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I have a few awards in martial arts, violin and science I guess...
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Naruto, Ranma and Neo Ranga
to own a hot spring inn hopefuly in Japan
martial arts, and RPG's
musical in general, martial arts, and RPG's
| Kiyoshi-Uchia
Friday, August 13, 2004
good daze
Yo, today started out good. The weather was perfect. The temp. was perfect and it was breasy. So I called my girl friend to invite her to the Japaniese Gardens. We were going to go, so I sat outside and enjoyed the weather for about an hour. Then she called. She said her brother wanted to see a movie so her mom canceled our date! First off what nerve! And second, we already had plans, see the movie later!
So after that, I pouted for a while, and then she called back. She said I could come to the movie with them at 6:00. So, that calmed me down a little. So, I went out side again and spent the beter part of 4 hours training, listing to the brease, sacadas, and wind chimes. I then laied down and got in to a good daze. I felt realy japanese...
At 6 I got ready and went to the movie. The movie was called "Zatoichi The Blind Swordsman" It was realy good, so I ended up in a good mood. Well, time for the next chapter!
-Chapter 4-
Kiyoshi's life dream buzz had worn off, and was now sitting in a tokyo food cort wondering what to do about a place to stay since that seemed most important, when a complete stranger walkes up to him.
???: Yo. You american? I speak a little english.
Kiyoshi: Yeah, Im american, what about it?
???: Well, Im looking for someone to practice my english on.
Kiyoshi: Ok, well first off. Names Kiyoshi.
Kurisu: Mines Kurisu.
Kiyoshi: Thats romangi (english to japanese) for chris! Thats not japanese!
Kurisu: Well, Kiyoshi is'nt english!
Kiyoshi:I guess your right.
-kurisu has a seat-
The two talk for about an hour and it turns out that kurisu wants to be american, like kiyoshi wants to be japanese. So they agree to help each other with the language.
Kiyoshi: Well, this is fun, where do you live? You know, so we can keep in touch!
Kiyoshi: Well.... the thing is... I'm stranded in japan. I have no home, no school, and no job.
Kurisu:.....BWAHAHAHAHA! *sniff* Sorry, sorry, I could'nt help my self......Hey! I have a place in small town a little while from here! How about you stay with me? I can inroll you in my school! See! Your set!
Kiyoshi: Wow! Thanks alot! (This was easyer than I thought) Lets go!
Kurisu: All right. My cars over there.
They get in the car and head out of town. Now this is gona be kind of a game, try to guess what town I'm liveing in.... They drive up to a small apartment complex...
Kurisu: My place is on the 3rd floor.
-they go to the room-
Kurisu: Well, here it is! -opens door-
Kiyoshi: o_O Woah! (realy messy) Wheres the floor?!?
Kurisu: What? *looks around* It looks fine to me!
Kiyoshi: -_-; Well, Its free...
-end chapter 3-
Hey! Yucky no? Well, he's got a place and a school, but what about money? His only way to get home! And of corce if he gets money, will he go home? Well, tune in next time for the school!
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