Hi there! My name is KittyCatKyoukou, and for those who are wondering kyoukou means violence/murder.
Mwahahahaha... I mean *cough*.
Anyway, I can be a very nice person.... unless you make me angry. I've been drawing for only a little while now and I consider myself pretty darn good! I'm currently writing a manga (comic in anime style) called Legacy of the Necklaces; its about a boy named Naku that gets transported into a place called Tiger Eye... well... here's a link.


give KittyCatKyoukou more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Battle of the emotions part #4
We left off with Evilness thinking of a new plan to overthrow the other emotions.
Evilness- *sitting in dark corner pondering*
Happiness- *playing in bright corner happily with dolls*
Fear- no no no no no no no!!!!!! not the DOLLS!!!! THEYRE GONNA KILL ME!!!!
Happiness- *runs after Fear with a barbie* play with me Fear!!!!
Fear- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *climbs a tree and hides*
Sadness- no-one ever asks to play with me...
Happiness- i sorry Melancholley, want to play with me?
Sadness- whats the point... and dont call me Melancholley.
Happiness- no problem Sorrowfulness!
Sadness- *cries as Happiness skips away*
Evilness- IVE GOT IT!!!!
Curious- *pops up beside Evilness* got what?
Evilness- AAAAHHHH!!!!! DONT DO THAT!!!!!!! I mean... erm... ahem... what do I got?... uh... the fly?... YES! I GOT THAT STUPID FLY THAT WAS BUZZING AROUND MY HEAD! HAHAHA!!
Curious- *raises eyebrow and crosses arms*
Evilness- heh.... heeheehee? hey look! if it isnt my other side, Goodness!
Curious- *turns around to look*
Evilness- *runs away*
Fear- *still hiding in tree* i reeeeeaaaallllyyy wouldnt want this tree to fall at this very moment!
Evilness- *cuts down tree* timber!!!
Fear- NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO--*falls from tree* owwies?
Goodness- *puts Evilness in straight jacket* HAH
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Fear my duck from hell!!!!
Behold my duckie!!!! None can compare to it's evil quackiness!!! Mwahahahahahahaha!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Stupid HACKERS!!!!!
Guess what?!? Today I logged on to my file to find some idiot logged onto my account and changed all my stuff! I just spent an entire 45 minutes fixing it all! AND now I think the person has my email address!!!! This sucks!!! I swear to bring my katana down on whoever this person is when I find them!!!! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!
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Featured Quiz Result:
Uhhhh.... heehee? *blushes*
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
*cries* i am SO not sorrowful!
*blinks* Isnt Pluto,like, a dog??