Thursday, February 28, 2008
no work today and nada to do. i have no life. other than watching movies with my friend (which i don't even know what to watch) my life consists of NADA! ahahaha...
i'm lame.
but anyways...
i gotta get new pictures up and new drawings. pooooop!!
i need internet access at home.
i'm trying to save up money for a laptop.
any opinions as to what i should get or not get??
i will be waiting on your answers....
but i go now...
i need to use the bathroom and get
a life...
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
i've been so tired lately that i'm falling behind in school!! i've missed aboiut 4 days of school within the past two weeks!... go me, i guess. OOOooh man and being sick just kills! i hate the hacking and coughing! i guess i should really give up smoking!! ahahaha... it would make my sickness go away much faster (i think). aaahh... i really don't feel like working today. it sucks bum!! but hey i need MOOLAH!! eheheee...
i really need to go make more friends...
hardy har har...
jong... out... for today...
also i'm going to try to put up more pictures! weeeeeeeee!!!
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Friday, February 15, 2008
welpa... i'm bored!!...
eating nothing but pixie sticks and smoking my ciggy wiggies!
i was wrote to some amazing people and my oh my did their artwork fascinate me!
hardy har har!!
so on my valentines i shared it with no ohter than my wuvly sister!!... although i bought the meal... i love her too too mch!! eheheee!!...
nummy fat american burgers...
blue- justice?
no way it's red...
ahahaha... i should go before i start
writing ridiculous things!
buh bye for now loves!!
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