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myOtaku.com: Kiyokochan

Sunday, February 27, 2005

   "We thought you was a toad!"
nyeh. my weekend...was....horrible..*twitch* I think I lost my chop-stick at the medieval event yesterday..*twitch* but I had fun at the event after all the little kids stopped screaming. =3 and my friend citca had a rubber-band war there. she kept on standing by me and I had to push her away so the others didn't accidentally miss and shoot me instead. @_o; but yeah. I can't shoot rubber-bands for beans. XP people gave me weird comments though...o_O; I was wearing japanese garb(power to the hakama pants! >D ), and this merchant guy was all like: "Wanna buy a rice paddle?" o___O; what the heck? I was looking at earings. xD; and then this other guy saw me drawing and asked me if I was drawing a comic book character..so here's the story.
Me: Yes....
Citca: Sorta.
Guy: At least your not drawing your boyfriend.
Me: (o.O !!) uhm..I don't HAVE a boyfriend.
then the guy said something about boys chasing me...-_-;;;; guys RUN from me...not CHASE me. =/ and as I was flipping through citca's naruto manga and this little boy was asking us if it was "Nitro"...stupid kid who can't pronounce naruto's name right. XP nyeeehh! in the meanwhile, lil' ol me is gonna change the background...I'm drawing a picture for it..|3 but it's crap so far... .__.;

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