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myOtaku.com: kiwikae44

Thursday, June 14, 2007

= Thursday... Hinamori Momo and Hitsugaya Tushiro Day =
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So...This couple here is one of my fave couples in BLEACH. Why? Even though Tushiro never admits it, it's so obvious that he has fallen in love with Hinamori. It's a sad thing that Hinamori is brainwashed by Aizen though... I like this pair because of it's irony. Tushiro is younger and yet more responsible than Momo... And then the fact that he's in love with an older girl...but he can stand up to it because he thinks very clearly...well, what can you say about a genius like him, huh? I've searched in YOUTUBE and among the many tributes...this is the one i chose. So here they are...Momo & Tushiro!!!

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