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myOtaku.com: Kiyoshi-Uchia

Thursday, September 9, 2004

   The comic
Yo, the comic is back! I'll get right to it since nothing beter happend today!
-chapter 7-
We lats left the characters when Kiyoshi's sister had just appeared.
Kurisu:-playing a shootem up game-
%#*&! This guy is unbeatable!
Kiyoshi: Can I try? Thanks..... Woot! Head shot!
Kurisu:o_O How'd you do that!?!
Kiyoshi: Meh.. I play a bunch of RPG's so this is nothing.
Kurisu: MMMM, well, how about we chalenge that?
Kiyoshi: I got nothing beter to do, so shure!
Kurisu: Allright! First strategy, then fighting, and finaly, first person shooter!
Kiyoshi: Fine, two rounds on each.
Kurisu: Your on! (he,he,he, sucker!)
They battle the battles many have fought before, but none have seen such a battle. In the end, they were even in every battle, except the shooter. I've never been good at the versus mode on those.
Kurisu: Ha! I am the leader! It may be one win but its worth it!
Kiyoshi: You forget that I one uped you on the shooter story mode.
Kurisu:Oh! Your right! Wow, you are now my eternal rival!!! I will devote my life (for now) To best you! -hunches over game and plays, no one knows when or if he ever went to sleep-
Well, thats how I got my first and main rival. Be aware some of the stuff that happens is baced on real events, well, only some things.
-end chapter 7-
Well, its back, comment please! Ja mata!

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