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I have a few awards in martial arts, violin and science I guess...
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Naruto, Ranma and Neo Ranga
to own a hot spring inn hopefuly in Japan
martial arts, and RPG's
musical in general, martial arts, and RPG's
| Kiyoshi-Uchia
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Yo, I went to my highschool oreantation today. First we had to sit in auditorium for an hour listing to the teachers introduce them selves. Then the principal gave a speach that my dad would'nt shut up about on the way home. After the speach, we had to get our scedules.-was a realy long line- Then the text books... I had to wait in a realy long line, only to be sent draging my books to my locker. The next part is more fun. I got to hang out with my friends and help hand out the books. It's like handing out death. Wow, the looks on there faces.
Well, I got home, I did a little yard work and promptly took a nap.Z.z
Hope your ready, here comes chapter #2!
- Chapter 2, The Air Port-
Everyone got up early that day. The anticipation had kept them up all night. There will probably be some sleeping on this flight.
Kiyoshi: We're almost there people! *drives up to air port*
Lets get on the plane fast... Well, if thats even posible to get through an air port fast.
Mizu: Yeah! Lets get going! *runs down hall jumping and singing to the rockie thyme*
Kia: Oh,yeah. Has anyone seen KNY?(kia's boyfriend)
*crashing and cumotion from security station*
Kiyoshi: Whats that?
-all aproach the station, to see a yelling KNY-
everyone: O_O
KNY: Where are the weasles?!?!
Give me my ferets!!!!
*jumps on the security guards back and starts gnawing on his head*
Guard: Ahhhhh! Get him off!!!
Kiyoshi: What are you doing?!?!
KNY: Hmm?*lets security guard go* Oh, it's you guys. Come on, the planes almost boarding. *walks off as if nothing happend*
Everyone: -_-; The world may never know...
*walkes up to boarding gate*
Kiyoshi: Realy man, what was that about back there?
KNY:Oh, that? I was just messing with him untill you guys got here. ^^, much fun!
Kiyoshi: -_- Well atleast they still let us on the plane.
*every one finds there seat and gets settled for the long trip*
Me and Aiyako just slept about half of the way, but then I woke up and saw a fun activity!
Kiyoshi: *starts pokeing Kia*
Kia: stop it.
Kiyoshi: *poke*
Kia: Stop it!
Kiyoshi: *poke*
Kia: I said stop it!!!
Kiyoshi: Fine... *waits a minute and starts again*
Kia: LOOK, WHATS YOUR PROBLEM ILL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!!!!! * stands and pulls her chair off holding it over Kiyoshi's head*
Piolit: Excuse me, but we have arived in Tokyo. Hope you injoyed your flight!
Kia: Hmm? YaY! *drops chair and runs off the plane*
Kiyoshi: Wow, that was cloce! Maybe I should stop annoying her... Nah! *walks off plane and in to japan!*
-end chapter 2-
Well, that was interesting, but our friends have finaly reached Japan! Who knows what can happen now, in the worlds meca of anime and gameing? Tune in again to see the next issue!
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