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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
As I'm sitting here watching American Idol Christmas Special. I melt, I absolutely loooove Christmas. Everything about it is marvelous. Everyone is soo happy and smilie. I love giving gifts and seeing the smiles on their faces. And I love decorating my tree and house. Watching the specials on the tele. The way the snow makes all it worth while. How everyone everywhere is humming Christmas carols.
I love Christmas Carols. They are my favourite things other then Afi,Brand New and all those other bands. My favourite candy is the Candy Cane if you guys didn't know, because of christmas. I love talkign walks in winter with the lamp posts lit, and the snow lighty falling and seeing all the lights on the houses. To come back to my house and drink hot chocolate. And this year I have Matt for christmas. As you can tell, I love Christmas for all the right reasons. Gifts are just a delihtful add on. I love Christmas and no one can take the away or ruin my spirit.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas. May all your christmas' be bright and may all your christmas' be white.
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Sunday, November 16, 2003
Well here's an update on Kitty's life.
My family is really messed. As most of you know, my parents are divorced, and I live with my mom and step-father. Well my step-father, says that he can't take the fights me and my mom have and all my attitude, so he wants to move out. Pay our bills, drive me places, do things with me andmy sister, he would just rent a room somewhere. I'm pretty upset, he's been like my father, since my real one moved away when I was 4, and I would die if I had to live alone with someone I hate.
Besides that, my friends and me are great. I'm enjoying school and everything. I'm not doing so well in school, but thats okay. I'll pull up my grades for the exams.
I was going to see Blink 182 live. But when we got there to get tickets, they had JUST sold the last one ¬¬. Stupid people. Me and my friends were getting so excited.
Me and Matt have been going out for almost 2 months and it's great. He really cares about me and is really sweet. I have to think of what to get him for Christmas, I think I'm going to get him 2 AFI CD's and a wristband from West 49(a skate/punk store for those who don't know).
Yesterday, I had to do community service hours for school. And I did it with 6 girls from my school, including my best friend Vicky. And Matt and his friend Johnny and Iouri(pronounced Yurie) went to.
And currently I'm studying for a big Geography test <<;; And thats my life right now.
Later dayzz.
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Thursday, October 30, 2003
Happy Halloween everyone! I love Halloween, there's little cute kids in their little cute costumes, there's the scary part too. Me and my friends have the best time, trying to out-scare the others. Its good fun. And then there's the good ol' candy ^^.
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Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Stolen from Ajeh who stole it from Soly!
(1) what is your name? Kayla-Lynn
(2) Are you happy with it? Quite >>
(3) Are you named after anyone? Thats a negative.
(5) Your screenname: Thawrkx, KittyLynn, ShexyKitty, Kitten..
(6) Would you name a child of yours after you? Nada.
(7) Then what would you name your children? Hunter and Rayne are my favourites.
(8)If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? My name would've been Kade or something.
(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be? I would switch names with Vanessa
(10) Are there any mispronounciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? You cannot believe how many people mispronounce Kayla-Lynn..Come on people!!!
(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous? Mine is retarded so yes.
(12) Your sex: Female
(13) Straight/gay/bi? Straight.
(14) Single? Negative.
(15) Want to be? Not a clue
(16) Your birthdate: May 22,1989
(17) Your age: 14
(18) Age you act: Mostly..3
(19) Age you wish you were: I am happy with what I am.
(20) Your height: 5'6
(21) The color of your eyes: Blue/Green/Turquoise <~Fancy.
(22) Happy with it? Yea man!
(23) The color of your hair: Platnium blonde <~ Sexy sounding eh?
(24) Happy with it? Got a problem? Just dandy..
(25) Left/right/ambidextrous? Ambidextrous <~ Aren't I multitasked ~^
(26) Your living arrangement? With mother and step-father. And my evil,sin-ful little sister who deserves to rot in hell..Oo
(27) Your family: ...My family?
(28) Have any pets? Yes.
(29) What's your job: Negative
(30) Piercings? Ears. Getting: Belly button,nose ^^;
(31) Tattoos? I'm getting a square.
(32) Obsessions? Horses,Matt..ahem...I'm literally obsessed with my friends
(33) Addictions? My friends, Matt's cologne..ahem..
(35) Do you speak another language? French, the language of looove ^^;;
(36) Have a favourite quote? Not really.
(37) Do you have a webpage? Maybe..
DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
(38) Do you live in the moment? Yea, a lot of the past too.
(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Tolerant!?!?!...*clenches fist and grits teeth*..Yes...
(40) Do you have any secrets? Not any more.
(41) Do you hate yourself? No.
(42) Do you like your handwriting? Meh.
(43) Do you have any bad habits? *chew the inside of her mouth* No..¬¬
(44) What is the compliment you get most from people? I like the compliments you guys give me in My Picture forum ^^;; Makes me feel purdy
(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Meow?
(46) What's your biggest fear? Bugs.
(47) Can you sing? ..Define can.
(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? Why would someone wanna do that?
(49) Are you a loner? I surround myself in people...Oo..That came out wrong.
(50) What are your no. 1 priorities in life? My friends. Horses. Matt.
(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I probably would.
(52) Are you a daredevil? Hell ya man!
(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Not really.
(54) Are you passive or aggressive? Both really.
(55) Have you got a journal? What do you think you're reading?
(56) What is your greatest strength and weakness? Strengths: Enthousiastic and happy, optimistic. Weakness: I get jealous..>>;;
(57) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
(58) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity. Which would you choose? Love.
(59) How do you vent? Listening (ROo0ck0rzz!) to music. Calling up Matt or my friends.
(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong? Yes. I have to be with my friends.
(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? No regrets. I just go with the flow.
(62) Do you think life has been good so far? YA MAN!
(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Money doesn't mean anything. Your friends mean everything.
(64) What do you like the most about your body? Eyes. Hair <~ the sexy hair you wish you had.
(65) And least? Legs!!
(66) Do you think you are good looking? Nah.
(67) Are you confident? Yes.
(68) What is the fictional character you're most like? Who knows.
(69) Do people know how you feel? Sometimes.
(70) Are you perceived wrongly? Not all the time.
(71) Smoke? No.
(72) Do drugs? No.
(73) Read the newspaper? No
(74) Pray? No
(75) Go to church? No.
(76) Talk to strangers who IM you? I ask who they are...then talk!
(77) Sleep with stuffed animals? Yeash!
(78) Take walks in the rain? Yes.
(79) Talk to people even though you hate them? No.
(80) Drive? =P Not exactly supposed to..
(81) Like to drive fast? I've had bad experience with fast..But I continue to do it!
(82) Liked your voice? Its not squeeky so its an upside.
(83) Hurt yourself? Accidentally.
(84) Been out of the country? When I was a wee little one.
(85) Eaten something that made other people sick? *laughs*
(86) Had sex? No.
(87) Been unfaithful? No.
(88) Been in love? Yes.
(89) Done drugs? No way
(90) Gone skinny dipping? Yes.
(91) Had a medical emergency? Yes.
(92) Had a surgery? Negative.
(93) Ran away from home? Yes.
(94) Played strip poker? No.
(95) Gotten beaten up? By my almost brother Curtis, yes. Lol..All jokes
(96) Beaten someone up? No.
(97) Been picked on? By friends.
(98) Been on stage? Yes lots when I used to dance and when I do horse shows, your'e kinda "on stage".
(99) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? Sounds like someone's done this a little more than once..But me? No.
(100) Slept outdoors? Yes.
(101) Thought about suicide? No.
(102) Pulled an all-nighter? I hope everyone has.
(103) If yes, what is your record? I've gone all weekend.
(104) Gone one day without food? Thats like death for me ^^;;
(105) Talked on the phone all night? Yes.
(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first (moms and daddys don't count)? Yes.
(107) Slept all day? Yes.
(108) Killed someone? Negative.
(109) Made out with a stranger? Nada
(110) Had sex with a stranger? *laughs*
(111) Thought you're going crazy? Going crazy? I am crazy!
(112) Kissed the same sex? Truth or Dare.
(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex? Look above.
(114) Been betrayed? Yes.
(115) Had a dream that came true? Yeah.
(116) Broken the law? Yes.
(117) Met a famous person? Yeash!!!
(118) Masturbated? NEGATIVE
(119) Masturbated with something other then your hand? Nnooooooo
(120) Have you ever killed an animal by accident? No.
(121) On purpose? No
(123) With more then 1 person? *clenches fist*
(124) Threesome? What did I just say?
(125) Orgy? You really want to know don't you?
(126) Whip cream? I eat it yes.
(127) Bondage? Go away.
(128) Whipped/gotten whipped? Yes, not kinky.
(129) Blindfolded? Nada.
Don't ask me where these questions went (Thanks to my friend for deleting those. - .-;)
(145) Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? I had to.
(146) Stolen anything? Yes.
(147) Been on radio/tv? Yes.
(148) Been in a mosh-pit? Ya. I still hurt
(149) Had a nervous breakdown? Almost.
(150) Considered religious vocation? No.
(151) Been criticized about your sexual performance? THERE IS NO SEXUAL PERFORMANCE!
(152) Bungee jumped? When that day comes, I will answer Yes.
(153) Had a dream that kept coming back? Yes
CLOTHES and other fashion
(154) Shoe brand? Vans.
(155) Brand of clothing? Roxy,Billabong,West 49 stuff.
(156) Cologne/perfume? Vanilla body spray
(157) What are you normally wearing to school/work? My ugly uniform.
(158) How about parties? I usually end up in pajamas somehow..=P Not in a kinky way!
(159) Wear hats? A snowboarder hat
(160) Judge other people by their clothing? No
(161) Wear make-up? Eyeliner. Eye shadow.
(162) Favourite place to shop? Boathouse.West 49
(163) Favourite article of clothing? My Melissa hoodie
(164) Are you trendy? I'm stylin'..~^
(165) Would you rather wear a uniform to school? I ALREADY WEAR ONE.
(166) Believe in life on other planets? No
(167) Miracles? Yes.
(168) Astrology? no
(169) Magic? no
(170) God? no
(171) Satan? Her name is Kelsey and she lives in my house.
(172) Santa? Dude. Christmas wouldn't be the same.
(173) Ghosts? Ha!
(174) Luck? Yes
(175) Love at first sight? Hell ya man.
(176) Yin and Yang (that good can't exist without the bad)? Sure
(177) Witches? Nada
(178) Easter bunny? Be childish again guys.
(179) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? No.
(180) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Mmm. Nope.
(181) Do you wish on stars? I used to =P
(182) Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? I hate beliefs.
(183) Do you think God has a gender? I say it's an IT.
(184) Do you think that science counteracts religion? I hate all this talk, shut up.
(185) Do you believe in organized religion? ..fuck
(186) Where do you think we go when we die?
(187) Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Yes.
(189) Who's the one person that knows most about you? Emily.
(190) What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? Stay happy.
(191) Your favourite inside joke? Sqaure
(192) Thing you're picked on most about? My weirdness
(193) Who's your longest known friend? Vicky.
(194) Newest? Shylhana
(195) Shyest? Emily
(196) Funniest? Russ and my dear Aleks
(197) Sweetest? Juu,Matt,Emily,Aleks,Suzy.
(198) Closest? Aleks,Vicky and Emily.
(199) Weirdest? I'm THE weird.
(200) Smartest? Quinn
(201) Ditziest? Vicky,Pia,Terriann,Bernidette.
(202) Friends you miss being close to the most? Ginny!!!!
(203) Last person you talked to online? Bryan
(204) Who do you talk to most online? That would be Ruuuuuuuu
(205) Who are you on the phone with most? Matt.
(206) Who do you trust most? Matt, Vicky,Emily, Aleks, and Ruuuuu
(207) Who listens to your problems? Russ, Emily,Aleks, Matt
(208) Who do you fight most with? Vicky
(209) Who's the nicest? Emily
(210) Who's the most outgoing? Aleks
(211) Who's the best singer? Aleks
(212) Who's on your shit-list? My shit list?..I dun have one..Oo
(213) Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? Uhh..O_O No.
(214) Who's your second family? OB
(215) Do you always feel understood? Nooope
(216) Who's the loudest friend? Other then me? Russ or Aleks
(217) Do you trust others easily? Not really.
(219) Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Matt
(220) Do your friends know you? Of course.
(221) Friend that lives farthest away: My Austrailian friends
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Bleh. I'm sick. I didn't go to school today or yesterday. I felt like shit, now I'm just..Mewh..
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Sunday, October 26, 2003
What time is it now: 11:51 am
Your Name: Kayla-Lynn
Your Nickname: Kitty,Kitten,Kittoo,Kittah,Kitkat,Kayl,Kaylo
Your Online Name: Kitty
Your sex: Female
Your Age: 14
Your Sign: Gemini
Your height: 5'6
Your weight: 113
Hair color: Platnium Blonde <~Doesn't that sound special?
Eye color: Blueish/Green/Turqoise
Hair length: Shoulder length.
Do you wear glasses: Yes. Only when reading the board from far away.
Are your teeth straight: Very
Do you have freckles: A little bit on my nose. Very lite
Do you have a fake tooth: No.
Do you have a fake eye: Thats a negative
Do you draw fake moles on yourself: ...No.
Highest level of school: I'm in Grade 9
Do you work: It depends
How do you dress: Comfy and on the skater-side
Do you smoke: No. The smell is a definate turn off.
Do you drink: Coolers only.
Do you do drugs: No.
Do you have friends: Yeash
Do you have online friends: Yup.
Do you like your friends: Of course.
Do you like your online friends: I love them
Got any kids? No.
Got any pets? 3 ferrets,1 dog,3 cats,2 hamsters..The list goes on really.
Got a car? Not yet.
Live on your own? No.
Live with your 'rents? I don't call them 'rents, they are more like my "masters"
Type of music: Punk-ish
Actor: Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom
Actress: I don't like actresses
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean,Finding Nemo and THE LION KING!!!1
Soda: Mountain Dew
Food: Pasta, Salad, Popcorn.
Car: Dodge Durango
Hobby: Riding horses. Drawing. Talking to my friends on MSN and AIM. And loving my Matt.
Sport: Horse back riding.
Musician: AFI
Artist: *doesn't know*
Author: I forget his name..^^;;
Song: The Last Kiss-AFI
Color: Pink,White and Black
TV Show: I don't watch TV much, but The Family Guy and South Park
Brand of beer: Corona
Brand of liquor: Doesn't have one
Brand of smokes: When my house is on fire?
Brand of drug: Shut up about the intoxications.
Brand of clothes: Dickies,Roxy,Etnies,anything skater-ish
Record Label: *doesn't care*
Brand of glue: O.o
Online test: Quizilla and Emode
Online chat thing: MSN
Shape: Square!
Texture: Cloudy, Fluffy, Pillowy stuff
Game: Crazy Taxi on PS2
Place: Sauble Beach
Year: 2003?
Quote: "Fate fell short this time"
Animal: Meow?
Sound: Light Rain.
Book: The Sight and Fire Bringer
Lies: ...
Have you lied: Everybody has.
Do you lie: Yes.
Do you lie often: Yes..^^;;
Do you lie to save your own ass: All the time
Do you lie to save someone else ass: Duh.
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your lover: No way.
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your enemy: I'm a little confused. But if it killed Christina Aguilaria then yes.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired your friend: Of course not.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired "that bitch you work with": Ya man
Have you lied to gain money: =P
Would you lie to gain money: No.
Do you enjoy lying to strangers: Those phone call seller people
Have you ever enjoyed lying to a stranger: Ya man
Do you lie to bums that ask for spare change, saying you have none: I give food to bums.
Would you dare to lie in the face of evil: Yes I would lie in the face of my mother =P
Would you dare to lie in the face of your mother: ..What did I just say!?
Would you dare to lie in the face of your God: I don't believe there is a god
Would you lie to get laid: Uuuh No.
Have you lied to get laid: No.
Would you lie to get a job: Nothing too big.
Have you lied to get a job: Nope
Would you lie to get a date: No and I'm not planning to either.
Have you lied to get a date: No
Are lies really that harmless: Depends
Do you lie on online surveys to make yourself seem super cool: It would defeat the purpose of the quiz
Do you lie online: I lied once. I'm sorry Russ.
If lying is sinful.. are you going to hell: There isn't a hell, and if there is, I'm not going..Because? I don't want to
Love life:
Are you single: No.
Are you with someone: Yes.
Are you married: To Chocy
Are you divorced: Course not.
Are you "Separated": About a billion miles away
Are you "on break": I'd like to be on Break ~_^
Ever been in love: Yes.
How many times: Twice.
Looking back do you regret it: I don't regret it. I..its hard to explain.
Do you date people you meet online: Maybe I would.
Do you date people you meet at bars: If I could get in a bar, maybe.
Do you date people: I'm dating someone now.
Do you "net date": I believe I already answered this.
Are you happy with your current status, why: Yes I am. My life seems so complete now.
Are you still holding on to the past: I'm trying to.
Do you agree that Jet Li is a good husband for Shajuana: Wha!?
The following apply to you? Y/N
Witty: Witty..is my life.
Charming: When I'm sleeping ~^
Quiet: If I'm depressed, yes.
Pretty: ..Some people think so.
Radical: Dude, ya man.
Sucky: Not at all.
Smart: ..=P Not really.
Stupid: Kinda.
Dumbass: I've been known to be a dumbass.
Ugly: Most of the time.
Slow: No.
Fast: Very ~^
Talented: In some thing, I guess.
Useless: No
Punk: Yesash-ish
Young: 14..I'm younger then someone out there.
Old: Older than some.
Past your prime: No
You're just reaching your prime: Not.
Daring: Totally
Dainty: Ya right.
Powerful: Soemtimes.
Athletic: Yes.
Artistic: Yes
Superhuman: I have cat-like tendancies.
Sexy: *rolls eyes*
The following are Good/Bad
Sex: Good
Love: Very good.
Happiness: Good.
Rap: Bad!! I hate rap. Its cRAP..ahem..
Pain: Bad.
Pop music: Bad
Anime: Good
TV: Depends
Country: Bad.
Metal: Depends
Nu-Metal: Depends.
Death Metal: No thanks.
Industrial: Nah.
Punk Rock: Good.
Easy Listening: No
Korn: Mhhmm..
Murderous Rampages: Oo
Sega: Nada
Nintendo: Thats a negative.
Play Station: Good.
Game Boy: Mhmmm...
Chinese Food: Nope.
Italian Food: WHOO! ^________^
Japanese Food: Nope.
Mexican Food: ...Depends.
Online Quizzes: Yeah!
Online Surveys: Bad.
Whats your deep dark secret: I don't have one.
Whats your biggest fear: Bugs.
Whats your greatest sexual experience: Do I have to put that here O.O
Whats your best date ever: I met Matt at the arena and I watched him and his band play in his friends basement, then we walked town and talked and stuff...
Whats your worst date ever: Never really had one.
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you: My friend Curtis pulled un-tied my string bikini and it fell off. ^^;;
Would you make a good candidate for Jerry Springer: I hate him.
Anime isn't that bad is it?: It's fine.
You agree that DVD is much better than VHS right? I like DVD.
Do you hate America: I dunno.
Do you hate terrorism: No. I love it. I want everyone to die ~^. Course I hate it.
Do you hate western culture: They're nice people.
Do you like America: Not Bush
Do you like Americans: Yes. Not Bush
Did you vote for Bush: I'm only 14 m'dear.
Do you think Bush is doing a good job: ..Are you kidding me?
Are you Canadian: Yes.
Do you believe your country is doing okay or would you change things: Its cold here.
Are you conservative or liberal? Con.
Do you think immigration in America is out of hand? I dunno. I was an imported cat so I favour the big planes..Oo
Do you think that group of black people suing some southern company for profiting on slavery in the 1800's has a good claim? Oo
Or do you think if they actually win, that every Native American should sue England, France and Spain for invading them, and profiting off them? Don't sue England
Are you religious? Negative.
Do you believe in a higher being: I'm the higher being.
Is every religion wrong except your own? Religion is..weird
Do you believe that any religion is lower than your own, or is wrong? Religion isn't wrong. Just not my style.
Is your God the only god? No god.
Are you going to heaven? If there is one. Yes.
Are you going to hell? Let's hope not. >>;
Do you like it? Its not so important.
Do you have any? Yes.
Do you make a lot of it? My parentals might.
Do you get your money through illegal ways? No.
Do you pay taxes? I'm 14
Do you think you shouldn't have to? I don't want to
Who did you get this survey from? Juu
What time is it? 12:37
what time did you go to sleep last night?: 2:19 am
what was the last noise you heard before you fell asleep?: The bubbling noise of my fish tank and my birds chirping from downstairs.
the last thing you said?: Meow.
what did you dream about?: I don't remmeber
do you drool or snore when you sleep?: I talk sometimes.
when did you wake up?: 9:30
how did you wake up?: My cat attacked my face
what's the first thing that crossed your mind when you woke up?: I slept in till 9:30!?!?!
when was the last time you took a shower?: Last night.
when was the last time you said i love you to the opposite sex and meant it, family doesn't count: This morning
where was the last place you went outside of your house?: To walk my dog.
who was the last friend you saw?: Vicky
who was the last friend you talked to?: >pizza noise<...Oo
who's the one person you would die without?: I would without Aleks,Emily,Vicky and Matt.
what's your favorite song?: The Leaving Song, The Great Disappointment and The Last Kiss. All of them by AFI
favorite lyric?: There are a lot.
favorite group?: AFI the great ones.
favorite album?: Sing The Sorrow and The Art of Drowning.
how many times have you been in love?: I told you already..2 times!
are you in love anyone right now?: Yes.
do they love you back?: They tell me they do.
if you could kill one person, who would it be?: Christina Aguilaria
how many pillows are on your bed?: 5 and a lot of jungle animal stuffies.
what color is the bottle of shampoo you use, and what kind is it?: Pink bottle of L'oreal Professional Shine Blonde. <~ Fancy
what color is the soap you use and kind?: Its white and its Dove.
what color is your razor?: Its the Pink Venus.
what kind of deoderant do you use?: Secret Peach Passion.
what kind of cologne/perfume do you wear?: I wear a vanilla body spray.
do you use lotion?: A vanilla body lotion sometimes.
how long are your nails right now?: The shortest on the planet.
how old is the computer you're on?: Its brand new.
who was the last person to annoy you?: Vicky.
do you believe in God?: No
how long are the showers you take?: 1 hr.
how many showers do you take a week?: Every night.
do you love your parents?: Sometimes.
do you love your siblings?: Can't say I'm very fond of her.
what's the worst thing that ever happened to you?: I dunno..
when's the last time you cried?: When my cat died. Last month
why?: Because I loved her ^^;;
the last time you wished you were dead?: Never!
the last time you felt important?: When people tell me I am.
the last time you felt sad because someone close to you was hurting?: This morning. My friend is going through some sad times.
the last time you screamed?: When Mike came up behind me and poked me in the back and freaked me out.
have you ever physically hurt yourself?: I have everyone has. I just haven't on purpose
how smart are you?: Decent
what person are you extremely attracted to, and not just because of looks?: Matt
do you like being outside?: Yes all the time. Especially with my friends and animals.
what one person do you know you could always turn to?: GinnyLyn
who do you look up to?: I look up to Gin
who's the last person that made you cry?: Emily
is emotional pain or physical pain worse?: Emotional.
where do you want to live?: Hm..I dunno.
how many scars are on your body?: I have a scar on my wrist from falling down while roller blading. I have mosquitoe bite scars on my tummy.
how many people do you love?: Alot.
who's your best friend(s)?: The sqaure ~>Vicky,Emily and Aleks.
who do you turn to for advice?: The square
if you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be?: My cat Maxina. To hold her again..*sniffles and almost cries*..I just want to hold her again..*cries*
on a scale of 1-10, how happy are you?: 9 (yet I'm crying)
on a scale of 1-10, how depressed are you?: 1 (Because I'm crying)
what color are the sheets on your bed?: Leopard pattern
how many cds do you own?: Not too many.
what are 3 cds you wish to own?: Sing the Sorrow. The Art of Drowning and I'm Very Proud of Ya.
what is your greatest regret?: I'm not sure.
when was the last time you were sick?: In the summer.
are you hurting anywhere right now?: My eyes. Tears hurt me sometimes.
what do you wish you were doing right now?: Holding my Maxi or Matt holding me. Or pouncing on Russell!
when was the last time you had a nightmare?: A few nights ago.
are you talking to anyone right now?: Russ
what are you talking about?: His dinner.
who's the last person you were on the phone with?: Matt
are you pale?: Yes kinda.
when was the last time you brushed your hair?: Yesterday
have you ever wanted plastic surgery?:No.
how many screen names do you have?: Thawrkx,Kittylynn,ShexxyKitten,Kitten
which one do you use the most? KittyLynn
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Saturday, October 25, 2003

Which AFI Song Are YOU?
I love AFI, bwee ^^. I was just browsing through OB when I saw some of Dan Rughs banners. And I saw an AFI one. I loved it and immediately added him to my AIM Buddy List. If he likes AFI, then maybe we have more things in common, no? Anyways, I haven't really heard this song, but I'll download it and see what I'm like Oo.
Anyways, I have at a 2 night trip with my school at a place called Muskoka Woods. I didn't sleep those two nights at all, my cabin was crazily hyper and I was having just too much fun. I even had the cops come after me in helicopters because I wasn't in my own cabin before "lights out" one night. The teachers reported me as a "missing person" and I got in shit =P. The police left, and then the teachers were decided to make me sleep outside or if they were going to let me and the other girl with me back in the cabin,lol! They let me back in but I think all the teachers are weirded about me now,lol. But it wouldn't have happened if the teachers searched the other cabins first and didn't spend 2 hours looking through the woods, I mean come one..Its not like I was with my boyfriend or anything ;)
This is me crusing around at night while at Muskoka ^^;;
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Sunday, October 19, 2003
Life is fun
Life is good. Currently I'm talking to Russ(Break), listening to AFI, eating ice cream and about to phone my best friend in the world, Vicky. Can life get better? Yes! We are going on an awesome school trip on Wednesday for a few nights and it's going to be great. I'm going on a 1 week trip to Quebec to ski ^^;; Good fun.
Russ if you reading this, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier and I'm so thankful I have such an awesome friend like you ^^;
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Wednesday, October 15, 2003
(no subject)
I haven't posted in a while. But I'm updating now. I am in love with Digi Charat now ^^;; Puchiko is so adorable. And I have about 100 images saved that I have found over the few nights of 'getting obsessed'. People probably don't even read this anymore >>
Feeling: Tired and I'm about to pass out.
Digi Charat Picture:
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Thursday, October 9, 2003
Never post..
I never post but here is something..A quiz! >> Very special eh? Ahem..(Canadian girl)


Take the What Type of Friend are
You? quiz, and visit mutedfaith.com.
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