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I have a few awards in martial arts, violin and science I guess...
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Naruto, Ranma and Neo Ranga
to own a hot spring inn hopefuly in Japan
martial arts, and RPG's
musical in general, martial arts, and RPG's
| Kiyoshi-Uchia
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
*Yawn* Yo, todays a new day, and a busy one for me. I just spent 3 hours at the modern art museum. I love going there, but this time it was 9:00 in the morning and I had stayed up till three the previous night... The museum always has the feeling like your in space. The sound of silence resonates from every room only to be broken by a burst of loud color. And to add to the effect, all the walls are white, which intensifies the void feeling. If it were all black, that would be great. Just imagine, stumbling through darkness and all of a sudden a beautiful painting hangs above you like a ghost of yore. That would be great... Well, I'm off to sit by my friends pool and drink martini's (lol). So, ja mata.
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Summers all most over people. Oh well, I like fall any way. Shure, school totaly sucks but its the season that I love. The overcast sky, the long soft rains and the trees. This is a trees time to shine! Like a pheonix the go out with a blaze of orenge and red. Casting their ashes to the ground only to furtilize the harvest for next year. Only there skeletons remain witch is a shure sign of winter. And we cant leave out halloween. My favorite holliday.
Last, but not least is my birthday ^^! My birthdays are more of a get-togaether more than a party... My friends are so are all differant ages and go to diferant schools, but they still like each other. Except Logan, every one hates Logan. So my birthday is the one time of year all these pepole get to see each other. Basicly the coarce of events is like so:
-every one enters-
every one: Yo
Logan: -starts anoying Chris P.-
Logan: -gets tackled by Chris P. and shuts up-
every one: -runnes around singing 'Partical Man', and the lumberjack song.
Then I get money and CD's!!!!!
And every one goes home happy, even Logan because he likes gitting tackled.
Me: -stares- Good times, good times.
Well, that may be two mounths away but Im already looking forward to it. Well, for now, Ja Mata
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Thursday, August 5, 2004
Well, Im back, konichiwa. Just so you know, Im reading 'Frankenstein' for school. I just got in to high school so Im prety excited. Im shure that'll change as soon as I go to my first class. I've been spending my summer playing final fantacy and reading manga. Thats about to change...well... I guess not, I mean I all ways do that instead of homework any way (ha,ha). Well Im new to the otaku, and internet in general. So I think this should be a fun experiance. So let me know if your a reader, so I know Im wrighting for something. Im an FF fan and long and verry devoted anime/manga fan. Bacicly every thing japanise, Im in to. Hell, I even wish I was japanise, and I dont think Im alone. So, who ever you are, if you read this keep in touch. By the way, how do you get I.M. icons, or avatars in general? Well, ja mata
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Hey otaku people, this is my first intry, you should congradulate me (ha,ha). Well, not much is hapaning today... WAIT!!! I have summer reading to do. Damn! Oh well, I guess I'll have to come back later.
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