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I have a few awards in martial arts, violin and science I guess...
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Naruto, Ranma and Neo Ranga
to own a hot spring inn hopefuly in Japan
martial arts, and RPG's
musical in general, martial arts, and RPG's
| Kiyoshi-Uchia
Friday, August 13, 2004
the olimpics
Yo, not much happend today. Yes its a new day, my last post was at midnight. So, I have done a whole new day, in the same day lol. My only real acomplishment today was learning l33t. |'(=)33r (v)y l337 5c!llz! So, if you know l33t, please comment and say so and in l33t please. Other wise, it was another perfect day. I hope this lasts a while. Well, the olimpic games started today, and for the first time and probably the last time in our lifetimes they are in athens. The opening seramoney was the greatest I have ever seen by far. But I'm not telling you about it. You have to watch it your self.
Well, as a tribute to me starting school, heres the chapter where I go to my first day of japanese school!
-chapter 5-
Kiyoshi started the day early. Being a japanese freak, he already had a school uniform from home and was almost fluint in the language (yeah, I know, prety sad).
Kiyoshi: Ok, I'm dressed and ready, I still have to register though. Well, I dont want to do it there so I beter call.
So, he calles, the school is prety surprised but it goes over nicely. Just so you know, when a sentence has these (<,>) at the begining and and, its in japanese. I mean, we cant expect everybody to know english! And now Kiyoshi is entering his first class...
Random girls:< Wa! The americans cute!>
Kiyoshi:I can under stand you.
Kiyoshi: Oh, well, at least they prbably cant under stand me.
Kurisu: Well, I can. And by the way this is the one girl who can stand me, meet Hatsue.
Hatsue:< yo, nice to meet you. I here your a gamer and a fanboy>
Kiyoshi:Fanboy?!? What do you mean by that?
Hatsue:Well, Kurisu says you read, draw, watch and wish anime. The 4 signs of a fan boy.>
Kiyoshi:Well, then I guess your right!>
Hatsue:We'll talk after class. We can meet at you guyses place.>
The teacher rambled on all day as all teachers do and Kiyoshi was already getting used to his new life. Now the new grupe of friends is walking to Kurisu's door.
Kurisu: o_O *ack* -stops breathing-
Kiyoshi: What? Uh, oh...
Kiyoshi: Read... Hands her a piece of paper.
-the paper reads-
You lazy ass! Your a year behind in your rent! And all you have in here is computer parts and Cherry coke cans! I've put up with you long enough, and now your out!
Hatsue:Oh, well this is bad..
Kurisu: o_O -still not breathing-
Hatsue:Let me see.... Ah! I live in a dorm house! I'm to young, but they made an exceptian for me, maybe you can move in to!
Kurisu: *_* -snaps back-
-runnes to car-
Come on! FRAT PARTY!!
Kiyoshi: Well, it was free...
-end chapter 5-
The 3 move to the dorm. It turns out that there the only ones there. I think Hatsue was just lonely and its not realy a dorm, but maybe some new friends will move in! Next time, "The Unknown Sister"
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