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usa oh and keep ur hands off my inuyasha
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i illustrate children books
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ayame shogu(ok so its not shut up)
going to my first anime convention(which i accomplished on the spring of 2005 i went with my mom)
Anime Fan Since
i guess like forever
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my favorite anime is....
to b a top anime cartoonest
drawing and reading manga
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
even more quiz results

What Magical Girl Are You?
 Senko -
What would your Japanese name be? (female) brought to you by Quizilla
 ~INUYASHA~ You are me and Inuyasha's son, WoW. No I'm just kidding, Your Inuyasha. Inu is a half humen/dog demon. He;s anoying, irritating, stuck up,easly jealous, over protecting, and a really cute guy. Inu lose both of his parent and just has a big brother that hates him, but I think he care alil for him.Yeah,^-^
Wha anime brat are you? NEW!! brought to you by Quizilla
My tpye of girl. You're the tough chick or the tom boy or game boy. You're more of the fighter. A person that like to pertect. You have a tough personality and aren't afraid of anything or what people think of you.
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 Sailor that you? You got sailor Moon, the main Sailor Senshi with the power to talk to peoples hearts. She often acts very immature and is very clumsy, but her friends still love her.
The Ultim8 Sailor Moon quiz: Which sailor senshi (soldier) R U? brought to you by Quizilla
 Fairy/Sprite Wings
What Kind of Wings are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Dark goddes. You are responsible for all thats bad and evil in the world. Some would say you were let out of Pandoras box
What beutiful goddess are you?(with anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Soul Fairy
Please rate my quiz thanks a bunch
Which Fairy are you?(for anyone many out comes) brought to you by Quizilla

What Dragon-Half Character Are You?

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?

What .hack//SIGN Character Are You What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You?
What kind of anime eyes do you have? (picture results) brought to you by Quizilla
 Black Chii
Chobits - What Color Chii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 you know sailor moon like the best. you are one of the biggest fans of sailor moon. here is a sailor chibi chibi pictures.
how well do you know sailor moon brought to you by Quizilla
 your a bad ass!
~*Whats your anime personality? [for girls]*~ brought to you by Quizilla
What is your anime occupation? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Dude...Princess of the Wild? Cool! BD You have a bit of a high temper, but you are calm when you need to be. Know one will boss you around, but do be Kind to them! .....not? BD
What (misc) anime princess are you? (with anime pics as results ;D ) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your name is Alice, you're a pink headed punk who loves to wear black.
.......*Which anime pic are you?*.......... brought to you by Quizilla
 You like the colour black...and you are quite at sometimes.
.............WHAT ANIME NEKO GIRL ARE YOU?............(with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Winter! You are sophisticated and mature. You have many friends, all of whom you are very close to. People look up to you, and you are known for your inifinate wisdom. Although, you tend to prefer being by yourself, and reading a good book
which season are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Black like the universe...
~* What Anime Eyecolor would you have? *~ brought to you by Quizilla
 Natural Beauty! You impress with your narural charme and your simple beauty. You only want to be the person you are and be accepted as that. Go you!
What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
 Turquoise Hair! Famous Turquoise Heads: Bulma from DBZ and Michuri from sailor Moon!
~* What Anime Haircolor would you have? *~ brought to you by Quizilla
Which Cowboy Bebop character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Vamp! You can call me femme-fatale.Woho, you're a dangerous lady. You're dark and full of riddles. Men can't resist that. Sometimes you're moody and you can freak out very easy but in general you are gentle... Fact: You're the most mysterious girl ever!
What's your female appeal? ( with pics! ) brought to you by Quizilla
 The Fallen
Given up, on something, perhaps on life, on themselves, on society, on a project...allowed failure to overwhelm their senses and allowed apathy to sink in to dull the pain.
A unique perspective on one's inner self: who are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Rebel Girl:
Wow, sorry..ain't gonna stare you again! You're violent and have little patience with pathetic beings, but you can also be very protective and caring with the weak. Relax that Don't-even-think-about-it look of yours and stop scaring people away!
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
 Rate Your Cuteness! brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a Sorceress! You're not the loudest person but when you get mad. I wouldn't want to be the person you're mad at! Anyways you love to meditate and you think Silence is the key to happiness,yay for you!
What Kind of Girl are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You should have red eyes. You are.. well.. intent on enslaving the human race and dominating the world. You take pleasure in killing people and small animals, especially the cute and cuddly variety. Just.. um.. try to calm down.
What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ ) brought to you by Quizilla
src="" border="0" alt="RAVEGAMER"> Rave Gamer
(results contain pictures) What type of GAMER are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 School tototally represents you. Study, study, study. Write, write, write. You might want to cool off just a tad and have some social time!
~ What Location Represents You? (cool pics)~ brought to you by Quizilla
 Pure Evil... You like being evil now, do you? Shame... With a smile you could be really nice person..
What Type of Anime Girl are You? brought to you by Quizilla
What anime genre is your life?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are most like Pudding! Lol you are just adorable and you enjoy jumping on pplz heads! You are also very energetic and you have a smile that never leave your face. You are the youngest of the group.
What Tokyo Mew Mew Character is Most Like You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Like the internet? Both Lain (from "Serial Experiments Lain") and you seem to have the motto that the computer can connect you to another world and that you can become a different person when connected.
What's Your Inner Anime Motto? brought to you by Quizilla
Are you an InuYasha fan? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're That Damn Cat, you appear in random places.
Which Trigun Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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