You are the CynicLove is not for you, you just don't believe in it. It is the sort of thing that you see in the movies, meant for an ideal world. Well, this isn't an ideal world, at least, you certainly don't think it is, and you don't think love will be happening to you. Ever.
Though not being able to fall in love may be considered a bad thing by some, you would argue that you won't ever do anything 'crazy' or 'stupid' because of some emotion. Your cynical feet are firmly on solid ground, and any fall you take isn't going to cause you monumental amounts of pain...
You often form relationships based on physical attraction or else friendships that have become 'something more'. You do believe there is such thing as liking one person more than anyone else, and have accepted that there is a possibility that you could learn to love. But none of this first sight, head over heals nonsense. That sort of thing should stay in the fairy tales and dodgy romance novels where it belongs...
Most compatible with: The Free Spirit
The Free Spirit suits your needs in a relationship just fine. They ask nothing of you, expect nothing and in return you expect nothing of them either. They keep just the right amount of distance, close enough to be a possibility, far enough to keep you interested in their allure and mystery. Don't believe you'll fall in love? Prepare to be proven wrong.
Least compatible with: The Dreamer
The last thing you want when you don't believe in love is the kind of person who dreams to have a romance that lives up to those of the movies. A relationship with the Dreamer would quickly deteriorate. You can't give them what they want, so they would get emotional and angry, as people ruled by their emotions often do. This would lead to arguing and more anger - a very destructive cycle.
Your song is: Stuck in a Moment, U2

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