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myOtaku.com: kiwikae44

Friday, September 21, 2007

ANOTHER POST OF A REVIEW... Hmm...been watching a LOT of animes lately...so pardon me... ^_^

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GENRE: Fantasy/Sci-fi/Tragedy/Romance
Well, this is a shot anime series about this young 11 yr old boy named Thor who has a twin, Rai. They live in space normally until their parent's were assasinated and they were thrown into a chaotic planet named, Chimera where prisoners are isolated. And then comes the death of his twin, Rai. The story is really good when it started...the suspense...the struggle of a young boy who became victorious at such a young age and he turned into quite a man. But when it neared the ending...BE WARNED! A LOT of disappointments. If you're a tragedy-lover like me though, it's good...but it's a bit TOO sudden for my taste. Like i said, it's an 11-series anime. So it's so sort that i think they hastened the ending..hehe.. But all in all, i kindda like it...not too dragging - not too short either. I just hated the fact that Tiz died in the end! Urgh! HUhuhu! And just as Thor was beginning to really love her! SHEAYTS! T_T

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