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myOtaku.com: KittyKoma

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sometimes I wish I could just slap my mother, just to make her shut up and back off. She's always meddling into my life trying to mold me into the perfect little daughter she had 10 years ago. "Angela, why did you stop taking ballet, you use to be so graceful and you looked adorable when you preformed. And why do you dress like that? Baggy pants, tank tops, over-sized hoodies?!*sigh* I don�t see why you never wear the cute little cocktail dresses I buy you. Oh Angela, what am I going to do with you..." GOD she gets to the point I think people in death row have it easier!! *sigh* but don�t get me wrong though, I love my mother, sometimes I don�t know what I�d do with out her. She just cant comprehend that im not a little girl anymore. Im not the innocent little 7 year old I use to be. I've grown up, I listen to different music, have different hobbies, I have a new group of friends, I�ve even had a boyfriend or two.
*sigh* I wasn�t always like this, going on and on about my mom. Actually this is something Nikki would do. *pause* I really miss her, we were best friends, we did everything together. And its weird now, her being dead all I don�t see her every day. Nikki was the most rebellious person I�ve ever met. *pause* I guess I became the Nikki

that my my monologue for my acting class, what'da think?

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