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kae-chan :3
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Kikumaru Kae *lmao*

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so far...DeathNote and Monsters(suspense thriller)...Beck and Paradise Kiss and Tokyo Godfathers(for slice of life...Tokyo Godfathers - touching...VERY movi
To be happy...(i know...kindda too general, huh?) XD
Sketching, painting, playing the guitar, playing the piano, singing, daydreaming, talking, eating, zoning out ^,^... and most of all WRITING...
c/o hobbies

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Author's note: Hey there everyone! I hope it doesn't bother you that imma going to make this site...a fanfiction site for the current theme. I want to share as much thought as possible regarding this manga...and i LOVE KIKUMARU! So. There. ^^ <---wut a flimsy reason! I hope you guys love this. I will be writing the prologue for now...but i hope you'll comment so that i'll know if i'm to continue it or not. Thanks!
Shin wiped her sweat crouched beside the tall man. She placed the javelin beside her and looked up. "Coach...I have this...thing on Saturday afternoon and i was wondering..."
"Your form is a bit off." The man commented and glared at her. "And your run...too."
"But...I mean, i was practicing for hours now and -" Shin tried to explain but the look in her father's face stopped her. "Sorry, coach. I'll see what i can do this Saturday... I'll fix my form..."
"You better. Go home after this. Your mother is waiting for you already." The man sighed and walked towards another athlete in the field.
Shin gripped her javelin tightly. Why can't i have a little fun once in a while?? She thought. But she knew the answer to that. For as long as she can remember, her father always wanted her to be the star of the Track & Field Team. She has the skills and the perfect form to do that...but not the heart... She has no drive...
She took a quick shower and changed. Slowly, she picked up her things and went for the gates. It is time to go home. It's a routine for her. HOME-PRACTICE-SCHOOL-PRACTICE-HOME-PRACTICE... And sometimes she can feel that she's missing all the fun...all the opportunities... She's missing life... "OOOWWW!" She fell back on her bottom. She has bumped onto someone. "Watch where you're going!"
Shin glared at the redhead who's looking at her. "EHH?! EHH?! That's all you can say?!?" She stood up, fixed herself and glared at the boy. "I'm waiting." She crossed her arms in front of her.
"For what?"
Shin's blood boiled. "FOR YOUR APOLOGY!" She shouted.
"But you're the one who bumped onto me. I was just standing here, nyuuu..."
Shin's brow twitched at the mention of 'nyu.' What is he, an alien?!?!? She thought. With such a disdain look on her face, she started walking away.
"Hey! Okay! I'll apologize!"
The boy walked with her. "Okay..." She muttered but still keeps on walking.
"Sorry. It's my fault for standing there. And...Hi. I'm Kikumaru Eiji! And you are?"
Shin stopped walking and stared at the boy grinning at her. "I am a person who's been offended by a super dork like you. Goodbye." She answered in her usual cold tone. Without even looking at the boy, she left him standing there.
Eiji was shocked at the answer. He has never met such a blunt person before! Not that he's a dork though....He thought and looked at himself in his usual uniform. Okay...So maybe he looks like one, he thought again.
"OI! Eiji! We're goin to get some burgers! Coming!?!" Momoshiro waved at his friend.
Eiji runs towards the gates where his friends are. "Ne, Momo-kun... Do i look like a dork?" He immediately asked,
Momo stared at him. "What brought it up?"
Eiji shook his head. "Nothing...nevermind. Come on! Let's get something to eat, ne!?" He skipped off and left his friends confused.
NOTE: OKAY...tell me i to continue this...or not??? ^o^ Have a great day y'all!!!
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