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myOtaku.com: kitty00009

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

  Uhh, yes I know.. ^^' I have not posted for some time...but I just hope none of my friends kill me ^^' lolz. Well the summer has been totally awsome so far! For starters I went to see the Naruto movie, and we got to see 4 cosplayers. Itachi (what a perv, going in the girls bathroom! XD), Ka-chan X3, Gai, and Sauske (with his 'man purse' XD). Well tht was fun, but I went with my friend Ivette, of course. Although it would had been nicer with Becky-Chan...T_T. But I'm also happy because I am going to leave this mosquito drenched town! But then again...i'm going to be away for 2 months without internet!!!!!!!! T_T. Ah, oh well I won't be bored...right? Ka-Chan? Hello? Question Mark? Ka: *hiding from fangirl commotion (if there is any this late at night -_-)* Me: ah oh well, I guess he could not stand the squeling a couple of days ago...maybe it wasn't a good idea to take him...ah oh well XD. Well everybody here is the funny naruto comic of the day (more like week XD):
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