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I have a few awards in martial arts, violin and science I guess...
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Naruto, Ranma and Neo Ranga
to own a hot spring inn hopefuly in Japan
martial arts, and RPG's
musical in general, martial arts, and RPG's
| Kiyoshi-Uchia
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Wow, yesterday I saw Hero. That is the best kung fo movie in a long time. I intent to owne that movie! If you've seen it, Broken Sword was so cool! Who was your favorite? Its a school nite so I'll see you later. And get well Evil! Colds dont last long!
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
Yo, I got to peoples sites today, and I broke out of the 2000's! My rank is now 1999 lol! Well, this weekend I have to read a book entitled "Night". It's about the concentration camps and realy depressing... Well, I finaly got "Meteora". "Faint" is my favorite so far, but I realy like all of the songs!
My money is here by gone. All my friends just had to be born in the same week! The b-day presents are leaveing my pockets empty. Well, my birthday is comeing up soon so that means my pockets will atleast dubble! I learned an interesting fact to. It turnes out that some scitsophrinics speak in ryme excesively. I do that when Im alone! Oh well, as far as I see it, it adds character lol! Well, ja mata!
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Its my gf's b-day party today! I'm heading out for that so I just wanted to let you know I wasnt dead!lol Well, ja mata.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Wow, today is like...blah... I dont have any homework and I didnt do any thing in school. I've never felt so ummmmm. Free. Well, thats why they call it free time lol. Well, I did go to see my best teacher of all time. Her nome is Mrs. Kuper, but to me she'll always be Ms. Attkison (she got married). She is the teacher I owe all my knoledge to. She inlightend my intire being! She got me into Shakespear, chess and atleast dubbled my vocabulary(witch is saying something, it was vast in the first place) so I owe alot to her. I couldnt stay long so we only chated. I hope I have a teacher like her again but I know I never will. Did you guys have any teachers like that? Well, ja mata!
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Well, the school tear has officaly sunk in. Though I now recognize it as part of my life, I still dont quite feel the pass of time. Every time I get up in the morning it feels like the same day! I call this the mono-day sindrome. In a way, its usefull. Now school passes more fluidly and I get to be in a relaxed daze the intire time. It seems that the same daze and relaxedness had a great effect on my popularity! As you know, I was dubed a bishi, and people and teachers seem to like me more. I think the main reason of the change is that I go to HSPVA,(High school for the visual and preforming arts) witch is the 3rd bets art school in the country! So everyones wierd there, so I have more of a range of people to choose from. I spend 5 piriods out of ten in choir! The day goes faster when your singing. I feel like I've told you this before...Have I? And does anyone elce here love shakespeir like I do? Well, for now, ja mata!
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Monday, August 23, 2004
Yo, sorry I havent been here all weekend but I've been buisy. On friday I went to a resturant to see a band. I wrote a poem about it.
Sipping on a glass of merlot.
The music of a middle eastern tone.
The sharp guitar hits my ears.
Then the people come to dance and forget there cariers.
The sicapating bass moves them to dance,
and if you see them from a passing glance,
like flames they seem but to me victims of a dieing dream.
Victims of my fantisy.
I watch to forget the reality.
The wine, it will not work.
The memories free to lurck,
lurck in the shadows of my mind.
It's there they will confide.
Confide in me, to set them free
and bring me back to reality.
Watcha think? Well, the rest of my weekend I spent with my gf! Oh yeah, and I got Tales of Sinphonia! Its a great game! I highly recamend it! Well, Im gonna play some more! Ja mata! Oh, I forgot! Im at 102 hits! Thanks guys its not much but uts my first tripple digit! Thanks for all the atention!
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Friday, August 20, 2004
friday you've pulled through again!
Yo, the only thing that can break the lethargic drag of the school week is the dullness cleaveing sword of friday! My week was tiresome and boreing, but friday worked its fun magic! We started out first song in choir! It soungs like some old haunting hymn! I love it. Then at lunch I was officaly dubed a bishi by like 5 girls I dont even know! Tonight, I'm going out to eat, and to a show, and tomorrow I get to see my lover!!! YAY! Hope you guys have good days to!*throws my patented "good day dust"* Well, ja mata!
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
Yo, today was good and bad. I'll start with the bad. It's been cold in the classrooms the intire week. So today I wore a longsleved shirt, and of all days, today the air conditioner broke! Well, the good thing is, not just the air conditioner went out. The entire power grid went out! A complete black out insued! We spent like 30 minuets in the pitch black! It was great! Then my friend showed me some song she came up with. It was realy cool. Well, we sang a D minor scale in choir today. It is officaly my favorite scale now! Well, the worst part of my day was that my lonelyness was on full power. I havent seen my g/f in along time and the has some family thing this weekend so I cant see her, and my homesickness(wishing I was in japan) is in full swing to. The two seem to go hand in hand.... Well, when I see her (hopefully on sunday) it'll all pass. Well, ja mata.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Im tired of getting up at 6:30. Its taking the energy all out of me. By the middle of the year, me and my friends will be zombies! We already spend all our time doing homework and trying to get some sleep. And when I get home at the end of the day and call my girlfriend, she's to tired to talk, because at her school, she has to get up at 5:00 to catch the buss! I mean, who gets up at 5:00?!? Well, I need sleep. I'll try to write more tomorrow... Ja mata.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Yo, at my new school, class starts at 7:50, so I have to get up at 6:30! Other wise, the school day is ok. The classes flow well, and I have a few nice teachers.
Well, the highlite of today was that in choir I got dubed a tenor! Yep, the voice tone of angels and Irish!lol Well, the cool thing is I can also be a beratone! All I had for lunch today was a poptart, but that wont last long! My school sells ramen! My lunch problems are done for! Well, I'm gonna take a nap. Ja mata!
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