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myOtaku.com: kiwikae44

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

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Now now! This is not some kind of hentai thoughts PEOPLE! HONESTLY! *tsk tsk tsk* Anyway, i'm here to talk about Orihime... Orihime...ohhh, Orihime..(put your mind out of the gutter, gents!)..who do you really like?!? ICHI-KUN! BUT! BUT!!! Why the heck does the series make little hints of "you-might-fall-for-him" scenes with DIFFERENT GUYS!!!? I mean...an Ichigo, Ulquoirra, Grimmjow, hmmm... A LOT! I'm afraid that the makers would pair up ORIHIME with KON in the end! ARGH! O.O The HORROR! BUT!...what if Kon's really cute, handsome...a little hentai...ehem, ehem...a coward...um...handsome... NEVERMIND! OKAY! So that's the worst case senario! lmao X3 But i hope the series make it clear WHO she ends up with... Will Rukia be for Renji or Ichigo? It's driving me crazy you know!? I can't make up my mind which couple: Rukia-Ichigo or Orihime-Ichigo?!?! @,@ Imma outta here! What do you think, pips!??!


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