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Saturday, April 30, 2005
I'm like...one of the guys!! @w@;
omg..I was thinking about it after a while..but..yesterday at the anime club...rena-chan's bf told me that a 6th grader had.......uhm...something he shouldn't have....on his wall...then I started thinking..."why would a guy tell me that another guy has....(XD)..on his wall??....I must be part of the guys |D" okay, not really...XDDD;; *falls over* anyways..it's my mom's b-day today...and I wanted to spend time with her..but noo..she had to go to that event..oo;;; but okay..whatever..*eating a jumbo reese and is rather happy* <3 anyways, an friend of mine is on the otaku...go visit her...she's Shadowssj2. *pets her* oo; okay..well..there's alot I wanna talk about..but I don't feel like typing anymore. oo;
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
omg, omg...XDD;; I just got interveiwed..I was so nervous...><;;; and...I'm gonna kill my mom's friend..since..she's behind all this...grrrrrr.....and I got to go to karate today...boo...oh well. okay..that's all I wanted to talk about...I got interveiwed cause of my art...yay?
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Wa-HOOO~!!! XD;; *shot*
*coughs* I can never think of a subject. oo; anyways..I wanna type alot..but I might not...uhm..the HaruCon was flippin' AWESOME!! @w@ but of course I got sick afterwards..xD; I think it's cause I was mean to rena-chan's boyfriend..she think's I'm crazy..XD;;; but anyways..I bought a table so I could sell my art there..I made 100 bucks...*dances* and.......I met yet another cousin of mine..I told citca about it..she's all like: "how many cousins do you have?!" so..yeah..not much really happened there...well..actually alot happened....but you get it...nothing important happened..^^;; and I also can't dance. ._.; okay, that's...enough jabbering from me...<<->>;;
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
sorry for posting twice today..
ehehe..^^;; yeah..as the title says..but..I just have to talk about my day today. *gasp* anyways..I pretty much talked to myself all day..>>; untill the art commitee..then I had people to talk to..XD; yayyy!!! it was..crowded at the art commitee tho..I think more then last time and there was more people then. anyways..the people who're always in the 'art room' before hand are...slobs...TT; we walked in..and there was a plate..with like...a little bit of a sandwich left(like the crust)..and an empty chocolate milk bottle..and..I'm just all like.."Ewwwww..." then..rena-chan's bf(uh..I guess I'll call him Bade on the internet from now on..is that okay? XD;) is all like.."what?"..and it was just really funny..XD; when it was time to go Bade like..went out a door that lead to the ledge of the upstairs area in the college..and the stairs aren't out there..so I'm all like.."..what're you doing?"...it was rather funny. and..skittles, gum and dr. pepper and sprite mixed together are really bad for me..@w@; I was afraid to get another pop since I was starting to get hyper..and..sometimes when I get hyper I can't stand up..x.x; I didn't want anyone to think I was on drugs or something..>>; so when I got home...I started talking to myself again..and like..I went to throw away something and I was gonna step over my cat..and..I kicked my mom's tea cart...@.@; oops..so yeah...now I'm sitting in front of the comp typing all this...shoving way too much gum in my mouth...XD;
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Help? QwQ
okay. I'm thinking about making a tutorial..but I want to make it a comic. so maybe that way it'd seem more..'fun'..you know? anyways..my 'comic' will be about *gasp* Human Anatomy. everyone's favorite subject, ne? ._.; anyways...there will be a teacher(me) and the teachers students..x.x; and..I've got...3 students...and I want maybe..10 altogether. anyways..if you would like to be a part of this, comment or send me a note. =3 also, I don't care if your good at anatomy or not. this comic will be for everyone. ^^ the students will be there for more humor. but to be a part of it..you MUST have a persona. and please send me a reference. x.x; anyways..PLEASE say you'll help and be a part of this.
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Monday, April 11, 2005
happy day.
okay, my mom found this site a few days ago..but..
Angry Alien Productions
go watch the 30-second movies that have been re-enacted by bunnies. oO; .....but before you go and do that, I must warn that there is violence..and an occasional swear word. o.o; but they're really funny otherwise..xD; ...you know..I think I know why I'm no good around people..I talk to my cats a little too much..^^;;; I'm always finding a new conversation with them. oO; the other day I was talking to my tabby cat..I scared him. XD;
Me: Hey, there kitty-cat! how you doing? you're as cute as ever...
Cat: O____O;;;; *runs away*
so yeah. XD; I talk to my cats too much. uhm...not much to talk about. I've been chewing alot of gum lately...dunno why..I don't really care for gum that much. ^^; oh well. oh...I'm so sick of mixing paint. @.o;; *twitch* rawwrrr!! *kicks the paint* so nothing new in my life...*tears paper and smashes her pencils* ^^## okay I'm done rambling. ._.;
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Monday, April 4, 2005
...hum de dum...I'm waiting for the second and third PMK chapter to finish loading..x.x; it's all Rena-chan's fault too. XP oh yes..one day she says "I got the PeaceMaker(Kurogane) anime" and I say "oh really? I've been wanting to see that for a while now.." then she says "wanna borrow it?" @.o; *twitches*..she let me borrow it, now I'm freakin' obsessed..XP my mom's even gonna make me a Shinsengumi outfit(PENNSIC GARB!!!*evil laugh*>D)...<3 ...*kicks Rena-chan* >.>; so yeah..sorry I haven't been updating. I have ALOT of drawing to do...-_-;;; *sigh* I wanna get everything done on computer and make a whole bunch of copys..but that might not end well. @.o;; *twitches*...so yeah...requests/art trades will be closed, until after the 24th. *nods* okay, so that's it for now.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
gomen nesai, I was being emotional.
Okay, well...yesterday..I was being emotional(hormones). I'm still emotional. but..that's okay..'cause..I'm gonna practice karate, and..I'll beat the heck outta my punching bag..and when I get my green belt..I'll know that I deserved it. yup. ^^ so yeah..even tho I feel dead tired, and I probably don't look like it...but...I'm really happy right now. my mom got me a cool new t-shirt. ^^;;;; and...not much is going on today..so...yeah..maybe I'll get some drawin' done? or maybe I'll play the game..xD;;;

I drew that yesterday. ^^; mwa..I'm starting to get the hang of photoshop...rock on!! X3
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
hmph. I am so freakin' p.o.ed right now. I can't stand the people at karate. >.<; okay..well..I've had my blue belt for a year now, right? well..I've been working on getting my green belt for a long time now. so..I get to karate..after putting up with citca's brother..I walk in I see two green belts..the first guy was really old, so he probably left before I came((even tho I've been there for a few years now..))..and the second guy was a kid. well, it turns out that the kid was Sensei's son, Sam. he JUST got his blue belt a few months ago!!! I've been working my butt off for a year to get my green belt!!! it's so un-fair. he doesn't deserve it. and the rest of the class knows it too. our other sensei((we have 4 sensei's, but only two was on the dojo, and sam's dad was..working..or sumfin'..I dunno.)) was all like "oh, let's all congratulate him, he worked so hard"..WHAT?! god. I'm so mad. -_-; in the meanwhile..citca and I are planning on starting a comic((Rena-chan, if you read this, we command you to help us XP))..and so I was starting to draw a character, finished the head and the manniquin figure..and I handed the picture to citca so she could design the outfit..cause she's so good at designing clothing....*.* and..I drew a picture last night for a contest, and I showed citca..she's all like "oh, I want her outfit" o.o; it was..odd. xD;
anyways, right now I'm trying to figure out if I have a really bad temper promblem, or if I'm just highly emotional. x.@; okay, whatever. I'm done talkin'. XP *goes to open up her art program and finish a picture*
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Monday, March 21, 2005
yay. I'm 14...bwahaha...X3 omg..I've been playing Tales of Symphonia all day yesterday, and most of today...I haven't been addicted to a game in a while...I might've been addicted to naruto, but that..it's not the same..x.x; ToS is so awesome...<3 and..I watched King of the Bandit Jing last night..that's awesome too...so now I wanna get the manga..x.x; I feel like typing about Saturday..but I'm way too lazy..>.>;
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