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myOtaku.com: kitty00009

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

  THERE ARE NO MOODS THAT DESCRIBE ME, LIVE WITH IT PLEASE! Ok school was the same....boring. And I am done. Ka:.....You know, you should write more.... Me: fine. Ok I feel so stupid! I dont know why but I feel like this in math a lot. It's like I dont get these questions because I am to bored to even listen to the teacher. I mean I even started to grab the abiltiy to filter stuff she says through my head, it's creepy. I just space out, I don't even think about anything O.O I know. Any ways, I am also discusted today too. This guy in my class named Justin is like the perviest dude in the entier 7th grade. Ok, he liked me in 6th grade too, although he backed off after he got his ass kicked (mentally)by me. Although now he is going back to having a crush on me. UGH I HATE HIM! I mean not him entirerly, I just hate guys who are pervs in public. I mean ugh! Ka:.......ummmmm am I perverted on your standards? Me: no Ka: *thinking: Shit! Wheres Jeriah!? I need him to teach me*
Well here is the Comic of the day ^^:
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