Birthday 1985-03-19 Gender
Female Location MD Member Since 2005-09-10 Real Name Toni
Anime Fan Since Whenever Pok'emon 1st came out. Favorite Anime YYH, Inu-Yasha, DB and DBZ, Kinshen, Hellsing (all vampires), too many Goals Live Hobbies anime and manga Talents Drawing Kitus san
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
XD Ok..... You should wear : Purple
Deep and special.
Something from everything. Thougtful but kind.
Purpel is the color for moody persons, but that's ok because you have style!
-_- My GOD! I had the longest day at work ever!!!!! A coworker of mine was sick and couldn't come in, and my other coworked didn't want to come in, so guess who had to work....Me. I was going to work 10am to 4:30pm, -_-....I had to work 10am to 11pm....
Hay, It's been a while but I'm back. Finaly getting time off work.
You know how I was saying I was going to a convention in February. Well >.< I never saved up the money for the trip, so now I'm not going. But I will finish the Kimono....sometime. Comments (0) |