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myOtaku.com: Kittyxoxo

Sunday, March 20, 2005

   Writing class
Right now I am listening to "Not A Day Goes By" by "Lonestar" for like the 1000000th time this weekend. I guess it reminds me a Cody (Boyfriend) heh ^^; But taht's pretty corny lol*. Anyway, I thought I'd just post what I did in Writing class friday, very dull class lol*

Renee is as total loser, no one likes her cause she is a silly stupid smelly head. Jessica is the greatest person ever! Everyone loves her! Renee wishes she could be as cool and as beautiful, and as wonderful as Jessica, Oh yeah, Jessica totally kicks ass !!! Jessica just hit her hand on the heater and it really hurt. Renee is retarded, even Mr.Dinn thinks so. If the lil Nessie dollie goes missing, it was Renee .... Outside looks cold, Jessica doesn't like cold, But Jessica does like to speak in the third person! Renee just called Jessica a nerd, Jessica is totally not a nerd! She's a geek! duh!!! Pfft .. Renee doesn't know anything, she's so stupid. Stupid in the nice way/not. Renee doesn't like the cancer water. Renee says she doesn't like Jessica, but she does, it's just! her jealousy speaking, because Jessica is just so damn wonderful and perfect! Renee is cold, but guess what!! ... No one cares!! Cause no one likes Renee .The dripping sound is scaring Jessica. Renee wants to go find Sir, but she's to scared to go wonder the halls, what a loser/chicken/freak/no one likes her. Renee is such a loser .. She has a giggling problem. Even Sir thinks she's a freak, cause she is. Renee needs a tissue. Renee won't talk to Jessica, because Jessica is soooo much cooler. Now Renee isn't making sense, something about a seal.

mmmm ... I was just a lil bored lol* That's because my friend Tyler wasn't there. I love love love Tyler! He's such a cutie and such a laugh. Plus we make fun of Renee together. I always thought he was just joking like I was but I missed alot of school last week and he stopped in the hallway once and he's like "How come your never in writing class, I'm stuck looking at Renee's ugly face" So I hit him and told him to be nice, then he said "What she's ugly you know it" lol* People are so sweet huh? ^_^ Well ... I still love em!
Thrid time with this song some I started typing by the way.
Oh! I made a new friend like a month ago. Roman *drools* Oh yes, he is so so yummy*! ... Anyway he's totally into music, and I was in the music hall one lunch time working on a paino peice and I jsut coun't get this one part. So anyway he comes like out of no where and he starts helping me. Total movie moment lol* Anyway, for a guy that pretty much all the student body (even guys) would kill to get with, he's a total sweetie. lol* Sounds super shallow, but I think he jsut liked having someone talk to him, and not worship him. Although on the inside I was worshiping and thanking God he was there lol* Anyway, he's been like looking for me alot at lunch times, and offering to drive me home. Roman is in grade 12, I'm in grade 10, so yeah were just friends. Not that I'd mind the whole older guy thing =P* .. But alot of my friends are guys, girls suck monkey ass. Anyway his lil third year fan club is being totally bitchy to me, kinda sad really O.o ... But oh well!!^^
Wow, I type a bunch of pointless junk huh xD ... Well I guess I'm outtie! ... Muah! ... XO's

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