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I have a few awards in martial arts, violin and science I guess...
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Naruto, Ranma and Neo Ranga
to own a hot spring inn hopefuly in Japan
martial arts, and RPG's
musical in general, martial arts, and RPG's
| Kiyoshi-Uchia
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Monday, August 16, 2004
Today was suprising. School was kinda fun!!!!*_* I met new friends, and there already calling me Sephiroth -looks like sephiroth- Someone even said god ment me to be him!lol Well, the asimbaly was boring, but sitting around and talking was great!*Dad yells* Oh, sorry, I have to go, dad wants computer. So, no story to day. But dont fear! Im brain storming as we speak! So, ja mata!
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Yep, It's school time. For me atlest, and for all you other people, ITS COMEING! P(=)34r 7(=)3
5< (=)00l! The first week should be ok, but that wont last. There are too many people from my old school there. And of all people, it's all the ones I hate. Oh well, maybe the new people will be cool.
Well, It seems a bunch of you people missed the last chapter in my story. So dont read any further if you didnt read the one that has Hatsue in it.
-chapter 6-
Wow, this place is pretty nice! Every one has there own room and every thing! I think Kiyoshi will be perficly at home. As we enter the sene, Kiyoshi is getting up and going down stairs on a saterday morning.
Kiyoshi: *yawn* < Good morning every one, whats for breakfast?
Hatsue:< Breakfast?!? It's 12:00!
I'm makeing lunch! You should act like Kurisu! He was up before me! >
Kiyoshi: You were?!?
Kurisu: The all knowing never sleep! -sips his beer-
Hatsue:< Oh yeah, this packege came for you. It's realy heavy. >
Kiyoshi: What? Hmmm, the return adress is my place in america!
-opens box- O_O AHHH!... Garnet?!?
-a girl gets out of the box-
Kurisu: Hey! It's one of them mail order brides! I call seconds!
Kiyoshi: No, this is my little sister Garnet... What are you doing in a box?
Garnet: Well, Its a long story, but I'll tell you... When I heard from our parents that you werent comeing back I started missing you right off the bat. But, I knew I could wait, but then it happend the thing that made me leave.
You know how Kia always said she was my seragate older sister? Well, with you gone, she went in to action. The worst part was that at the time she was on one of her peach wine benges. Well, she dragged me to some store called "Vickie's Secret Closet" to go "shoping". Well, it was some skimpy lengure store. She handed me bra after bra 2 sizes to big with only one responce to my complaints, "You'll grow in to it!"
I mean, im only 12! Who takes a 12 year old girl to a store like that?
Then she said tomorrow she was takeing me shoping for "other things". So, not haveing enough money to buy a ticket, and not haveing a passport, I shipped my self over night to here!
Kiyoshi: Wow... well, Ill, get you a middle school...
-walkes up to phone and calles a school-
Hatsue:< What did she say? Come on tell me. I dont speek english! >
-end chapter 6-
Will, Garnet do alright in japan? Will, Hatsue ever know what there talking about? Tune in next time for more of "??????" (hasnt came up with name yet...
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
Yo, todays a pretty uneventful day. As a mater of fact, the only thing thats spicial about today, is the fact that its a real weekend. Yep I start school on monday.If joo want anything interesting youll have to read yesterdays 2nd post. Yeah, I wrote a second one that went unnoticed. So, notice it! Thanks, ja mata.
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Friday, August 13, 2004
the olimpics
Yo, not much happend today. Yes its a new day, my last post was at midnight. So, I have done a whole new day, in the same day lol. My only real acomplishment today was learning l33t. |'(=)33r (v)y l337 5c!llz! So, if you know l33t, please comment and say so and in l33t please. Other wise, it was another perfect day. I hope this lasts a while. Well, the olimpic games started today, and for the first time and probably the last time in our lifetimes they are in athens. The opening seramoney was the greatest I have ever seen by far. But I'm not telling you about it. You have to watch it your self.
Well, as a tribute to me starting school, heres the chapter where I go to my first day of japanese school!
-chapter 5-
Kiyoshi started the day early. Being a japanese freak, he already had a school uniform from home and was almost fluint in the language (yeah, I know, prety sad).
Kiyoshi: Ok, I'm dressed and ready, I still have to register though. Well, I dont want to do it there so I beter call.
So, he calles, the school is prety surprised but it goes over nicely. Just so you know, when a sentence has these (<,>) at the begining and and, its in japanese. I mean, we cant expect everybody to know english! And now Kiyoshi is entering his first class...
Random girls:< Wa! The americans cute!>
Kiyoshi:I can under stand you.
Kiyoshi: Oh, well, at least they prbably cant under stand me.
Kurisu: Well, I can. And by the way this is the one girl who can stand me, meet Hatsue.
Hatsue:< yo, nice to meet you. I here your a gamer and a fanboy>
Kiyoshi:Fanboy?!? What do you mean by that?
Hatsue:Well, Kurisu says you read, draw, watch and wish anime. The 4 signs of a fan boy.>
Kiyoshi:Well, then I guess your right!>
Hatsue:We'll talk after class. We can meet at you guyses place.>
The teacher rambled on all day as all teachers do and Kiyoshi was already getting used to his new life. Now the new grupe of friends is walking to Kurisu's door.
Kurisu: o_O *ack* -stops breathing-
Kiyoshi: What? Uh, oh...
Kiyoshi: Read... Hands her a piece of paper.
-the paper reads-
You lazy ass! Your a year behind in your rent! And all you have in here is computer parts and Cherry coke cans! I've put up with you long enough, and now your out!
Hatsue:Oh, well this is bad..
Kurisu: o_O -still not breathing-
Hatsue:Let me see.... Ah! I live in a dorm house! I'm to young, but they made an exceptian for me, maybe you can move in to!
Kurisu: *_* -snaps back-
-runnes to car-
Come on! FRAT PARTY!!
Kiyoshi: Well, it was free...
-end chapter 5-
The 3 move to the dorm. It turns out that there the only ones there. I think Hatsue was just lonely and its not realy a dorm, but maybe some new friends will move in! Next time, "The Unknown Sister"
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good daze
Yo, today started out good. The weather was perfect. The temp. was perfect and it was breasy. So I called my girl friend to invite her to the Japaniese Gardens. We were going to go, so I sat outside and enjoyed the weather for about an hour. Then she called. She said her brother wanted to see a movie so her mom canceled our date! First off what nerve! And second, we already had plans, see the movie later!
So after that, I pouted for a while, and then she called back. She said I could come to the movie with them at 6:00. So, that calmed me down a little. So, I went out side again and spent the beter part of 4 hours training, listing to the brease, sacadas, and wind chimes. I then laied down and got in to a good daze. I felt realy japanese...
At 6 I got ready and went to the movie. The movie was called "Zatoichi The Blind Swordsman" It was realy good, so I ended up in a good mood. Well, time for the next chapter!
-Chapter 4-
Kiyoshi's life dream buzz had worn off, and was now sitting in a tokyo food cort wondering what to do about a place to stay since that seemed most important, when a complete stranger walkes up to him.
???: Yo. You american? I speak a little english.
Kiyoshi: Yeah, Im american, what about it?
???: Well, Im looking for someone to practice my english on.
Kiyoshi: Ok, well first off. Names Kiyoshi.
Kurisu: Mines Kurisu.
Kiyoshi: Thats romangi (english to japanese) for chris! Thats not japanese!
Kurisu: Well, Kiyoshi is'nt english!
Kiyoshi:I guess your right.
-kurisu has a seat-
The two talk for about an hour and it turns out that kurisu wants to be american, like kiyoshi wants to be japanese. So they agree to help each other with the language.
Kiyoshi: Well, this is fun, where do you live? You know, so we can keep in touch!
Kiyoshi: Well.... the thing is... I'm stranded in japan. I have no home, no school, and no job.
Kurisu:.....BWAHAHAHAHA! *sniff* Sorry, sorry, I could'nt help my self......Hey! I have a place in small town a little while from here! How about you stay with me? I can inroll you in my school! See! Your set!
Kiyoshi: Wow! Thanks alot! (This was easyer than I thought) Lets go!
Kurisu: All right. My cars over there.
They get in the car and head out of town. Now this is gona be kind of a game, try to guess what town I'm liveing in.... They drive up to a small apartment complex...
Kurisu: My place is on the 3rd floor.
-they go to the room-
Kurisu: Well, here it is! -opens door-
Kiyoshi: o_O Woah! (realy messy) Wheres the floor?!?
Kurisu: What? *looks around* It looks fine to me!
Kiyoshi: -_-; Well, Its free...
-end chapter 3-
Hey! Yucky no? Well, he's got a place and a school, but what about money? His only way to get home! And of corce if he gets money, will he go home? Well, tune in next time for the school!
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Thursday, August 12, 2004
Yo, today at the zoo I spent my day cleaning bird cages, but it was fun. I had all kinds rare birds sitting on my head. *CAW!* Oh, yeah... theres one still there... it wont leave. I think its a white crested torraco...
Well, heres chap. 3!
- Chapter 3-
When last we left our friends, they had just entered tokyo.
Aiyako: Wowww!! Its so big!
Where are we going first?
Kia: Shopping of corce!
Kiyoshi: Yeah... You do that. All I know is I'm going to the Shinto temple for Hanaya (cherry blossem viewing) and to pay my respects.
(Kiyoshi is shinto buddhist)
-Kia runs to the nearest shop dragging Mizu and KNY-
Kiyoshi: Well, shall we?
-Kiyoshi and Aiyako catch a taxi and head to the temple-
Well, all the friends have gone there seprate ways and are injoying there selfs. As the days go buy they spend there money, go sight seeing and in the end, get ready to head home. As we rejoin, the friends are in the line to board.
Mizu: Wow, this was fun.
Kia: Yeah.
Kiyoshi: Hold on guys, I need to pick my tickits. I didnt know when we were going to leave, so I had my parents buy them when I was ready, and send them to the air port.
-walkes up to counter-
Kiyoshi: You should have a ticket under the name Uchia Kiyoshi. I've come to pick them up.
Ticket person: Um.. Lets see.... Nope no Uchia-san here.
Kiyoshi: You must be kidding.
Ticket person: ....Nope nothing here. Sorry, Gomenkudasai.
Kiyoshi: Well, thankyou I guess.
- goes to call parents-
Parents: Oh, Hi hunny! What tickets?
Kiyoshi: The ones to get me home!
Parentes: Ohhhhhh, those tickets..
Kiyoshi: What? Whats wrong?
Parents: Well, we were going to send them, but we're broke!
So you can pay for them right?
Kiyoshi: o_O No, I cant! I just spent the last of my money on this call!
Parents: Well.... Oh, I know! The school years about to start! Go find a school and get back on your feet! Well, this call must cost you a fortune, gotta go! *click*
Kiyoshi: o_O..........
-walkes over to friends-
Kia: Well?
Kiyoshi: Im stranded...
everyone: o_O How?!?
Kiyoshi: My parents arnt sending the tickets... I have to stay here and go to school...
Mizu: O My Gosh!
Announcer: The plane is now boarding. Please enter.
Aiyako: Well, I don't know what to say, but I'll wait for you. -runes over, hugs and kisses Kiyoshi. Then runs on the plane-
The others leave with just a goodbye. Except Kia, who has one last word for him.
Kia: Well, the good thing is, this was always your life dream, wasnt it? -gets on plane-
Kiyoshi:.... She's right! -runes down hall yelling LIFE DREAM!!!!!-
-end chapt. 3-
Well, Kiyoshi is stranded in japan all alone and money less. Will this be a blessing or a curce?
Tune in next time to find out!
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Yo, I went to my highschool oreantation today. First we had to sit in auditorium for an hour listing to the teachers introduce them selves. Then the principal gave a speach that my dad would'nt shut up about on the way home. After the speach, we had to get our scedules.-was a realy long line- Then the text books... I had to wait in a realy long line, only to be sent draging my books to my locker. The next part is more fun. I got to hang out with my friends and help hand out the books. It's like handing out death. Wow, the looks on there faces.
Well, I got home, I did a little yard work and promptly took a nap.Z.z
Hope your ready, here comes chapter #2!
- Chapter 2, The Air Port-
Everyone got up early that day. The anticipation had kept them up all night. There will probably be some sleeping on this flight.
Kiyoshi: We're almost there people! *drives up to air port*
Lets get on the plane fast... Well, if thats even posible to get through an air port fast.
Mizu: Yeah! Lets get going! *runs down hall jumping and singing to the rockie thyme*
Kia: Oh,yeah. Has anyone seen KNY?(kia's boyfriend)
*crashing and cumotion from security station*
Kiyoshi: Whats that?
-all aproach the station, to see a yelling KNY-
everyone: O_O
KNY: Where are the weasles?!?!
Give me my ferets!!!!
*jumps on the security guards back and starts gnawing on his head*
Guard: Ahhhhh! Get him off!!!
Kiyoshi: What are you doing?!?!
KNY: Hmm?*lets security guard go* Oh, it's you guys. Come on, the planes almost boarding. *walks off as if nothing happend*
Everyone: -_-; The world may never know...
*walkes up to boarding gate*
Kiyoshi: Realy man, what was that about back there?
KNY:Oh, that? I was just messing with him untill you guys got here. ^^, much fun!
Kiyoshi: -_- Well atleast they still let us on the plane.
*every one finds there seat and gets settled for the long trip*
Me and Aiyako just slept about half of the way, but then I woke up and saw a fun activity!
Kiyoshi: *starts pokeing Kia*
Kia: stop it.
Kiyoshi: *poke*
Kia: Stop it!
Kiyoshi: *poke*
Kia: I said stop it!!!
Kiyoshi: Fine... *waits a minute and starts again*
Kia: LOOK, WHATS YOUR PROBLEM ILL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!!!!! * stands and pulls her chair off holding it over Kiyoshi's head*
Piolit: Excuse me, but we have arived in Tokyo. Hope you injoyed your flight!
Kia: Hmm? YaY! *drops chair and runs off the plane*
Kiyoshi: Wow, that was cloce! Maybe I should stop annoying her... Nah! *walks off plane and in to japan!*
-end chapter 2-
Well, that was interesting, but our friends have finaly reached Japan! Who knows what can happen now, in the worlds meca of anime and gameing? Tune in again to see the next issue!
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Hope your ready. Its the first draft of my manga!
Chapter 1
Kiyoshi:... -is listing to music in jappaniese class-
sensai: Kiyoshi!!!!!
Kiyoshi:@_@ *ack* Hai! Wakata!...
sensai: ... class is over. You can leave.
Kiyoshi: Oh.. heh, sorry. -leaves-
( this part is one of thoes thought proseses when I introduce my self)
Well. I'm Kiyoshi, or at least thats what my friends call me. Im in 9th grade and love any thing japanise. Im 5'10, have long strait black hair, blue eyes and Im a martial arts buff.
Kia: Seph! (thats what she calls me) did you here? were all going to Mizu's house tonight to plan the trip!
Kias a friend. Shes short, kinda a bitch and has long realy curly hair.
Kiyoshi: Yeah I heard. Im riding with you right?
Kia:Yeah, so k'mon my moms waiting.
( we head to mizu's house and get every thing planed)
Mizu: So, its spring break and we've decided to go to japan. Well, we've all decided that all are money will go to food and lodging right?
everyone: right
(everyone includes: Kia, Kiyoshi, Mizu, Aiyako, my girl friend and K.N.Y ,thats all we know him as)
KNY: What about suviniers? I know thats what we all want!
Mizu: Yes, I know the suvinier stash is well played out, no worrys!
Kiyoshi: I cant wait! We leave tomorrow! Im on no sleep right now.
Kia: I know! Its our first road trip!
Kiyoshi: God, dont make it sound so corny.
Kia: What is that suposed to mean?
Kiyoshi: Nothing... *roals eyes*
Kia: Dont you roal your eyes at me! -bares fanges at Kiyoshi and tackels him-
Everyone elce: -_-;
Mizu: They just set each other off dont they?
The friends then fight off untill the morning while the others watch, and eat there popcorn.
KNY: I love this show.^^
-end chapter 1-
Thanks for reading is just the intro so its not to exciting, but tomorrow, "The Air Port". Tune in for chapter two tomorrow!
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Monday, August 9, 2004
The Zoo
Yo, today was pretty interesing.It was my first day of interning at the zoo^^. I got up at 6:00 (I know. Early..)to go to work. My first task was to record the blood results of prery chickens. While we were doing that, one guy got startled, and ran head first into a log!
Finished, and releaved, we stumbeled back to the office for breakfast, yumm. Affter finishing, I had to clean the cage of a bird that there are only 60 left in the world! (feels priveliged) Then I spent the rest of the day feeding pelicans and moveing large logs to be used for bird perches.
After lunch, I headed to my friends house for a frendly game of Kendo ^^. Of course I won ^^. He didnt lay a finger on me! Like would be able to lol. Hes here right now (quite pissed lol). Well, thats all for today, ja mata!
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
ball games
Yo, today was my anual baceball game! I went to a big stadeom and every thing. It was the astros vs. the expoes.
As I was walking through the stadium, I paid close attention to my surrounings. I noticed, that a ball game is one of the few events that you can truely see every walk of life. And everyone is there for the same reason, to watch a good game. I mean even if your team loses, if it was a realy good game, you go home happy! Bace Ball was one of my favorite sports, though Im usualy not in to sports, (other than kendo) I wanted to be on a team atleast once. But, then I broke my hip in 7th grade. Now the doctor says I cant run or jump, but little do they know, I still practice martial arts over 4 hours a day XD! Now I just pitch for my friends.-has good arm- Well, at first we were in the nose bleed section, but around the second inning that changed. Me and my aunt snuck to the 4th row ground level! For some reason I liked the top beater, very good view. Well, for a while the game was neck and neck, and I came the closest in my life to catching a foul ball. It came near me and then wizzed buy my head. X_X Around the ninth inning, the expoes were leading, 5 to 1, so we called it a day and headed home. Bacicly satisfyed, I ploped down and started writing! Well heres to bace ball (japans favorite forigen sport). Ja mata.
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