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myOtaku.com: kitty00009

Saturday, January 19, 2008

   omg i ish bak xD
Yay I have returned from long time otaku hibernation....? Well I will TRY to post more often, but don't blame me when meh internet chrashes =O. Well for one big news, I am writing a book (omg a person w/ an 8th grade knowledge is writing a book! -.-;;), its name is Shadow on The Trees. Of course a lot of meh friends at school know this from meh big mouth xD ^^;;. And if yall want to know more comment or pm meh, and I will post it in the next post.

Well life has been ok ^^, I can't wait till meh b-day, Feburary 7th...cuzz I ish getting a new video ipod and Ivette-kun is going to download all of her J-rocker vids on meh ipod =3. Yayz ^^.

I am sorta letting go of naruto (can't belive how much of a nerd i was in 7th grade....^^;;) and I am not really interested in many anime shows, but in manga it is a different story.

Well Inuyasha has become a slight bit boring for my taste...so...I decided to start reading Chibi Vampire, which is a really good manga ^^.

Well no comic right now cuz i have to go....so ttyl!

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