Well TTYL!

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